Chapter 165: Lin Qingcheng’s Strength

“Forget it, since you want to teach, just teach it, I have no objection.”

Ye Xiu shook his head and said, although he didn’t know the strength of this girl, he also knew that this girl was not easy, otherwise it would be impossible to go to Fangcun Realm alone.

As for the competition with her, there is no need for that. In case she is injured, it is not what he wants to see.

“No, I have to give you a fight today, just look at the move.”

Lin Qingcheng is so angry, what kind of attitude do you have.

Forget it, count your size.

When this girl beat the invincible hand of the Bian Lin family, you still didn’t know what she was doing.

I dare to underestimate me. Today I will let you know how good this girl is.

With that, he hit Ye Xiu with a punch.

“You come for real.”

Ye Xiu raised his brows and ducked away.

He could feel the strength contained in Lin Qingcheng’s punch, and if he was hit, he would also have to be injured.

“Nonsense, today this girl will let you know how good I am, Qinglian Sword Art.”

Lin Qingcheng gave a low cry, and between the shaking of his right hand, a long sword glowing with golden light appeared in his hand, and the sharp Sword Qi pouring out, directly condensing into a sword lotus and killing it towards Ye Xiu.

“Stop it, I admit you are great.”

Ye Xiu frowned. This Sword Qi was extremely sharp, and he was able to embody a lotus flower, showing the brilliance of the Sword Technique.

From this point, he could already see Lin Qingcheng’s level, in terms of strength, he was stronger than the average Ningyuan Second Stage master.

To be Xiaohu’s teacher, that is completely enough.

“Do I need you to admit it? When I defeat you, you can’t even admit it, just look at it.”

Lin Qingcheng didn’t plan to just let it go, she had to let Ye Xiu know that own was powerful today, otherwise, he thought he was just a vase.

“You are not my opponent, stop now, or I will fight back.”

Ye Xiu said, although Lin Qingcheng’s strength is very strong, Mu Tianye is also very difficult to beat her in the same rank.

But it’s almost time to beat myself.

“You fight back, I didn’t stop you.”

Lin Qingcheng is very confident of own strength, and almost no one in the same rank is her opponent.

Ye Xiu’s strength is very strong, but it would be difficult to beat himself.

“Okay, don’t blame me then.”

A light flashed in Ye Xiu’s eyes, and his right hand flickered, and the Nether Sword appeared in his hand.

Striding out, the whole person is like a dragon going out to sea, rushing to her in an instant.

With a sword slashed out, the fierce Sword Qi directly smashed Lin Qingcheng’s sword lotus, and then slashed towards Lin Qingcheng unabated.

“not good!”

Lin Qingcheng was shocked. She knew Ye Xiu’s strength was very strong, but she didn’t expect it to be so strong.

You know, the own Qinglian Sword Classic is the ultimate swordsmanship of the spirit level, and it has won the true legend of the old sword, one of the three worshippers of the Lin family, ordinary people can’t resist it at all.

But her own trick was so vulnerable in front of Ye Xiu, it really made her unbelievable.

But at this time Ye Xiu’s sword had already arrived in front of her, and she couldn’t allow her to think too much at this time, and directly placed the sword in front of Own, trying to block Ye Xiu’s sword.

Then look for opportunities to shoot again.

“Don’t give up yet.”

Seeing her like this, Ye Xiu knew that if he didn’t defeat her, she would definitely not stop.

So he didn’t plan to stop, and one hit Lin Qingcheng’s sword directly.

The terrifying power was vented, and Lin Qingcheng was shot flying away in an instant, and the long sword in his hand also flew.

“not good.”

Ye Xiu frowned. The strength of his own sword was based on Lin Qingcheng’s endurance, and only used his own 30% strength.

With her strength, she should be able to take a bit of hardship, how could she be so vulnerable.

But he also knew that it was not the time to think about this, his figure flashed, and he rushed over, and when she was about to land, he hugged her horizontally.

On the contrary, Lin Qingcheng changed his previous decadence, and his two snow-white and tender lotus root arms passed directly through Ye Xiu’s chest and wrapped his neck.

The whole person was like a pendant, hung on Ye Xiu’s body.

With eyes facing each other, a smile appeared in Lin Qingcheng’s eyes.

“you do this delibrately?”

Ye Xiu raised his brows. At this time, he couldn’t see that Lin Qingcheng was deliberate, so he immediately let go of her.

But Lin Qingcheng was like a raccoon, hugging his neck tightly, a shyness flashed in her eyes.

“I did it on purpose, what do you want.”

Lin Qingcheng said with a smug expression. The moment the two swords touched, she knew that she was not Ye Xiu’s opponent.

It was in vain to fight further, so she thought of such an idea to tease Ye Xiu.

“Let it go, let people see what it looks like.”

Ye Xiu was a little uncomfortable on the contrary, except for Xiaohu, he had never been so close to other women.

“Am I qualified to be Xiaohu’s teacher now?”

Lin Qingcheng asked with a smile. At this time, she could clearly feel Ye Xiu’s violent heartbeat, which showed that own charm was still useful to him.

“Yes, qualified, you can let go now.”

Ye Xiu is the truth, Lin Qingcheng’s strength is indeed not weak, and he is also one of the best in the same rank.

If she reaches Ningyuan Second Stage, she will have to spend some means to beat her.

“It’s pretty much the same.”

Lin Qingcheng didn’t embarrass him anymore, jumped off him directly, and said, “Speaking of which, what’s the matter with your Sword Technique? It’s so domineering, I have never seen such a Sword Technique.”

She recalled the situation of the previous battle, and she was also very curious in her heart.

She learned the Sword Technique from the old age since she was a child, and the old sword also used various Sword Techniques to feed her tricks, so as to increase her understanding of the Sword Technique.

But it was the first time she saw the Sword Technique used by Ye Xiu.

Simple and straightforward, there is no extra action, and the number of ways is extremely overbearing.

Not even like Sword Technique, but a bit biased towards Saber Technique.

It’s common sense that the sword walks lightly and the sword walks domineeringly.

“This is my own creation, you have never seen it before.”

Ye Xiu said, this Sword Technique can’t actually be called a Sword Technique. To be precise, it should be some murderous moves.

This is what he found out on the battlefield when he fought the Quartet, every move was made to kill, and he passed the baptism of blood.

These moves are characterized by simplicity and directness, without any fancy.

The effect is also very obvious.

“Can you teach me?”

Lin Qingcheng’s eyes lit up, and she felt that Ye Xiu’s Sword Technique was very suitable for her own character, so she went straight.

Compared with the Sword Technique she had learned before, it was simply weak.

“You can’t learn.”

Ye Xiu shook his head and said, his sword moves were too fierce, and the moves were directed at people’s vital points. They were purely murderous.

In fact, the most important thing in this Sword Technique is Sword intent, not sword moves.

In other words, there are fixed moves at all, and they insist that there are also the most basic sword moves, which Lin Qingcheng has learned a long time ago, and even more solid than him.

If you want to learn his Sword Technique, you need to kill people constantly, and use the enemy’s body and life to hone the own Sword intent.

He didn’t want Lin Qingcheng to become a murderous demon.

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