Chapter One Hundred Forty Five

Tear it!

A harsh sound sounded, and Sima Ming’s left arm was pulled to pieces by Ye Xiu abruptly.


Situ Ming directly let out a scream, his eyes were round, as if they were about to come out of his eye sockets.

The intense pain came to him like a tide, but he was so mentally sober, so severe pain, it didn’t make him faint.

Now he finally understood why Ye Xiu wanted to give him Mingshen Pill.

This is not to please him, but to prevent him from being fainted by the pain, which is too poisonous.


The others took a breath, and they were all startled by Ye Xiu’s fierceness.

This is a thousand times more painful than a knife, axe, and axe. Not to mention Sima Ming, even a warrior who has been battle-tested can’t bear such a heart-piercing pain.

“Ye Xiu, you let me go quickly, otherwise, you will regret it.”

Sima Ming said so, but he regretted it in his heart. At this moment, he realized who he was facing.

This is a young man who kills without blinking. He actually calculated him in front of him. This is simply a low-level mistake that can’t be done at a low level.

Now he can only move Ye Ling out, hoping that Ye Xiu will throw a rat-avoidance device.

Ye Xiu didn’t have any nonsense. He changed his hand and grabbed his neck. His left hand climbed onto his right arm again, and he pulled off his right arm directly.

“Ah, devil, you are the devil, you should let me go, otherwise, I really want to order.”

Situ Ming yelled in pain, it was terrible.

How could there be such a cruel person in this world, wouldn’t he be afraid that he would have ordered Ye Ling to be harmed?

“I heard that in the ancient times, the ancestors invented a very cruel punishment called Ling Chi. The person who was tortured was required to suffer 3,600 knives. Since it did not hurt the internal organs, the person who was tortured would not die in the end. , I wanted to give it a try a long time ago, but unfortunately I have never had the opportunity, so I can just practice with you.”

Ye Xiu said indifferently, as if he was stating a common thing.

But when these words were heard in other people’s ears, it was a different look.

It’s so cruel.

“I said, I said, Ye Ling is in the secret room of the prince’s palace, please give me a good time.”

Situ Ming completely collapsed, he had suffered such suffering.

At this moment, Ye Xiu was not a person at all in his eyes, but a complete devil.

Moreover, he had also heard of Ling Chi’s method, and it was indeed the most terrifying torture in the world.

Such torture just made his scalp numb even thinking about it. If it was really used on own, it would really be worse than death.

“Look, I said you would.”

Ye Xiu laughed.

Just when he was about to squeeze his neck, Sima Ming’s head was already flying with a flower in front of him.

“Ye Xiu, the widow didn’t know anything about this matter beforehand. It was his own opinion. Now the widow has killed him. Don’t worry, the widow will never hurt Ye Ling.”

Ryazan’s expression changed drastically. Originally, he wanted to use Sima Ming’s plan to control Ye Xiu again for his use.

Who ever thought this guy was so useless, he just hired him.

So he acted decisively and directly.

“All killed.”

Ye Xiu dropped such a sentence, took out the eagle flute and summoned the Wind Controlling Condor, jumped on its back, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“What’s the meaning?”

Ryazan and the others looked at each other, not understanding what Ye Xiu meant.


Suddenly two Daoist shadows appeared in front of them out of thin air, and rushed directly into the crowd without saying a word.

It’s like a wolf entering a sheep’s nest, wherever it goes, no one is the enemy of the one, and they are instantly beheaded on the spot.

“not good!”

Ryazan was so shocked that he ignored his son, turned and ran.

He knew that it was a master in the Lingwu family who had taken the shot, and his Cultivation Base had at least Ningyuan Third Stage days.

And he only has the Cultivation Base of Ningyuan First Stage, and staying here is definitely a dead end.

But before he could get far away, a young man appeared in front of him, holding a golden sword, and full of evil spirits around him.

It is Mu Tianye.


Mu Tianye yelled and rushed to Ryazan in an instant, the speed was beyond his imagination.

The sharp blade drew directly from his neck, and a generation of emperors fell on the spot like this.

“Really weak.”

After Mu Tianye finished speaking, his figure rushed into the crowd again, and Xiong Lie and the others smashed into a big fight…

Four hours later, in the beam palace, a giant eagle swept across the palace, and a Daoist shadow fell from the sky, which immediately attracted the attention of the guards.


The guards immediately surrounded them, but what greeted them was a sharp cold light.

Han Mang swept over, and these guards fell in pieces, no one could resist.

“You, you are the young man Ye Xiu.”

Someone recognized Ye Xiu’s identity and backed away in fright.

They had already heard about Ye Xiu’s deeds. Even Ningyuan’s Third Stage Heavenly Supreme Emperor had died in his hands, so these guards wouldn’t dare to go up and die.

“Those who block me die.”

Ye Xiu had no time to waste time with them, shouted angrily, strode out, and went straight to the prince’s bedroom.

Wherever he went, anyone who blocked him was in a different place.

After arriving at the prince’s palace, Ye Xiu let go of the power of the soul, and soon found the secret room, slashed through the secret room entrance, and rushed in.

After a while, he saw Ye Ling who was trembling and helpless tied to the pillar by Wuhuada.

“Ye Xiu, why are you here?”

Of course Hong Yun knew Ye Xiu, but this was the murderer of his Little Brother, even if it turned to ashes, he would never forget it.

Only after learning about Ye Xiu’s strength, he knew that he had no hope of revenge in this life.

Only then did he accept what Situ Ming had said.

As long as it made Ye Xiu painful, he would naturally not refuse.


After Ye Xiu finished speaking, he strode to Ye Ling’s face and cut the rope off her body with a palm.

As for Hong Yun, he fled directly.

Although he had thought of seeking Ye Xiu’s revenge in his mind, when he really saw Ye Xiu, he found that he didn’t even have the courage to make a move.

It was too strong, but the breath that came out made him feel a strong sense of oppression.

If he makes another move, then his Hong family will end.

“Don’t touch me, don’t touch me.”

Ye Ling was obviously frightened at this time, and the whole person pushed Ye Xiu like crazy.

“Ling’er, it’s me.”

Ye Xiu felt very distressed. This girl was very cheerful, but now she was frightened to look like this.

“Hugh, Big Brother, really?”

Ye Ling gradually woke up, and after seeing Ye Xiu’s face clearly, the whole talent came back to life.

“It’s me! It’s me.”

Ye Xiu patted her shoulder and said.

“Hugh Big Brother, I thought I would never see you again.”

Ye Ling seemed to have found a vent, and threw directly into Ye Xiu’s arms, and burst into tears, as if to vent all the grievances in his heart.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

And Ye Xiu just hugged her like this, patted her back lightly.

Hearing her cry, a boundless anger rolled in his heart and rose.

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