Chapter One Hundred Seventy One

“Gunfeng Fist.”

Zhou Kui yelled and strode out, his fist glowing with layers of golden light was like a meteor, piercing the air and coming towards Ye Xiu.

Kuangfeng Fist, a mid-level spirit-level combat skill, fists like the wind, and supplemented by the Vajra body protection tactic, it is like swinging a golden sledgehammer, unstoppable.

Before the fist arrived, the fist wind had arrived, and the white robe on Ye Xiu’s body was blowing loudly.

“Xuanhuo Six Sun Palm.”

Ye Xiu’s complexion remained unchanged, and he stretched out three palms. The flames rushed out of his body, converging into three giant flame palms the size of ten feet, as if three rounds of the sun were in the sky.

The air has become extremely hot because of the appearance of the giant flame palm.

Under Ye Xiu’s control, the three palms merged into one, but the fire palm shrank sharply, and the power contained in it was doubled.

In the end, the palm of the fire was only ten feet in size, but the power contained in it reached the extreme, and the flame in it made a deafening roar.

It was as if an ancient fierce beast was constantly roaring hidden in it, which shocked everyone present.


Ye Xiu’s eyes glowed, and his right hand shot out, and the palm of the fire moved with it, hitting Zhou Kui’s fist heavily.

Zhou Kui’s Gale Fist was originally a wind attribute combat technique, and the wind assisted the fire further enhanced the power of Ye Xiu Xuanhuo’s Six Sun Palm.


The moment the palms of the fists collided, the flames flickered and the wind danced wildly, and a flame cyclone instantly formed and enveloped the two of them.

There was a crackling, like a bean popping sound, and everyone was frightened.


With a muffled noise, a Daoist shadow flew out from the flame cyclone and fell heavily to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

Judging from the size, it is surprisingly Zhou Kui.

At this time, Zhou Kui’s whole body was burnt as black as charcoal, and his hair was burned out, turning into a black bald head.

The clothes on her body are kept less and more, leaving only a few strands of cloth to hide her privacy.

With all his strength, he was superimposed on his body with eight layers of golden light, able to resist the strength that hit him.

In other words, Ye Xiu only used 20% of his strength to severely wound himself, which was even more terrifying than the master of Ningyuan Third Stage Heaven.

“How is it possible that Zhou Kui was beaten by Ye Xiu to vomit blood, is this guy still a human?”

“It is not impossible for Ningyuan First Stage Tian to defeat Ningyuan Second Stage Tian’s masters, but I have never seen such an easy one. Ye Xiu’s strength is probably not inferior to the average Ningyuan Third Stage Tian’s masters. ”

“It seems that Xiao Can and Zuo Yi have opponents this time. I am looking forward to the match between them. It will definitely be exciting.”

“Yes, this is more interesting.”

No one was surprised at the scene, everyone was shocked by Ye Xiu’s powerful combat power.

For true geniuses, leapfrogging challenges is not a difficult thing to do, but it is the first time that they have met like Ye Xiu to win so simply.

You know, his opponent is Zhou Kui, who is notoriously Vajra.

Ye Xiu not only knocked down Zhou Kui, but also severely injured him. He even vomited blood. I am afraid that even Xiao Can and Zuo Yi, the two third-stage masters of the third stage, could hardly do it.

As a result, a great change has appeared in the Six Meridian Meeting.

In the end, whoever did it became confusing and confusing.

“Can’er, what do you think of this person?”

Zhao Qiankun looked at a young man next to him and asked, this person is Xiao Can.

Xiao Can’s head is not tall, only one meter six, looks like a child who hasn’t opened yet.

The appearance is also average, even the money is not as good as the money, and he will never let people look at it when he is in the crowd, but his eyes are full of spirit and confidence.

The most troubling thing about him is not his strength, but his age.

You know, he is only nineteen years old now.

The nineteen-year-old Ningyuan Third Stage master, even if he is placed in the headquarters, is one of the few.

As long as there are no accidents, the future is immeasurable.


Xiao Can said this casually.

Ye Xiu’s strength is not low, but he still can’t pose a threat to himself. After all, there is two Realm difference between the two of them. Even if Cultivation Base is suppressed, the strength is far different.

As for this week, Zhou Kui hasn’t been caught by him. To put in one’s eyes, he is just a clown.

Therefore, he didn’t put Ye Xiu to put in one’s eyes. In this Six Meridian Martial Arts, there was only one opponent that he could really value.

That is Zuo Yi, wishing to peel it off.

So, he turned his gaze to Zuo Yi.

The latter seemed to be aware of it, and turned his head to look at Xiang Xiao Can.

Zuo Yi is the first of the younger generation of disciples in Qingyu. He is one year older than Xiao Can, who just meets the conditions for participating in the Liumai Huiwu.

And his handsome appearance, Bufan, is also very tall, two or three heads taller than Xiao Can. He is definitely a kind of talent, which is in sharp contrast with Xiao Can’s dignity.

This is also the fundamental reason why Xiao Can hates Zuo Yi so much.

Everyone is a genius, so why are you so tall and handsome.

Daddy will defeat you and let others know that looks and size are the most useless things in the cultivation world.

“That’s good.”

Zhao Qiankun nodded. Although Xiao Can is not an own disciple, there is absolutely no doubt about his strength. He is the first of the younger generation of disciples in Fengyu.

Since he didn’t put Ye Xiu to put in one’s eyes, it shows that he has the confidence to defeat Ye Xiu.

This is enough for him.

On the other side, Jiang Wuwei, the patriarch of the Qingyu line, also looked at Zuo Yi and asked, “Xiao Yi, what do you think of this Ye Xiu?”

“It’s very strong. If it’s the same Cultivation Base, I’m not sure to beat him.”

Zuo Yi is not as confident as Xiao Can, in other words, he has a clearer understanding of own strength.

So he knew exactly how strong Ye Xiu was.

Without the suppression of formation, he might still be able to defeat Ye Xiu, but under the suppression of formation, he is not fully sure.

“Compared with Xiao Can, who do you think is stronger?”

Jiang Wuwei nodded, still very satisfied with Zuo Yi’s words, not arrogant or impetuous, having a clear understanding of the strength of himself and his opponent, and worthy of his training over the years.

“Xiao Can? He is just a rice bucket that has been dazzled by praise, how can he be compared with Ye Xiu.”

Zuo Yi said lightly, he didn’t put Xiao Can to put in one’s eyes from beginning to end.

Although he is younger than himself, his personality limits his future. In Zuo Yi’s eyes, he is not as threatening as a Ningyuan Second Stage opponent.

Even if he only has Ningyuan Second Stage Cultivation Base, he is 70% sure to beat him.

Not to mention that the two are the same rank.

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