Chapter 335 What are you?

“What is the Cultivation Base, do you need my help?”

Ye Xiu asked, Qian Duoduo currently has a lot of Yuanshi in his hand, but there are not many masters who can handle it. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Wang Hu to be so valued by Qian Duoduo.

Since the Xiao family dare to come, they must be a master, he is afraid that more money will not be able to cope with it.

“Don’t use Dage, that kid is just a scumbag, so we don’t need to take action at all, someone will help solve it naturally.”

Qian Duoduo didn’t take this matter to heart at all.

Not to mention that their actions would arouse public outrage, just to say that it is impossible for the Lin family to watch themselves being bullied by the Xiao family.

You know, because of the own relationship, the business of their Lin Family Chamber of Commerce is also extremely hot, and the income of one day is higher than that of the previous ten days.

Now that he is the God of Wealth of the Lin family, how could they look at the Xiao family so arrogant.


Ye Xiu nodded, and said nothing more.

“Young Master, those in the Xiao family blocked our door, should we come forward and drive them away?”

At this time, a waiter walked up to the second floor and asked, this person, like Qian San’er, was also brought by Qian Duoduo from Qian’s family, and his loyalty was beyond doubt.

So he is the only person besides Qian San’er who knows his true identity.

“Qian San’er, go and see. They can yell at them, but they can’t affect our business. If we don’t show up, they really think we are afraid of him.”

Qian Duoduo’s face sank and said.

“Yes, Young Master.”

Qian San’er nodded, and then went on.

Before the gate of the Qian’s Chamber of Commerce, a group of five people blocked the entrance of the Qian’s Chamber of Commerce.

In fact, although they are very annoyed.

Before they could only use 50% Juyuan Pill, now they finally have a Money House Chamber of Commerce to sell 70% Juyuan Pill at an ultra-low price. This is their blessing.

But I didn’t expect that this Xiao family would have to put in a bargain, which made people very annoyed.

But they didn’t dare to offend the Xiao family head-on. After all, they didn’t have a strong backing to withstand the Xiao family’s revenge.

“Xiao Feng, what do you mean?”

Qian San’er came to the door, watching them block the door so that people outside could not enter, his brows frowned immediately.

“Qian San’er, an hour is coming soon, have you considered it clearly.”

Xiao Feng said.

This person is only in his early twenties, is of medium height, and still has a powdery air on his face, but he has reached the Eighth Stage of Ningyuan in his Cultivation Base, and he is considered a young talent.

This person’s name is Xiao Feng, Xiao Zhong’s nephew, and his status in the Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce is not low.

On weekdays, relying on his Uncle reputation to bully and dominate the market, almost no one dares to provoke him.

This time he didn’t come here because of Xiao Zhong’s entrustment, but just after he came back from the family, he heard that someone dared to calculate their Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce, so no one told him, and he brought people over.

In order to give out this bad breath.

But he was just a little ass who hadn’t grown up, and he didn’t know what consequences he would bring to the Xiao family.

“Don’t think about it, I can give you an answer now, I refuse to cooperate with your Xiao family.”

Qian San’er said immediately.

“What did you say?”

Xiao Feng frowned, and he couldn’t believe his own ears.

I discussed with Qian San’er that he was worthy of him, but this guy was so ignorant of admiration, and he dared to refute his face. He really didn’t know how the dead words were written.

“I said I refuse to cooperate with your Xiao family, now I ask you to leave, my Qianjia Chamber of Commerce does not welcome you.”

Qian San’er said sharply.

“Qian San’er, you are sure to reject my proposal.”

Xiao Feng’s expression was completely gloomy. Others didn’t know the identity of Qian San’er, but he did.

This Qian Duoduo is just a dog next to Qian Duoduo. Qian Duoduo was killed before he was able to take the position. Speaking of which, he had to thank their Xiao family.

If it weren’t for their Xiao family’s design to kill a lot of money, he is only a dog now, how could he have his current status.

This guy didn’t want to be grateful, and even dared to refuse own proposal. Damn it extremely.

“What is not important to me, what is important to you, leave here now, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

Qian San’er said calmly.

“You’re welcome?”

Xiao Feng was startled, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. He laughed and said: “Qian San’er, don’t say I look down on you, as long as you can find a master of Ningyuan Eighth Stage, even I lose.”


“Get out of the way, I want to go in and buy Ju Yuan Dan.”

Just when the people from the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce were preparing to take action, a burly man walked out of the crowd, came directly to Xiao Feng, and said lightly.

“Oh, what’s going on today, anyone who is not a person dare to challenge me!”

Xiao Feng frowned. He didn’t expect that these Rogue Cultivators would dare to trouble him. It seemed that he had gone back to the family, and someone had forgotten that his hand was broken.

“Step aside.”

This person ignored Xiao Feng’s words and spoke again.

“What kind of thing are you, you dare to talk to me like this, come on, let me abolish him, and I want everyone to know what it’s like to offend me.”

Xiao Feng said to the people nearby.

What he brought this time was all Ninth Stage’s masters. In the case of four-on-one, no matter how strong this guy is, it is impossible to win.

Originally, he was still worried about how to force Qian San’er to agree, and this guy came to the door himself.

It’s really dozing off, someone gave him a pillow.

It just so happens that he comes to stand up.


Several people responded, and immediately rushed toward the strong man like an evil tiger, but before they reached the person’s side, they saw a thunder light burst from him.

Then these people felt their own body numb, and directly collapsed to the ground.

“How can it be!”

Not only Xiao Feng, but others were also surprised by this scene.

You must know that the four masters of Ninth Stage Heaven were defeated by this person. This strength was too terrifying.

“Are you going to abolish me?”

This person looked at Xiao Feng, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“I, I’m the nephew of Xiao Zhong, the president of the Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce in Silver Moon City. You’d better let me go, otherwise, Uncle will not let you go.”

Xiao Feng’s voice trembled, because this person’s strength was too terrifying, and he suppressed all his subordinates in a single encounter.

Even his Uncle might not be able to do this.

“Xiao Zhong? Never heard of it.”

This person faintly said such a sentence. With a movement, he came directly to Xiao Feng, without saying anything, with a heavy punch on Xiao Feng’s lower abdomen.

At the same time, another thunder light faded into his body.


Xiao Feng screamed and passed out directly.

“You, you actually abolished Master Feng, aren’t you afraid of Xiao family’s revenge?”

A member of the Xiao family who was lying on the ground raised his head with difficulty and looked at the brawny man in disbelief.

This Xiao Feng is Xiao Zhong’s baby bump. Xiao Zhong has no children under his knees, and even treats Xiao Feng as if he is himself.

Now that Cultivation Base has been directly abolished by someone, if Xiao Zhong knew about this, it wouldn’t be crazy.

“Welcome anytime, oh yes, my name is Lei Zhengyang, and I should be leaving Silver Moon City today. If you want revenge, you can find me in Xuan Lei Sect.”

The strong man dropped this sentence and walked directly into the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce.

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