Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five: Have I agreed?

“I see where you guys are going this time.”

Liang Jingfeng and others blocked Duan Qingfeng and Xiong Lie in a room with only an entrance and no exit, and looked at them with ferocious expressions.

Duan Qingfeng and Xiong Lie are indeed very powerful. Nearly ten Ningyuan Third Stage masters surrounded them for a full day without taking them down.

In the process, the two old masters of Daejin and Daehan were severely injured by them.

With such combat power, even he was extremely shocked, and he deserved to be a core disciple cultivated by the Lingwu family.

It’s a pity that they are going to die soon.

“Liang Jingfeng, are you sure you want to be this early bird?”

Duan Qingfeng and Xiong Lie looked at each other, then turned their heads together, staring at Liang Jingfeng.

Without a way out, they became calmer.

“What do you want to do!”

Liang Jingfeng was taken aback, and almost subconsciously took a step towards retreated.

You know, the dog jumped the wall when he was pressed, let alone the two top geniuses of them.

Although they are now the turtles in the urn, if they resist desperately and join hands to deal with themselves alone, then they have no possibility of surviving.

“What do you mean?”

Duan Qingfeng and Xiong Lie spoke indifferently, a resolute color appeared in their eyes.

“You, don’t mess around, as long as you give up resistance, I promise to spare your lives.”

Liang Jingfeng knew that the two had already regarded themselves as targets, and they were likely to attack them at any time.

So at this moment, he is quite depressed. I am not the only one who is chasing you. Why are you only staring at me.

Too bully.


The two people were too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and they rushed forward, like two arrows from the string, rushing towards Liang Jingfeng.

The speed was so fast that Liang Jingfeng was in front of him in the blink of an eye.

“No, they plan to concentrate on attacking Fengfeng, so as to take the opportunity to break through our encirclement and stop them!”

Liang Jingyun reacted first, yelled, and then immediately approached Liang Jingfeng.

In fact, he thought that Duan Qingfeng and Xiong Lie were ready to go shopping with them.

And Liang Jingfeng became their first choice because of his Little Brother relationship.

This Liang Jingfeng is his dear Little Brother, how could he watch Liang Jingfeng being killed, so he made up a reason to let people from other countries be cannon fodder.

Anyway, as long as you stop Duan Qingfeng and Xiong Lie and leave them here forever, the process is not important.

“Don’t think about it.”

The others didn’t have time to think about it, and at the same time they shot towards Duan Qingfeng and killed them.

But at this moment, Duan Qingfeng suddenly changed direction, bypassing the crowd to the exit, and disappearing in front of them in an instant.

“No, they used to pretend to be Liang Jingfeng, in order to attract our attention, hurry, go after him.”

Liang Jingyun realized at this time that they had no plans to go shopping with them from the beginning.

In doing so, they sacrificed one person to cover the other to escape.

Because they knew they were not the opponents of their own group, they chose this method of breaking the arm of a strong man.

As long as Duan Qingfeng returned to the Lingwu family alive, things here would not be covered.

“Chasing? You guys don’t put me too much. To put in one’s eyes, Vajra protector.”

At this time, Xiong Lie, who was ignored by them, flashed and blocked the exit of the room with his own body.

At the same time, a faint golden mask protects the whole body.

Then there is another layer…

After a few breaths, Xiong Lie had six layers of golden masks superimposed on his body.

From a distance, Xiong Lie looks like a golden figure made of gold, just standing there gives people a sense of indestructibility.

“This is the Vajra Body Protection Technique of the Lingwu Family. This guy actually cultivated the Vajra Body Protection Technique to the sixth level, superimposing six layers of metallic True Essence, this is over.”

The old country lord Dajin recognized the combat skills used by Xiong Lie and immediately exclaimed.

This Vajra body protection tactic is a powerful combat technique known for defense in the Lingwu family. It has a total of Ninth Stage. Every time one layer is completed, a layer of defense is added.

And each layer of defense can resist 10% of external forces.

Sixth floor is sixty percent strength.

In other words, when he hit Xiong Lie with a punch, he only had to withstand 40% of his strength, and the remaining 60% of his strength would be resisted by the Vajra Body Protector.

But he had to bear the ten percent strength of Xiong Lie.

How to fight this.

“Vajra Body Protection Art is powerful, but it cannot be maintained for a long time, and the greater the strength it bears, the more it consumes. Once the true essence is exhausted, he will definitely die. We have so many people here, and they take action at the same time. It won’t be long.”

Liang Jingyun immediately pointed out the flaws of Vajra’s body protection technique, and then rushed to Xiong Lie’s front.

“Yes, we all shot together.”

Liang Jingfeng also yelled, and rushed over.

Others also wanted to understand this, and they also took action.

Clang clang…

The sound of metal mingling continued to sound, and the attacks of these people fell on Xiong Lie like raindrops.

He retreated steadily after the fight, and had no strength to fight back.

The golden shield on his body has become weaker and weaker with the passage of time.

As Liang Jingyun said, the Vajra Body Guardian needs to consume true yuan to resist damage. The more damage it takes, the more true yuan is consumed.

This is directly proportional, after all, there is no free lunch in the world.

Xiong Lie’s Cultivation Base is not low, but he was besieged by a dozen of them alone, and the true energy consumed was extremely huge.

Before long, the true essence in Xiong Lie’s body was exhausted, and within three minutes, the golden shield on his body was completely shattered.

Xiong Lie was vomiting blood when he was beaten, and his body seemed to be filled with lead.

In the end, he couldn’t bear it and passed out, his injuries were too serious.

Although there was a protective shield of metal true essence to resist, the remaining strength was really not light, and his five internal organs were moved.

But he still had his legs stretched straight, rooted at the entrance like Optimus Prime.

Make it difficult for them to leapfrog the pond.

“This kid is so terrible. We were knocked out by us. He was still blocking the entrance. Are the disciples of the Lingwu family so terrible?”

Everyone is tired, Xiong Lie needs to consume real yuan to resist their offensive, and they also need to consume real yuan to make a full shot.

But Xiong Lie’s performance was too unexpected. If it was any one of them, in this state, he would have fallen to the ground already.

Even some people are beginning to regret it.

This is just a core disciple of the Lingwu family, it is already so terrible, if the masters of the Lingwu family come, will there be a way for them to survive.

“Kill him and chase that kid, you must never let him return to the Lingwu family alive.”

As soon as Liang Jingyun’s voice fell, Liang Jingfeng next to him rushed out.

With a sway of his right hand, a blue big knife appeared in his hand, and he cut it down at Xiong Lie’s neck.


However, what came out was the sound of metal and sound.

Following the reputation, a black long sword appeared beside Xiong Lie’s neck, just blocking Liang Jingfeng’s blade.

“You are going to kill my brother, have you agreed with me!”

Ye Xiu’s cold voice that made his soul tremble came from behind Xiong Lie.

At this time, Xiong Lie seemed to know that he didn’t need him anymore, his legs fell back and he was caught by Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu quickly took out a Nine Cycles Gold Core and fed it to Xiong Lie, then raised his eyes to Liang Jingyun and the others.

Those cold and merciless pupils swept across everyone, and everyone felt their scalp numb and their backs cold.

An unprecedented crisis came to my mind.

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