Chapter 214: Qi Tian (Part 2)

“Old, ancestor, I am a disciple of Wuliangzong, please let ancestor think that we are the same sect, and spare my life.”

Nie Bufan knelt down directly. This Qi Tian was a complete demon. He didn’t even dare to think of resistance.

The only chance to survive is to move out of Wuliangzong, hoping that he can take his own life for this sake.

This Qitian he had seen some records in the classics of Wuliangzong. The reason why Wuliangzong withdrew from the stage of history was directly related to him.

It’s just that the content recorded above is not detailed, so he doesn’t know what happened that year.

Moreover, it was said that Qi Tian was dead that year, but he never expected that Qi Tian was still alive. He was a figure more than 3,000 years ago.

Even a master of the human king realm can’t live that long.

“It turns out that you are a disciple of Wuliangzong. How can I say that your breath is so familiar. Okay, for the sake of you and me, I will not kill you. Come here and I will send you out.”

Qi Tian’s eyes were so deep that he couldn’t see the thoughts in his heart at all.

“No, no, I just stay with you.”

Nie Wudi hurriedly shook his head and said, he didn’t believe Qitian’s words at all.

You know, it has been thousands of years since the Wuliangzong moved to this place. In these thousands of years, I don’t know how many disciples of the Wuliangzong have entered here because of curiosity.

But without exception, none of them went out alive.

If Qi Tianzhen was so easy to talk, how could those disciples die here?

So he felt that Qi Tian said this to lure himself over. Although he didn’t know what Qi Tian planned to do, it was definitely not as simple as sending him out.

“Why, don’t you believe me?”

Qi Tian’s voice became cold.

“No, I dare not. I think it’s too lonely for the ancestor to stay here alone. Anyway, I have already arranged the outside affairs. It’s better to stay here and listen to the ancestor’s advice.”

Nie Wudi hurriedly said, for fear of angering Qi Tian.

Although there is no record of what happened that year, there are detailed records of what happened before Qi Tian.

This Qi Tian was once the pride of the Wuliangzong. He advanced to the Ninth Stage at the age of forty. It can be said that he was the most likely genius of the Wuliangzong to advance to the King’s realm.

But this person is paranoid and likes to study the mysteries of life.

At the beginning, he only used the corpses of some Demonic Beasts for research, but later he was not satisfied with these Demonic Beasts, and began to use living people for research.

This is nothing at all. In the Eastern Wasteland, tens of thousands of people die every day under various circumstances.

Besides, the people he used for research were mostly other Sect disciples, and they did it very secretly.

Even in the Wuliangzong, few people know it.

However, as the research progressed, his behavior became more and more weird and intensified, not only arbitrarily arresting disciples of various sects, but even disciples of Wuliangzong.

In the end, his behavior aroused dissatisfaction among the various martial arts and the high-level Wuliangzong, and jointly killed him.

I don’t know if the major Sects deliberately targeted, and almost all the top masters of Wuliangzong were killed. In order to preserve the strength, Wuliangzong moved here as a whole to wait for a comeback.

But since then, the disciples of Wuliangzong have been inferior to one generation.

Up to now, let alone a comeback, it is good to be able to maintain the status quo.

But what he didn’t expect was that the record in Sect’s classics turned out to be wrong. Qi Tian didn’t die at all, but was sealed here.

At the same time, he also understood why Sect moved to this place, probably just to keep guarding this place.

He had seen these records before, so he couldn’t believe Qi Tian at all.

Because this guy is simply a representative of madness.

“It seems that you know some things about me, then you should understand my style of conduct. I count to three and you come to me immediately, otherwise, I will make you regret coming to this world.”

Qi Tian’s voice was piercing chill, and his hollow eyes were slightly narrowed, and a biting murderous intent was brewing in it.

“Boy, this man is the great demon of the cholera wasteland three thousand years ago. He was sealed here. If I die, you will never leave here alive. In this way, you and I will kill him together. I’ll talk about it later, what do you think?”

Nie Wudi felt the terrifying murderous intent emanating from Qi Tian, ​​and immediately understood that he was going to kill himself.

Although he was ready for Death when he entered here, he naturally didn’t want to die before he killed Ye Xiu.

But with his own strength, it is impossible to beat this old ghost with a life of more than 3,000, so he can only unite with Ye Xiu to kill him together.

“Not so much.”

Ye Xiu didn’t even want to refuse directly, this guy did it just because he wanted to use himself to kill Qi Tian, ​​and then he would use his hands to deal with himself.

Let alone whether the two of them can join forces to kill Qi Heavenly Stems, even if they can, they will eventually die in Nie Wudi’s hands.

But he didn’t report any hope for this, because Qi Tian felt very dangerous to him, even if the two of them joined forces, the possibility of being killed would account for 90%.

That being said, he was dead, so why did he help Nie Wudi?


Nie Wudi pointed to the possibility, but he didn’t say a word. He didn’t expect Ye Xiu to reject him. Isn’t he afraid of being killed by Qi Tian?

“It’s so ridiculous that you want to unite others to deal with me. Come over to me.”

Qi Tian snorted coldly, and when he raised his hand, an outrageously powerful soul power was released, and it turned into a big hand to grab Nie Wudi.

The moment Nie Wudi was caught, his whole person froze instantly, and his body was as if he had been casted with a hold technique, unable to move a single movement.


Ye Xiu’s eyes widened too, and he looked at all this in disbelief.

You must know that the power of the soul is an invisible and intangible power, intangible and intangible, even if it can be released, it cannot be seen by the naked eye.

People who have not stimulated the power of the soul cannot understand the form of the power of the soul at all.

With the help of Nine Transformation Tianxin, Universe Soul Forging Technique and Hongchen Heart Refining Song, his soul power is much higher than that of Realm’s cultivator.

But he knew that even if his soul power was ten times stronger, he couldn’t visualize it, and his master Wu Santong couldn’t do the same.

Therefore, in his opinion, this is simply impossible.

However, Qi Tian was able to make the invisible soul power into a palm, so that people could see it with the naked eye, and it could also exert a powerful force.

The impact of this on him is conceivable, and it simply broke his perception of the power of the soul.

Even if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he couldn’t believe it was true.

Moreover, this palm exudes an extremely terrifying aura. In front of this power, he feels like an ant, as small and helpless.

Fortunately, he did not agree to Nie Wudi’s proposal. Otherwise, they would not only be unable to kill Qi Tian, ​​but would speed up their own death.

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