Chapter 133 Return to Lingwu City

“It’s a terrible cry, what’s the matter, who is suffering the torture?”

“The voice seems to come from Yao Wangfeng, isn’t it the three Elders physically punishing the disciples?”

“How is it possible? How could San Elder punish his disciples physically? Don’t talk nonsense. I guess it should be San Elder who is looking for someone to try the medicine again.”

That night, the entire Lingwu family was surrounded by Zhang Ming’s screams.

Many people even woke up from cultivation, looked at Yaowangfeng with sympathy, and silently prayed for Yaowangfeng’s disciples in their hearts.

The word [Yu] further interprets the respect they have in their hearts.

Don’t worry, we will remember your credit.

When we are successful in cultivation in the future, we will certainly not forget your contribution.

The screams didn’t stop gradually until the next morning, and Zhang Ming was already paralyzed on the ground in pain.

The strength of the whole body seemed to be exhausted, even the strength to open the eyes was gone.

“Okay, Zhang Ming, I’ve sorted out Meridians for you, you can take a good rest now, I’ll go to Lingwu City to sort out Meridians, then don’t follow.”

Ye Xiu nodded in satisfaction, the effect of this trial was very good, and he directly opened up all the Meridians in Zhang Ming’s body.

Although he was not at the level of Mu Tianye at this time, he was at least ten times stronger than before, and his cultivation would be twice the result with half the effort.

Moreover, after experiencing this incident, Zhang Ming’s willpower has been tempered, supplemented by the Universe Soul Forging Technique, I believe it will not take long for his soul power to make a breakthrough.

But when Ye Xiu was about to leave, he found that Zhang Ming had caught the leg of own trousers.

“Hugh, Hugh Young Master, I, I will also go to Lingwu City.”

Zhang Ming trembled and said, he had gone through such a painful thing, it was as if he had died countless times.

That feeling is countless times more terrifying than death.

Now Ye Xiu is going to help Qian Duo sort out Meridians, he naturally doesn’t want to miss this opportunity to find balance.

“How do you go like this now, or stay and rest.”

Ye Xiu patted Zhang Ming on the shoulder. At this time, Zhang Ming was extremely weak and had difficulty even standing up. How to get to Lingwu City.

“It’s okay, I can stand it.”

Zhang Ming gritted his teeth and stood up directly.

In order to find the balance in his mind, he also worked hard.

“Well, then you can go with me.”

Ye Xiu helplessly led Zhang Ming to find Feng Baizhan, and under the dumbfoundedness of him and Wu Santong, he directly filled his quiet room with treasures.

Ye Xiu patted his butt and returned to own residence and called Xiaohu up.

After that, he called Yufeng Shenying and went straight to Lingwu City.

This time Ye Xiu came to Lingwu City for the second time, and he still felt a heavy breath rushing toward his face.

Especially when you look down from a high altitude, you can see more clearly and shockingly.

“My son, what’s the matter with Master Zhang?”

Little Fox asked curiously.

“I helped him sort out Meridians, so he was a little weak and healed soon.”

Ye Xiu didn’t think there was anything. It was of great benefit to Zhang Ming, and it was not his turn for others to want such treatment.

“Clear Meridians, son, I want it too.”

The little fox’s eyes lit up, Meridians cleaned it up, and the cultivation became more effective.

Now she is suffocating enough energy, wanting to upload own Cultivation Base Ascension to share the pressure for Ye Xiu.

“You don’t have to, your situation is much better than him, not to mention that it is very painful to sort out Meridians. Your body is weak, there is no need to go through those.”

Ye Xiu couldn’t bear to let Xiaohu go through that.

“Hugh Young Master, my body is actually very weak.”

Zhang Ming smiled bitterly, but Ye Xiu forced it to him, and he didn’t want it at all.

He has no big ambitions in his life, he can break through to the Ning Yuan realm, and then his life will be better.

“I suddenly remembered that you still have a few Meridians that you haven’t cleared…”

“Hugh Young Master, I was wrong, please let me go.”

Zhang Ming almost knelt down to Ye Xiu. The pain was like cutting meat with a blunt knife. He didn’t want to experience it in his entire life.

too painful.

As soon as Ye Xiu and the others rode on the Wind Controlling Condor appeared, they immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

You must know that the Wind Controlling Condor is a symbol of the Lingwu Family. Its appearance means that the core disciple of the Lingwu Family has arrived. Who dares to neglect.

In the end, Ye Xiu controlled the Wind-Controlling Condor and descended to the gate of the Dajin Chamber of Commerce.


As soon as Ye Xiu and the others fell, a Fatty rushed out of the gate, it wasn’t anyone who had a lot of money.

“Dao Duo, why are you getting fat again?”

Ye Xiu frowned slightly. He realized that Qian Duoduo had lost sight of him during this period of time.

Before, he thought that the chubby money was a little cute, but now, it’s a little too greasy.

“Hey, I missed Sister Dage too much these days, so I ate a bit more, and I didn’t get too much fat, so I gained only 20 catties.”

Qian Duoduo scratched his head, a little bit embarrassed.

“If you want me to say, your kid is free.”

Zhang Ming on the side knows a lot of money. Now Lingwu City is already the site of the Dajin Chamber of Commerce, and the other chambers of commerce have basically been destroyed by him.

There is nothing to do, but Hu eats Haisai.

“Master Zhang, what’s the matter with you, so vain, is there a small Big sis in the Lingwu family?”

Qian Duoduo almost didn’t recognize Zhang Ming when he saw Zhang Ming. This image was even more miserable than the night of the last war.

“What nonsense, I am…”

Speaking of this, Zhang Ming’s eyes rolled and said: “I’m doing a secret method of cultivation. I don’t need to practice hard work and it’s still very comfortable. I can directly Ascension Cultivation Base. It also has the effect of losing weight. It just loses energy and energy. You see, I have lost a lot of weight now, and the effect of cultivation is also very good. I believe it won’t be long before I can refine the middle-grade Medicine Pill of the spirit level.”

“What secret method? Can you teach me?”

If you listen to Qianduo, you can Ascension Cultivation Base and lose weight without painstaking practice, and your eyes will shine immediately.

This is simply a Cultivation Technique tailored for him.

“This secret method was taught to me by Master Hugh Young. This time, Master Hugh Young is going to teach you this method. Don’t worry, it won’t be long before you will be as thin as me.”

Zhang Ming lied solemnly, but his heart was full of joy.

Let you kid tease me, it’s better for you.

“Really, Dage, can you really teach this secret to me?”

Qian Duoduo looked at Ye Xiu with little stars, and almost knelt down for him.

He really likes this secret method.

“I’m here for this. Go and prepare a quiet room, which you will need later.”

Ye Xiu glanced at Zhang Ming, but he didn’t reveal it, so let’s enjoy the happy time with a lot of money.

Because once the combing of Meridians begins, it cannot be stopped.

Moreover, it can really lose weight.

“Okay, I’ll make arrangements.”

Qian Duoduo glanced at the crowd, then said to Qian San’er, “Qian San’er, what are you still trying to do? Didn’t you hear what Dage said? Go and prepare.”

“Yes, let’s prepare for the younger one.”

Qian San’er responded to his Young Master’s order. He didn’t dare to delay and ran all the way back to the Chamber of Commerce.

Soon, a clean room was organized.

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