Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Five

In the next few days, the Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce directly messed up, and because of Xiao Zhong’s sudden disappearance, they fell into a group of dragons without a leader for a while.

In desperation, they could only report the incident to the family. As for the current situation of the Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce, they did not say much.

After all, this was a decision they made together, and they also wanted to wait for the people from the headquarters to recover their losses, so that their faces would look better.

After that, the headquarters asked Yun Elder to act as the chairman temporarily to replace Xiao Zhong to preside over the overall situation.

After stabilizing the situation of the Chamber of Commerce, they began to buy Juyuan Pill’s medicinal materials on a large scale according to the previously planned strategy, half of which were sold to the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce, and the other half were kept.

The Qianjia Chamber of Commerce did not let them down either. The purchase price was increasing day by day. Although the increase did not increase exponentially as before, there were also huge profits.

As time goes by, the price they buy is getting higher and higher, making the profit among them getting lower and lower.

In desperation, they could only buy from farther places, and didn’t even sell half of them, hoarding all of them in their hands, and after the profit margin reached a certain level, they could sell them all.

In just ten days, their chamber of commerce had stockpiled medicinal materials worth 300 million lower-grade Yuanshi.

This not only emptied the liquidity of the Xiaojia Chamber of Commerce, but also invested all the money they had previously earned.

“It’s almost there. From now on, we will no longer purchase medicinal materials, but sell them in batches. It can’t be too long, and they will be sold out in three days at most.”

Yun Elder looked at these medicinal materials, his eyes shining brightly.

As long as they sell all of this batch of medicinal materials, they can make at least double the profit, which is much higher than the profit they have made for three years here.

After the family members arrive, they can also explain.

But now their Qianjia Chamber of Commerce has no funds in their accounts, so they must pay back as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the Qian’s Chamber of Commerce will face the danger of funding breakage.


Several other Elders immediately responded, but before their words fell, a guard rushed in outside, looking at Yun Elder and the others in a flustered expression: “President, it’s not good, the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce has stopped buying medicinal materials. ”

“What did you say!”

Yun Elder’s expression changed drastically, his feet staggered, and he almost couldn’t stand firmly. At this moment, he felt that the sky was about to collapse.

They were expecting this batch of medicinal materials to make a lot of money, but they didn’t expect the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce to stop the purchase. Isn’t this going to push them on the road to a dead end?

“The Qian Family Chamber of Commerce stopped purchasing medicinal materials, and they had already posted a notice half an hour ago, and the notice also said that it was because our Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce hoarded a large amount of medicinal materials and we stopped purchasing in desperation. We have been surrounded by those Rogue Cultivators here, and let us give an explanation.”

This person said.

“What, it was announced half an hour ago, why didn’t I have any news before?”

Yun Elder almost vomited blood in anger. The Qianjia Chamber of Commerce had posted a notice half an hour ago, but he didn’t get the news until now.

During this half an hour, what did the people who put themselves in the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce do to eat? Isn’t this cheating him?

The most annoying thing is that Qian San’er actually put the reason for stopping the acquisition on their heads. Once it caused public outrage, his Xiao family would not be able to bear it.

“The conspiracy, this matter was a conspiracy set up by Qian San’er from the beginning, for this day, now we have stockpiled a large amount of medicinal materials, the capital chain has been broken, and what is more annoying is that we have been Qian San’er deducted a poop, this is to force me to wait to death.”

The crowd nearby, Elder, just woke up at this moment and understood Qian San’er’s conspiracy.

First, the price of Juyuan Medicine Pill was too high, and then the Qicheng Pill was sold at a low price, forcing Xiao’s Chamber of Commerce to collect the medicinal materials to save themselves, and now it is like this again.

Not only did they break their capital chain, but also made everyone in Silvermoon City hate themselves.

It seemed to be a poisonous scheme against their Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce, but they were so overwhelmed by their interests that they didn’t even discover Qian San’er’s wolfish ambitions.

Now that things have reached this point, they are also helpless.

“What should we do now?”

Yun Elder was panicked at this moment. He hadn’t thought about this situation beforehand. If the matter cannot be resolved as soon as possible, it will be difficult for their Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce to continue to gain a foothold in Silver Moon City.

At that time, they don’t need to say that they have long faces, it is considered good if the Xiao family doesn’t kill them alive.

“The plan for the present is to sell the medicinal materials we have on hand as soon as possible and withdraw the funds, and then we will come forward to make up for their losses as much as possible, so that there may be a ray of life.”

There is a humane next to it.

The biggest threat facing their Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce now is not the loss of the Yuanshi. After all, their Xiao Family’s great business is big, and the loss of hundreds of millions of low-grade Yuanshi is also irrelevant to them.

But once they lost their reputation and integrity, it would be very difficult for them to continue to gain a foothold in Silvermoon City.

So even if they lose some vitality stones, they have to make up for such losses.

“Why, why should we bear their losses?”

Others are not happy anymore, this matter was not caused by them, it was a conspiracy of the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce.

Now the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce has patted butt to retreat, actually asking them to wipe their butt, who are you cheating.

“Then do you have any better trouble?”

The person asked before, but he could think of the only way to save himself.

“I agree to your proposal, but the problem now is that after the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce stops the purchase, the price of Yinyue City’s medicinal materials will plummet. Who will take over at this time? Besides, this is a medicinal material worth 300 million yuan. Who can eat it?”

Yun Elder frowned. The amount of medicinal materials worth 300 million is so huge that even if it is sold at half price, it will cost 150 million low-grade gems.

The Lin family can eat it, but will they do this kind of loss-making business?

You know, half-price sale is also several times higher than the price of Juyuan Medicine Pill itself.


The Elder said: “I knew a medicinal material merchant a few days ago. Most of the medicinal materials we have here are collected from him. Later he also heard about the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce, so he directly bought a batch of medicinal materials. He came over and sold it to the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce, so he made a lot of money. Now he must have a large amount of Yuanshi in his hand. With his financial resources, he should be able to eat all of these medicinal materials, but the price may be very low.”

“Quickly, invite him, as long as the funds can be returned as soon as possible, we will still be saved.”

Yun Elder called out immediately as if he had caught the straw.

Now he doesn’t expect this batch of medicinal materials to sell at a high price, as long as he can sell it as soon as possible, even if he loses some money, he is willing.

“Okay, then I will go to him, but we can’t hang on a tree in this matter. You have to go to the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce to see if they can come forward and help.”

This person also said that businessmen are after all profit-seeking, especially when the Xiao family is facing such a difficult situation, they are likely to fall into trouble.

So one more road will give you more chances.

“Well, I will visit the Lin family personally. I don’t believe it, the Lin family will stand by.”

Yun Elder also thinks it makes sense. If the price is high over there, he will sell it to whomever.

But judging from the previous attitude of the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce, it was definitely impossible for others to go to this matter, so he decided to go there in person, which also showed more sincerity.

“Okay, I’m going to invite that person over.”

The person said and left. As for this cloud, Elder didn’t stay, and walked directly towards the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce.

This matter must be resolved as soon as possible, and the longer the delay, the more dangerous their situation will be.

As for the family, they couldn’t count on it at all, after all, they couldn’t quench their thirst by being far away.

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