Chapter 184 Ye Xiu’s Sword

“I have three tricks for you, and someone in the province says I bully you.”

Xiao Can confidently said that Saber Technique is good at own. Although it is not as powerful as Jiu Ning Ming Huo’s increase in his strength, it is also one of his methods to suppress the bottom of the box.

As far as Saber Technique is concerned, it is impossible to find the second person in the same rank who can compare with oneself.

Moreover, there is a huge difference between a knife and a sword in Innate. Comparing the two, naturally a thick knife has more advantages.

Ye Xiu agreed to own request, that was really giving up the advantage of own, and comparing himself with his shortcomings, it was simply seeking a dead end.

But this is a godsend for him.

“Let me three tricks?”

Ye Xiu frowned, wondering where this guy was emboldened.

You must know that in a master duel, one move may determine the outcome of a normal battle, let alone three moves.

“Yes, come on.”

Xiao Can stood with his sword horizontally, his whole body was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, a sharp blade diffused out, causing the surrounding air to bring a sharp meaning.

“What’s going on, how do I feel like I have a knife on Own’s neck, and my back feels cold.”

“I have this feeling too, it’s terrible, this knife seems to fall and chop off own head at any time.”

“This is the meaning of the sword. This Xiao Can actually understood the meaning of the sword. No wonder he dared to threaten Ye Xiu with three moves. Ningyuan’s Third Stage understood the meaning of the sword. I am afraid that no one in the same rank can compete with him. It’s shoulder to shoulder.”

“Sword Intent, how is this possible?”

Everyone felt the changes in the surroundings, and even formation couldn’t stop this breath.

But the discerning person immediately recognized that this was a sword intent that could only be understood after the Saber Technique was cultivated to a certain Realm.

This time, the whole scene was a sensation.

“Master Zhang, what is the meaning of a sword?”

Qian Duoduo doesn’t know much about cultivation, let alone what the meaning of a sword is.

He only knew that the performance of these people was a little unnatural, which explained the terrifying nature of the sword intent.

“I am not particularly clear about this.”

Zhang Ming shook his head and said, Dao Yi said that he had heard of it, but he only knew that it was a very high Realm. He hadn’t heard anything about it.

“The so-called knife intent is the artistic conception of the knife. It means that the person who uses the knife has an unprecedented understanding of the knife. To put it bluntly, it means that when a person truly understands what a knife is, everything comes from the heart, and the heart and intent are in harmony. , The mind is combined with the sword to reach the Realm of the unity of the human and the sword. This is also the meaning of the sword.”

Feng Baizhan said that the sword intent is a very high Realm, a very abstract and hard to touch, and it is related to one’s own experience and experience.

Therefore, it is very difficult for young people to comprehend such a Realm, and only people with vicissitudes of life and rich experience like them can master it.

Even a genius like Mu Tianye still hasn’t understood the meaning of the sword because of his age.

Therefore, Xiao Can’s ability to comprehend the sword intent was indeed beyond his expectations.

As a result, Ye Xiu’s situation could be dangerous.

After all, a person who can comprehend the meaning of the sword, the sword has become a part of his body.

The only good news is that this Xiao Can is only a preliminary comprehension of the sword intent, otherwise, he would be able to suppress the enemy with the intent of the sword alone.

“So, Hugh Young Master is in a dangerous situation?”

Zhang Ming was taken aback. Although he didn’t understand him well, he knew that the sword intent was definitely a powerful thing.

Ye Xiu’s Sword Technique is powerful, but I am afraid he hasn’t realized the Sword intent, how to fight this.

“Stop talking, look carefully.”

Feng Baizhan was actually a little worried, but he found that Ye Xiu was calm from beginning to end and was not affected by Xiao Can at all. This showed that he was not afraid of Xiao Can’s sword intent.

Suddenly an idea appeared in his mind, but he quickly left it behind.

Ye Xiu was too young to comprehend Sword intent.

“If you are scared, you can use fire, anyway, this is just a test, no one will blame you.”

Xiao Can was worried that Ye Xiu would break his promise, so he deliberately said such a sentence in order to block his retreat, so that he had to fight with himself with a sword.

As for himself who understood the meaning of the sword, defeating Ye Xiu was a breeze.

“The first sword.”

Ye Xiu ignored him and said this one lightly, slowly raising his right hand, and erecting the Pluto Sword on top of his head.

The next moment, a terrifying force appeared from the sword body, like a volcanic eruption, rising into the sky, unstoppable, and instantly dispelled Xiao Can’s sword intent.

Immediately afterwards, a terrible murderous intent spread, like a ripple, swaying around through the formation.


Suddenly, a disciple below screamed, and he collapsed directly to the ground, feces and urine flowed.

The whole person’s body was trembling, his eyes were round, and he walked bloodshot, as if he had seen something terrible.

“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me…”

Immediately afterwards, the person next to him went mad directly, shouting loudly, while retreating continuously after death, his face was full of deep fear.

It looks exactly the same as the previous one.

This situation is like igniting the fuse, panic spreads rapidly among the crowd, and the entire martial arts field screams again and again, one after another, it is not scary.


At this moment, everyone was shocked, and no one thought that Ye Xiu would be so terrible when he shot.

“What happened just now?”

Zhang Mingru woke up from the dream, looking at Feng Baizhan and Qian Duoduo with a dull expression, but his whole body was already soaked in cold sweat.

The situation with a lot of money is no better than him, the whole person is like being fished out of the water.

Just now Zhang Ming only felt that he suddenly saw countless brutal cavalry killing him, one by one with murderous aura, and Tathagata’s messenger from The Underworld wanted to take his life.

Just when he was about to be hacked to death, the situation in front of him changed and the cavalry disappeared again.

“You were affected by Ye Xiu’s sword. It seems that I underestimated this kid.”

Feng Baizhan’s eyes stared at Ye Xiu, as if he had met him again, he couldn’t imagine how Ye Xiu could have such a terrifying killing intent on his body.

Had it not been for him to wake up Zhang Ming and Qian Duo Duo, they would have been just as scared as those people at this moment.

“Patriarch, is this a Sword intent?”

Zhang Ming asked subconsciously.

“No, this is not Sword intent, but killing intent, pure killing intent. This is something more terrifying than Sword intent. With killing intent as a sword, nothing can be stopped. Now I finally understand why the Pluto sword has the previous one. That kind of change, maybe the entire Eastern Wasteland, no, the entire Nine Heavens continent may only be matched by Ye Xiu.”

Feng Baizhan exclaimed.

The sword of Hades has followed him for more than ten years. It is an out-and-out sword of killing, which contains endless murderous intent.

When you use it, you need to abandon all distracting thoughts, otherwise you may be affected by the killing intent and fall into madness.

This is where his madman’s name comes from.

Before, he thought that he was not firm enough, and coupled with Cultivation Base breakthrough, so at the late stage, he put the sword of Hades in the cabinet and no longer used it.

It now appears that it is not that I am not firm enough, but that what I am after is not in line with it.

And what Ye Xiu pursues is the same as the Pluto Sword, so the Pluto Sword will not only affect Ye Xiu’s heart, but also encourage his killing intent.

One man, one sword, is a match made in heaven.

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