Chapter 219 Yin & Yang Five Thunders

Time just lost day by day, and Qi Tian’s mood became more and more excited as he got closer and closer to the agreed time.

In fact, when he was cultivating Ye Xiu’s combat skills, he had already seen that Ye Xiu had almost completed the Ascension of the dragon, but he did not stop it as loudly as before.

Because in his opinion, Ye Xiu’s body is already own, so Ye Xiu is also cultivating himself.

The angle of observation is no longer painful, and the thoughts are naturally different, so instead of stopping, he will occasionally give pointers.

With his rich experience and experience, every time he gave instructions was to hit the point directly, making Ye Xiu’s advancement faster.

In just one month, Ye Xiu was able to master all the Profound Fire and Six Sun Palms.

Not only that, but he also took out a strong thunder method that he mastered called Yin & Yang Five Thunder Method and passed it to Ye Xiu.

“Yin & Yang Five Thunder-rectification? I have only heard of Five Thunder-rectification, what is this Yin & Yang Five Thunder-rectification?”

Ye Xiu asked, there are also some of the Thunder Fa and Lingwu families, but they are not of high grade, and he didn’t have the physique with the Thunder attribute enabled at the time, so he didn’t pay too much attention.

But there is a classic that specifically introduces Lei Fa.

Among them is the record of the five thunder rectification method, which is a powerful thunder method of cultivation Five Elements divine thunder.

This method was passed down from the gods gate in ancient times, and it was also the predecessor of Xuan Lei Sect.

This Nine Heavens Leading Thunder Decision is the inheritance Cultivation Technique of the Divine Heaven Gate, but it has been lost for a long time.

Later, by chance, it was obtained by the founder of Xuan Lei Sect, and based on this, Xuan Lei Sect was established.

There is also a record in this ancient book about Jiuxiao Yin Lei Jue, but it only does not record Yin & Yang’s five thunder rectification methods.

“You should know that everything has both positive and negative sides. One Yin and Yang, Yin & Yang can be combined to give full play to real power. The same is true of thunder method. The five thunders and the five thunders you are talking about are yang and five thunders, but But it is only a part of the Five Thunders rectification method, which also contains the Yin and Five Thunders, and the two are combined into one, which is the Yin & Yang Five Thunder rectification method, which is the complete Five Thunders rectification method.”

Qi Tian explained.

“You really want to pass this thunder method to me?”

Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up. According to Qi Tian’s words, this Yin & Yang Five-Thunder-rectification should be stronger than the Five-Thunder-rectification he knew.

If you can master it, relying on own Purple Heaven Divine Thunder, the strength can definitely be ascension by a large margin.

“This is natural, and it’s your reward for saving me.”

Qi Tian said very grandiosely. He did this not out of good intentions, but to stabilize Ye Xiu so that he would not play tricks, and at the same time, he was just investing in advance.

After leaving here, everything Ye Xiu mastered will become his own.

Although Ye Xiu’s cultivation of Yin & Yang’s five thunder rectifications took a while, but now he feels that it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, I have been waiting for more than three thousand years, and it is not bad for a month or two.

“Thank you very much, then.”

Ye Xiu’s face was full of expectation, but Qi Tian couldn’t hide this little trick to himself, and wanted to paralyze himself with a little bit of benefit.

What are you thinking about?

However, being able to obtain Yin & Yang’s Five Thunders of Righteousness is also a good thing for him, and he will naturally not refuse.

After getting the Yin & Yang Five Thunders from Qi Tian, ​​he immediately began cultivation.

Yin & Yang’s five thunder rectification method is indeed a powerful thunder method, and the threshold of cultivation is also very high. For another person, it is really very difficult to successfully cultivate.

Because at the beginning of this method, it is necessary to divide the power of own thunder into Five Elements and condense them into five extremely masculine thunders of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

This is what Qi Tian called the Five Thunders of Yang.

After cultivating the five thunders of yang, it is necessary to continuously accumulate the power of thunder, so as to turn the five thunders of yang from yang to yin, forming the five thunders of yin and cold extremely cold.

As the saying goes, yang produces yin, this is the truth.

When the two forces reach a balance, they need to be separated.

Because the five thunders of Yin & Yang at this time are in a state where there is yang in yin and yin in yang, two diametrically opposed forces are glued together, restraining each other, and canceling each other.

The power is not only not strong, but very weak.

Therefore, it is necessary to separate the five thunders of Yin & Yang to form five distinct yang thunders and yin five thunders.

At this time, using the secret method recorded in Yin & Yang’s Five Thunders rectification method, these two forces influence each other but do not cancel each other, but increase each other, making the power even greater.

At this point, Yin & Yang’s five thunder-rectification methods can be regarded as successful cultivation.

The five thunders of yang, from the strongest to the yang, specialize in breaking the evil of yin, harmless to humans and animals, can nourish the flesh, and contain endless vitality.

The five thunders of yin, to the yin to cause cold, specialize in killing creatures, no harm to ghosts and animals, broken human flesh and blood, and contain endless death energy.

Yin & Yang unite, everything is unbreakable.

And the function of the five thunders of Yin & Yang is similar to that of the divine thunder of Zixiao, life and death are all in Ye Xiu’s thoughts, so the two are very compatible.

In addition, the Purple Heaven God Thunder was born from the Nine Transformation Tianxin and is completely controlled by own.

Therefore, Ye Xiu’s cultivation of Yin & Yang’s Five Thunders is also twice the result with half the effort. In less than half a month, he easily cultivated Yin & Yang’s Five Thunders and fully integrated into the Purple Heaven God Thunder.

Although there is not much change before and after Zixiao Shenlei, Yin and Yang are independent and mutually increase their power.

This gave him another powerful method and made him more confident in the next plan.

“This kid is really evil. This Yin & Yang Five Thunders rectification method is the most difficult cultivation method of the Gods Gate. Because of the difficulty, it was split into two parts, so that the Yin & Yang Five Thunders are not heard by the world. It only took the kid half a month to successfully cultivation the Yin & Yang Five Thunders. This talent is also terrible.”

Qi Tian was amazed in his heart, Yin & Yang’s five thunder method is the purest method of thunder, and it is the first thunder method of Eastern Wasteland.

The difficulty of cultivation is also very high, and the step of splitting the power of Thunder into Five Elements Yang Lei is enough to stump thousands of geniuses.

Not to mention the need to turn from yang to yin and divide Yin & Yang later, this is the most difficult part of Yin & Yang’s cultivation of five thunders.

Even if it is a super genius, it takes hundreds of years to cultivate to the point where it turns from Yang to Yin. As for Yin & Yang, I don’t know how long it will take.

Otherwise, the gate of the gods cannot be wiped out in the long river of history.

But it took this kid only half a month to successfully cultivate Yin & Yang’s five thunder rectification methods, and he also separated Yin & Yang, which is incredible.

However, the higher Ye Xiu’s talent, the happier he was, because this was his own body.

Originally, he thought that he would be able to Ascension to the Human King Realm as soon as possible with this body, which made him happy for a long time, but now it seems that he still underestimated Ye Xiu before.

Maybe, I can still use his body to hit the King of Human High rank or even Realm who surpasses the King of Human King in a short period of time, and enter the Divine State.

When he thought of this, his eyes began to shine.

Entering China is something that everyone in the entire Eastern Wasteland dreams of.

Of course, if you let him know that Ye Xiu is considering how to deal with him with the Yin & Yang Five Thunders Method he taught, I’m afraid he will be mad at him.

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