Chapter 119 Who else wants to kill me?

“You are Liang Jingyun, I didn’t expect you to be alive.”

Ye Xiu turned around and looked at Liang Jingyun calmly, but he didn’t pay attention to him at all in his words.

This Liang Jingyun was the previous lord of the great Liang, and the father of the present lord looks very similar to the lord of the present, but at this time his hair has already turned white and there are faint wrinkles on his face.

The spirit head looks very strong, the body bones are also very strong, but there is a trace of life between the eyebrows.

Obviously it is a sign that life is near.

No wonder this old person who is afraid of death will come here in person, definitely wanting to find something good from here to continue his life.

“Ye Xiu boy, you dare to kill my grandson, today, I will kill you to avenge him.”

Liang Jingyun angrily said that Liang Tian is the one of his many grandchildren, the temperament and temperament are the most like him, so he is deeply loved by him, and he usually teaches by his side.

Never thought that this trip to Lingwu City had caused their grandfather and grandson to die forever.

This made him feel distressed for a long time.

Although Liang Tian was not killed by Ye Xiu himself, he died because of him, so he secretly vowed in his heart that he must avenge his grandson with Ye Xiu.

Unexpectedly, God let himself see Ye Xiu again so soon, how could he just let it go.

“When he first took action against me, the outcome was already doomed, and he would only be the first, never the last.”

A cold light burst into Ye Xiu’s eyes, and he devoted all his efforts to the birth and death of Liang.

In the end, it was calculated by the royal family, and the little fox almost died because of it.

From that moment on, the grievances between him and Da Liang ended.

I am only recovering some interest now, and the real good thing is to come.

“Asshole thing, Tian’er is the monarch, you are the minister, the monarch lets the minister die, the minister has to die…”

“To shut up!”

Ye Xiu broke out completely. It was already this time. It was ridiculous that this old dog would even mention some monarchs to him.

“Old dog Liang, you can tell me clearly. Ye Xiu, I have never done anything for your Liang family, let alone your group of dogs named Liang. Everything I have done is for the great Liang. People. So don’t give me any special mentions of monarchs and ministers, because you are not worthy at all.”

These words hadn’t been in Ye Xiu’s heart for a long time, and now they finally found a chance to vent them.

“you you……”

Liang Jingyun pointed at Ye Xiu for a long time, but he didn’t say a complete sentence.

Because no one dared to talk to him like this for a long time, it was so irritating.

“Ye Xiu, as a courtier, you are unfaithful when you commit the following crimes to deceive the ruler and pervert the law; as a son of man, you kill the tribe and don’t respect the elders, which is unfilial; as a general, you are not filial Unrighteous, you are unfaithful, unfilial, unrighteous, what face does it say that I am not worthy of waiting?”

A middle-aged man dressed as a scholar next to Liang Jingyun took a step forward, looking awe-inspiring.

“Zhugeming, when you knit these crimes for me, did you think of the people who were exploited by you to be eaten by Yizi, and did you think of the innocent girls who were tortured to death by you? I am unfaithful, unfilial and unjust? Then what are you? And, did you just say you wait? Do you really think you are a member of the royal family? You are just a dog they raised.”

Ye Xiu said sarcastically.

“You, you are looking for death.”

Zhuge Ming was furious, this matter was all his dark history, and few people in the whole Daliang knew about it.

And in order to wash off this stain later, he did a good thing for a long time.

So many people in the beam today think that he is white-faced and blue-faced, and there are even people who have built a golden figure for him and built temples, and this has also made him enjoy it.

Ye Xiu actually said this piece of history that he didn’t want to recall.

Believe that this matter will soon spread throughout the entire square inch domain.

This is simply to drive him into the abyss, and never want to get up in this life.

Okay, you won’t let me get better, don’t you, then don’t think about getting better.

Soon, Zhuge Ming came to Ye Xiu and grabbed his neck.

Duan Qingfeng and Xiong Lie next to him flashed a hint of worry. If Ye Xiu hadn’t told them not to do anything before, how could this decent old dog get close to Ye Xiu’s body.

It’s just that they didn’t understand how Ye Xiu was going to deal with Zhuge Ming.

Although this guy was terrible, he was also a master of Ning Yuan Second Stage Heaven, and Ye Xiu couldn’t fight it at all.

“Go to hell…”

Zhugeming had a savage face, and he was about to choke Ye Xiu to death.

But at this moment, Ye Xiu’s left hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed Zhuge Ming’s wrist, while his right hand slowly stretched out to the golden ring broadsword next to him.

With only a buzzing sound, the Golden Ring Broadsword directly turned into countless fire snakes, spreading along Ye Xiu’s arms throughout his body.

“Damn it!”

Zhuge Ming was shocked, this guy wanted to die with him, so scared that he hurriedly stopped.

But Ye Xiu’s hand was like a pair of iron tongs, holding him tightly.

At the same time, the purple flame quickly spread to Zhuge Ming’s hands, frightening him to be constantly beating.

It’s okay if it doesn’t slap. With a slap, the flame hits his other arm directly, and it spreads all over his body in an instant.


There was a scream like a pig, and Zhuge Ming in pain was rolling on the ground, but the flame burned more and more vigorously, and everyone smelled a faint smell.

“Save me, Taishang, save me!”

Zhuge Ming also saw Liang Jingyun behind him at this time. At this time, he was like a drowning person. Knowing that others could not save him, he still wanted to pull others into the water.

At the same time, it is worthless for myself.

But unfortunately everything can’t go back.

Then his head fell to the ground with a crooked head, and it was instantly burned to death by the flames.

On the other side, Ye Xiu was also in the flames, but his body was not damaged in the slightest, and even the clothes on his body were not damaged at all.

“Why are you all right?”

Everyone’s eyes widened and looked at Ye Xiu in disbelief.

You know that Zhuge Ming is a master of Ningyuan Second Stage Heaven, and he can’t resist the burning of this flame.

Ye Xiu is only in the Innate Seventh Stage, how could he have nothing to do.

“Who else wants to kill me? Let’s do it together.”

Ye Xiu’s gaze was like a knife, swept across everyone, everyone turned their gazes to other places, not daring to look at him.

As for the old guys who were still filled with outrage and wished to smash their bodies into pieces, they were all dumb at this moment, and they didn’t dare to say a word.

The whole hall was chilly.

A joke, who would dare to provoke the evil star Ye Xiu at this time.

They are not sure that they can deal with that level of flame.

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