Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Four

“bring it on.”

Ye Xiu’s expression remained unchanged, and his eyes were filled with endless fighting spirit.

He used Divine Sense to check Mu Tianye’s situation. At this moment, he was seriously injured. If it weren’t for his firm will, he might have passed out at this time.

It can be seen how he has been treated before.

The reason why Ye Xiu didn’t kill them directly was because he wanted them to experience the damage they suffered to Mu Tianye.

If you kill them directly, it will be too cheap for them.


The two looked at each other, and a touch of killing intent appeared in their eyes.

At this point, they had no other choice but to kill Ye Xiu with all their strength.

Because they knew very well that Ye Xiu definitely couldn’t let them go, so now this is a situation where either you die or I live.

And although the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon was terrifying, Ye Xiu was able to subdue it by using the master-servant contract. Otherwise, it would be impossible to surrender a little human with the silver Emperor Sky Falcon’s arrogance.

Although they didn’t know how Ye Xiu did it, as long as Ye Xiu was killed, the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon would follow suit.

This is the power of the master-servant contract.

Therefore, if they want to survive, they can only kill Ye Xiu.

“Wan Mu Yin.”

One of them slammed his hands on the ground, and the power of light green poured into the earth. The next moment, the surrounding plants grew wildly, in the blink of an eye, it was like a hundred years had passed.

The originally bare ground has become green, and the weeds have grown to the height of one person.


At this moment, several black shadows sprang out of the grass, like arrows from the string, rushing towards Ye Xiu’s chest quickly, and even the sound of breaking through the air was born.


Ye Xiu frowned, and his figure disappeared in place to avoid the opponent’s attack. When he fixed his eyes, it was surprising that a few canes sprang from the ground.

Barbs grow on these vines, like sharp daggers, glowing with a faint gloom under the sunlight.

At this moment, they are like long whips, grabbed by an invisible hand and danced, and at the same time they are drawn towards themselves.

“It turned out to be a physique of wood attributes.”

Ye Xiu was a little surprised. Like the physique of the wind attribute, he had seen this wood attribute for the first time.

Originally, he thought that the physique of wood attributes was not lethal, but now it seems that he underestimated them.

If you didn’t give birth to Divine Sense by yourself, and could capture their figure, they would have been solidified by them just then.

Judging by the sharpness of the barbs above, even oneself might have to suffer a bit.

But it’s a pity that he has a walking dragon, so no matter how these canes attack, they can’t cause any damage to him, and they can’t even touch the corners of his clothes.

“Draw the ground as a prison!”

The person yelled, and the vines rose up from the ground like bamboo shoots after the rain, and gradually weaved them into a huge cage, trapping Ye Xiu in it.

At the same time, the surrounding grass began to grow wildly, quickly sealing the entire cage.

Ye Xiu could not even be seen from the outside.

Then, the cage began to shrink quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it shrank to the size of ten feet.

After that, the person looked at the other person, who nodded, and when he raised his hand, a cloud of crimson flames appeared, and it became bigger and bigger.

After a while, the fireball rose to several feet in size.

It looks like a rising sun, radiating endless light and heat.


He directly threw the fireball toward the cage, only to hear a bang, and a flame rose into the sky, and then, the entire cage ignited a raging fire.

Among Five Elements, wood makes fire.

Therefore, with the help of the wood attribute combat skills, the power of the flame has become more powerful, directly dyeing the sky and the earth into a red color, and the temperature is also rising steadily.

“It’s done!”

The faces of both of them were full of joy.

Don’t think his flames are only intermediate flames, but with the help of wood attribute power, its power will be close to the level of high-level flames.

Even Spirit Rank soldiers can easily melt, not to mention Ye Xiu, a mortal body.

Therefore, Ye Xiu is bound to die.


In the distance, Mu Tianye couldn’t help rolling his eyes. You two came to make fun. Don’t you know that Dage started my home with fire.

Playing with fire in Ye Xiu’s face, isn’t that the classmate’s axe?


Sure enough, as soon as Mu Tianye’s voice fell, a roar rang from the cage.

After that, the flame was transformed into a huge flame vortex under the agitation of a force, and it was instantly sucked up completely.

At the same time, a Daoist shadow tore open the cage and walked out of it. It was Ye Xiu.

I saw that there was no damage on his body, not only was there no injury, but he was radiant and full of energy, as if he had taken some tonic.

“How can you be okay!”

The expressions of the two changed drastically. This was a combined combat technique. Before they used this trick, they didn’t know how many masters they had pitted.

But this move didn’t cause any harm to Ye Xiu. This was incredible. Could it be that there was a high-level flame in his hand?

“Come again.”

Ye Xiu’s eyes were shining brightly, and he said unfinishedly.

He found that with the help of the wood attribute power, the intermediate flames can actually get a great increase.

After absorbing these flames, his Cultivation Base actually throbbed a little, and this effect was as good as absorbing a high-level flame.

If there are such a few more shots, he might break through directly. Don’t do it too fast.

“what’s the situation?”

The two looked at each other and saw a deep shock in each other’s eyes.

This is a combined combat technique that they have researched. It is very powerful and almost unstoppable in the same rank.

But Ye Xiu couldn’t help it at all, especially the unfinished expression in his eyes, which made them puzzled.

“I’m actually injured. If you come back so many times, maybe I will be injured by you.”

Ye Xiu said that he suddenly realized that he hadn’t directly killed them before and was too wise. Maybe the opportunity for him to break through the Eighth Stage was on them.

“Injured by your sister, make a unique move.”

The two of them couldn’t see that Ye Xiu was lying. With his complexion and breath, ordinary people were not as good as him.

You are injured, you are a liar.

So the two looked at each other and prepared to use their tricks.

Now they can see that this Ye Xiu is simply not a human being, let alone seeing him with the eyes of ordinary people.

If they delay any longer, they may even be overshadowed by this kid.

So they decided to stop wasting time and decide the outcome with one move.

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