Chapter 224 Signing a Contract


Ye Xiu frowned, wondering what he meant.

“Yes, the so-called contract is actually a kind of agreement recognized by heaven and earth. It is signed with the power of the souls of both parties. After the agreement is reached, any party who violates the agreement will be backlashed. Equal contract, you know by hearing the name, this is among many contracts. One that is fair to both parties is equally binding on both parties.”

Qi Tian continued: “That is to say, once the contract is established, neither of you nor me can hurt each other. In this way, I can survive, and you can also get a master at the pinnacle of natal realm to point you at any time, to you and me. In terms of this, this is a win-win situation.”

There are many kinds of contracts, such as master and servant, symbiosis, equality, transaction, summoning, etc., which are very intuitive and easy to understand.

Each has this specific use.

Among them, the equality contract is the most useful and the most frequently used, because it is fair to both parties signing the contract. After signing the contract, no one should try to exploit the loopholes in the contract.

Therefore, the equality contract can sometimes even be used in place of many other contracts.

He requested this because he didn’t want to die, and Ye Xiu didn’t want to die either, but neither of the two parties trusted anyone, so choosing to sign an equality contract was undoubtedly the best choice.

In this way, both parties can survive and win-win cooperation, hello and me.

“Although what you said is contagious, I don’t believe you.”

Ye Xiu’s eyes flashed, and he shook his head.

To be honest, his heart was really moved by Qi Tian’s proposal.

This Qi Tian is a character three thousand years ago, and Cultivation Base has reached the Ninth Stage of his life. Even if it is placed in the deserted land today, he is also a top master.

After more than three thousand years of precipitation, his cultivation experience and experience are extremely rich, and at the same time this is what he lacks most.

If he can get his guidance, it will definitely be of great benefit to own cultivation.

It’s just that Qi Tian is too cunning, and he doesn’t know much about this so-called contract. If he is not careful, he may be scammed by him.

Therefore, although he was moved, he never dared to agree easily.

“You don’t need to believe me about this. After the contract is formed, you don’t need to sign it to understand if I’m lying to you. Also, I know that you are a pill refining teacher. As long as you agree to sign a contract with me, I can half of me. The power of the soul is given to you, and you should know what it means.”

In order to survive, Qi Tian was bleeding heavily.

You must know that half of his soul power is equivalent to the soul strength of Realm, the pinnacle of his life, which is absolutely fatal to the pill refining division.

“I don’t need to sign, I can know if you are lying to me?”

Ye Xiu asked, although he was also looking forward to Qi Tian’s half of the soul power, no matter how good things were, they had to be fate, otherwise, it would be meaningless to give him more benefits.

But if it can be determined in advance as Qi Tian said, then he can think about it.

After all, he really didn’t want to die here.

“Yes, if after the contract is formed, if you think I’m lying to you, you can also refuse to sign it. Try it, there will be no loss to you.”

Seeing Ye Xiu’s heart moved, Qi Tian stepped up again.

“Well, I believe you once, you can do it.”

Ye Xiu nodded, if he had a way to obliterate it, naturally he wouldn’t sign any contract with him.

But as Qi Tian said, if they fight to die, they will be buried with him.

If there is a chance to survive, he is naturally willing to try.

As long as he has enough strength, and then let him go, he will not be able to cause any harm to himself.

“Okay, you are optimistic.”

Qi Tian replied, and his soul immediately rolled up. It didn’t take long for him to condense the word “qi” with the size of several meters, which exudes waves of fluctuations.

It was the first time Ye Xiu saw this situation, but he could feel the moment when the word “qi” appeared, the world trembled for it.

It seems to be responding to it.

The most important thing is that he felt a sense of fairness and justice from above, and did not notice the slightest sense of ominousness, which was basically the same as Qi Tian said.

“Now you know I didn’t lie to you.”

Qi Heavenly Dao, he naturally didn’t dare to cheat on this matter, after all, his desire to live was stronger than Ye Xiu’s.

In addition, Ye Xiu’s previous performance is not worse than some old monsters, and the plan is even more interlocking. How can it be simple to push himself to this level with the Cultivation Base of the Third Stage.

If he dared to lie to him, he would surely find out the first time.

At that time, they will have no choice but to go together.

“I have one more condition.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while.

“You don’t have to make an inch.”

Qi Tian frowned, but he had already paid a great price, this kid was not yet satisfied, he was too greedy.

“My request is very simple. No matter what the circumstances, you can’t kill innocent people indiscriminately. For this, I need you to swear Heart’s Demon.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while.

Qi Tian’s behavior is more cruel than his own, and it is more appropriate to say that he is vicious.

After three thousand years of influence, his character has already been distorted, and his temperament has changed drastically. If it is allowed to develop, it will inevitably lead to the destruction of the Eastern Wasteland creatures.

Although he doesn’t care about the life and death of others, if he can stop it easily, he will naturally not stand idly by.

The Heart’s Demon oath is the highest-level oath he knows. Once it is violated, Heart’s Demon will erupt completely. In the slightest, he loses his will and becomes a demon who only knows how to kill. In severe cases, he is killed on the spot.

Even if Qi Tian’s soul power was twice as strong, he would never dare to violate it, otherwise there would be a dead end.

“Okay, I promise you, but if someone provokes me in the future, that one can’t blame me.”

Although Qi Tian was not very happy, Ye Xiu took his lifeblood and couldn’t allow him to refuse. Then he followed Ye Xiu’s request and issued the Heart’s Demon oath.

“What do I need to do?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“You only need to infuse your soul power into it.”

Qi Heavenly Dao.


Ye Xiu nodded, but in order to prevent accidents, he was still prepared in his heart. Once a problem was discovered, he would die with him immediately.


However, the moment Ye Xiu’s soul power touched the word “Qi”, it trembled violently, then split into two, submerged in the souls of Ye Xiu and Qi Tian respectively.

After that, Ye Xiu felt an inexplicable connection between himself and Qi Tian.

Every thought of him can be noticed by himself.

“Now you know I didn’t lie to you.”

Qi Tian also breathed a sigh of relief. The contract is 10%. They are a cooperative relationship. No one can kill each other, otherwise they will be backlashed by the power of heaven and earth.

“This contract is so magical.”

Ye Xiu said sincerely, it was just a simple agreement, and it was amazing that such a peculiar effect could appear.

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