Chapter 217: Up to three months

“This… how did you do it.”

Qi Tian’s eyes suddenly widened. He did see the peculiarities of Ye Xiu’s footwork, and it turned out to give people a feeling of unstoppable.

It’s just that the pace is still slightly jerky, and it is impossible to ignore this seal, but as long as it goes further, it is not necessarily.

Although Qi Tian’s own method can also allow him to go out, he has to wait for five hundred years. If there are other ways to go out as soon as possible, how could he be foolishly waiting for another five hundred years.

He didn’t know how long it would take Ye Xiu to go further, but it wouldn’t take more than five hundred years, maybe one or two years.

He can’t wait to get out now and take a breath of fresh air outside.

“I am a disciple of the Lingwu family, this is the dragon step of my Lingwu family, I must have heard of it.”

Ye Xiu’s eyes were shining, and a plan flashed in his heart.

“You have cultivated the Dragon Step. No wonder it is so powerful. Well, I will give you time, but I can’t wait indefinitely, half a year, at most half a year, how?”

Qi Tian got excited, God really brought him a great thing.

He has naturally heard of You Longbu. It is said that this is not only the Lingwu family, but also the first Movement Technique recognized by the entire wasteland.

It’s just that only the first-generation Patriarch of the Lingwu family can fully grasp this method, and other people can’t even get started, so by now, it has become a decoration.

But I didn’t expect this young guy to be able to master this Movement Technique, really Bufan.

As far as he knows, swimming dragon step, step as the name suggests, such as the dragon walks the world, step out like a dragon, any obstacles can be ignored, including formation, Restrictions and even powerful seals.

He might have some doubts before, so after knowing the name, he completely believed it.

“It won’t take so long, three months, at most three months, I can take you out, but you have to make sure you don’t embarrass us, otherwise, I would rather stay here to die with you.”

Ye Xiu looked firm and authentic.

“Well, as long as you can do what you say, I don’t need to kill you, but if it exceeds three months, she will die.”

Qi Tian pointed to Little Fox. He got the memory of Nie Wudi, so he knew what Ye Xiu did before.

Since this kid was not afraid of danger and went deep into the Wuliangzong to rescue her, this shows that Xiaohu must be very important to him.

In order for Ye Xiu not to rape herself, she must put some pressure on herself.

Because at this time he was like a prisoner who was about to be released. Now that he knew the time of his release, it would be a torment for him to wait so much for a day.

Imagine that he was kept in such a dark place for more than three thousand years.

What I think all day is not how to cultivate, but how to survive. I’m afraid I would have been crazy if I changed to another person.

You know, even a master of Ninth Stage can live to be more than 500 years old at most.

It is conceivable how painful he has endured. He can leave this ghost place one day earlier. He never wants to stay here for another day, half a day, or even a minute.

“Don’t worry, you won’t have a chance.”

After Ye Xiu finished speaking, he came to the side of Little Fox in a flash.

“My son, are his words credible?”

Xiaohu was a little worried. This person felt too vicious for her. Even if Wuliangzong did something to apologize to him, but after so long, those people were already dead.

Nie Wudi has nothing to do with this matter.

He tortured Nie Wudi in this way, and his behavior was so vicious that it was really frightening.

Cooperating with such a person is tantamount to seeking a tiger’s skin. If he goes back, he won’t even have the opportunity to resist with their strength.

And once such a person is released, it will surely cause the Eastern Wasteland to be charred.

“Little Fox, I know what to do. Remember what I said. When I make this gesture, you don’t care about anything. Just run. The farther you go, the better, understand?”

Ye Xiu touched own nose and looked at her firmly.

“My son, you…”

Xiaohu felt that Ye Xiu was planning to sacrifice himself to save her, and his heart shook, but as soon as he was about to say something, he saw Ye Xiu’s sharp gaze.

It was the first time that she saw Ye Xiu looking at herself with such eyes, and Fang couldn’t help but tremble, and then subconsciously nodded.

“Don’t worry, I will be fine.”

Ye Xiu patted her shoulder and comforted.

This method of own is indeed a bit risky, but this is the only thing he can do, otherwise, with Qitian’s style of acting, they might all have to die.

Knowing that he has experienced a lot more than Xiaohu, how can she not think of what she can think of.

But they are now weak, they can only outsmart the invincible enemy, and the little fox stays, only restricting his own hands and feet.

If Qi Tian was taken as a hostage to threaten him again, then their situation would be even more passive.

“Boy, you remember that you only have three months. I advise you to put all your thoughts on cultivation, otherwise, don’t blame me for destroying flowers.”

Qi Tian said lightly, knowing that Ye Xiu would definitely not believe him, and he was also trying to calculate himself at this time.

But how would he care about the calculations of a small figure who condensed his Second Stage days?

Now he occupies Nie Wudi’s body, possesses the Cultivation Base of Ninth Stage, plus his own powerful primordial spirit who has cultivated for more than three thousand years, it is not Ye Xiu’s ability to shake it.

It should be noted that in the face of absolute power, any strategy is useless.

So no matter what Ye Xiu was calculating, and what plans he had, he didn’t need to know, and he didn’t want to know, because that method was not threatening to him.

This point, he will let this kid understand.

“I said, you won’t have this chance.”

Ye Xiu didn’t even look at him, patted Xiaohu on the shoulder, and then walked aside to cultivate.

He has already gotten started with You Long Step at this time, and the cultivation method is not difficult. Before, he combined the first three sets of footwork together to form the seventh step.

Now you only need to merge the last three sets of footwork together to go one step further.

And he had been cultivating before, but this was the only Movement Technique he mastered, so he didn’t dare to relax at all times, and it was not starting from scratch.

It takes less than three months to cultivate successfully.

He said this only to delay time so that his future plans could be completed smoothly.

If Qi Tian did as they had agreed before and let them go directly after they left, then he wouldn’t bother to take care of these nostalgias, anyway, the sky fell and there was a tall man against it.

Because he only cares about the people he recognizes, and what does the life and death of other people have to do with him.

But if Qi Tian dared to break his promise and get fat, then he wouldn’t mind letting this guy completely disappear from the world. Although this process involves certain risks, it is not without a chance.

Don’t think that a low daddy Cultivation Base is just a bully.

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