Chapter 139: Red Dust Refining Heart Song


The sound of the piano is melodious and tactful, like the beginning of a spring rain, dripping bit by bit, flowing in the mountains, washing away all things, and nourishing all beings.

The bird butterfly was attracted by the sound of the piano and landed on a branch next to it, motionless.

The beasts in the mountains also sat on the ground, closed their eyes and listened.

The whole mountain was plunged into a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

Until the end of the song, these birds and beasts remained reluctantly staying in place, seeming to be waiting for the little fox to continue playing.


Ye Xiu sighed sincerely, the use of this tune with the spirit weapon is simply more powerful, and the effect is more than tenfold.

At the previous moment, he felt that his soul, the slight damage left by the large amount of money to treat them before, was completely repaired under the comfort of the sound of the piano.

It can be seen that this is no longer as simple as meditation and calming the nerves, but also has the effect of repairing the soul.

He felt that if Xiaohu had obtained this tune before, and she didn’t even need a concentration pill, her soul damage would be able to gradually recover with this tune.


“My son, my Cultivation Base has broken through.”

Xiaohu dumbly, she found that after the song was played, own Cultivation Base was directly promoted to the Innate Sixth Stage.

Moreover, Cultivation Base is extremely stable, which is much better than the effect of her cultivation for more than half a month.

“It seems that you are more suitable to practice the piano. This piece is also very suitable for you. You can play more when you have time. This is beneficial to your practice.”

Ye Xiu said immediately.

There are many shortcuts to cultivation along the way. Some people put their affection on the sword way, for sword repair, and sword can break through all illusory obstacles.

Some people have their love for Dan because of Alchemy. The stronger the pill refining technique, the faster the cultivation speed.

There are still people who have their love for the qin, because it is cultivation for the qin.

There are countless things like that.

It is said that a long time ago, there were many schools of cultivation in Eastern Wasteland.

It’s just that this method is too extreme, it’s a side-by-side method, and its advantages and disadvantages are obvious.

The advantage is that the entry is fast and the foundation is solid. The disadvantage is that once the object of love is damaged, it will easily cause the foundation to be damaged, and the Cultivation Base will be affected by this.

It is also for this reason that most of these sects are submerged in the long river of history.

So Ye Xiu will not let the little fox put his love on the piano, but he can use it as a stepping stone to Ascension own Cultivation Base.

Moreover, playing the piano helps to cultivate the mood, and it is of great benefit to cultivation.


Little Fox nodded, she really likes to play the piano.

But it’s not because she likes the piano, but because her son likes to listen, so she practiced piano skills when she had nothing to do.

Especially after discovering that this song could help Ye Xiu calm down, she became more determined about this idea.

“Anyway, there is nothing left or right, how about we play a ensemble?”

Ye Xiu stood up, shaking his right hand, a flute appeared in his hand.

Playing the flute is one of his hobbies, but he hasn’t played it for a long time, and he even forgot that there is such a thing.

Hearing the sound of the little fox’s piano, he felt a little itch in his heart, so he thought of playing with him.


Little Fox’s eyes lit up, and she naturally knew that her Young Master could play the flute, and her level was very high.

Even the chief musician at the time was ashamed of it.

It’s just that Ye Xiu seldom played since he joined the army.

Now that he is so interested, he will naturally not refuse.

After speaking, he handed the score to Ye Xiu.

“bring it on!”

Ye Xiu glanced briefly at the piano score, and he had the score in his heart. He put the flute to his mouth and glanced at the little fox. The two began to play at the same time.

The flute sound is light and long, and the piano sound is soft and mellow.

The two different sounds are woven together tacitly, forming an invisible sound wave spreading around, its influence is stronger than before, and the scope of influence is also larger.

The disciples near the mountain were all affected, and their hearts were peaceful.

Cultivation Base is also running fast at this moment, and many people have directly broken through Realm.

“Isn’t this the tune I gave to Xiaohu, it has such an effect.”

Wu Santong had just come out of Feng Baizhan, and he was shocked when he heard this song.

He got this piece by accident, and it didn’t even have a name.

At that time, he only thought it was a very ordinary piece, but he didn’t expect it to be so effective.

Even he was affected, and his heart was at peace.

But the one who felt the most was Ye Xiu, because he discovered that when he played this piece, his own soul power was also fast Ascension.

With the help of the Universe Soul Forging Technique, the effect of Ascension is even more obvious, at least twice as fast as usual.

Unfortunately, with the end of the tune, this rapid Ascension also stopped.

“You two are in good spirits.”

Wu Santong came in front of Ye Xiu and the others, and looked at the two people who were talented and talented, with envy in his heart.

I think he has lived for fifty years, and he has not found a confidant until now. It is really a waste of life.

“Master, you just came here. Where did you get this song? Is there any more later?”

Ye Xiu asked.

He hadn’t noticed it before. After playing it in person, he felt that the end of this piece was abrupt and incomplete, and there must be a lot of content behind it.

“This is what I got in an Immortal Cave, that’s all, what? Is this fragmented?”

Wu Santong asked, he didn’t know anything about the tunes. He had seen it before, and he didn’t see any problems. It shouldn’t be a fragment.

“Perhaps the composer hasn’t finished it either.”

Ye Xiu was a little sorry. This piece of music can be called a masterpiece. If it can be completed, the speed of his soul power Ascension will be even faster.

“It’s possible, but since it’s not complete, you can just complete it.”

Although Wu Santong is a layman, he also knows the value of this song, not even worse than the powerful Cultivation Technique.

If it can be completed, it will be of great benefit to both of them.


Little Fox’s eyes lit up, and he immediately said, “My son, you can give it a name.”

Xiaohu was very interested in Wu Santong’s proposal, and it was a song completed by himself and Ye Xiu, which was unique to both of them.

This is unmatched by anyone.

“This song sounds fresh and elegant, but in fact it is full of red dust, deep in connotation, and has the effect of calming the mind and mind, so it’s called “Hong Chen Anxin”.

Ye Xiu thought for a while.

“This name is not good. The so-called “Hongchen” refers to the turmoil in the Soviet Union. How to be at ease, according to the teacher, it is more appropriate to call it “Hongchen Lianxin Song.”

Wu Santong naturally had more experience than Ye Xiu, so he gave a suggestion that he thought was good.

“Hong Chen refines the heart, Hong Chen refines the heart.”

Ye Xiu chewed these words several times, his eyes lit up suddenly: “Good name, just use this.”

“Hong Chen’s Heart Song is really good, and I agree.”

Xiaohu is also very satisfied with this name, and it is also very appropriate.

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