Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen


After Yan Su took Lin Mufeng away, there was a deafening cheer from the entire martial arts venue. Everyone clapped their hands, and their faces were filled with joy.

Too fair, too relieved, and too happy.

“I knew that Senior Brother Yan would not slander good people. Now both bastards are being targeted by the Law Enforcement Hall. With Senior Brother Yan’s temper, he will never give them good fruit.”

“Yeah, it’s a relief. Finally, I don’t have to suffer from these two guys anymore. I knew that. I should have taken action and taught Chu Nan with Senior Brother Ye at that time.”

“Why didn’t you say it earlier, I already missed that grandson Bian.”

The whole performance of the martial arts field can be described as exciting, and it has not been a long time in the Lingwu family that such a lively scene has appeared.

“what happened?”

At this time, two Daoist shadows appeared in the martial arts field.

The speaker was in his early twenties, was eight feet tall, had a stubborn beard on a square face, his eyes were half-squinted, and he looked as if he hadn’t slept for more than ten days.

At this moment, he was also taken aback by the situation in the martial arts field, his eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at a relatively thin young man next to him and asked.

“It seems we missed something good.”

The speaker is about the same age as the man next to him, and looks a little more gentle.

However, his Cultivation Base is the same as that of the big guy. They are all Innate Third Stage Cultivation Bases, and they are obviously core disciple.

“It’s Duan Qingfeng and Xiong Lie, two senior brothers.”

Someone nearby recognized the identities of the two and hurriedly saluted.

The burly man was named Xiong Lie, and the gentleman beside him was Duan Qingfeng.

“What happened just now.”

The two looked at the person who recognized their identity and asked in unison.

“You ask this, it’s like this…”

This person told the whole thing from beginning to end with three strokes and five divisions.

“It’s interesting.”

The two looked at each other, and then they all looked at Ye Xiu, becoming more and more curious about this newly promoted Junior Brother.

Even after ten rings of the ladder, there will be pill refining, and now he has blatantly violated the clan rules, and even the result of an acquittal.

This talent, this luck is too heaven-defying.

“Brother Xiong, the time is almost here, are you coming or me?”

Duan Qingfeng asked.

“Come on, you know, I don’t like this kind of occasion.”

Xiong Lie waved his hand and yawned at the same time, as if he hadn’t woken up.

“All right.”

Duan Qingfeng nodded, his figure flashed, and he came to the front of everyone, and said: “Who am I will not introduce you to you. This trip to Magic Valley was led by Brother Xiong and I. Just ask, are there any plans to leave? If so, hurry up, we are in a hurry.”

“Ah, what’s the matter with Duan Qingfeng leading the team? Isn’t this life-threatening? No, I won’t go this time.”

“It’s not good for anyone to lead the team. Even if it is the Little Demon King, it is much better than Qingfeng. I don’t know what the owner thinks. Forget it, I won’t go.”

“I’m not going either, just staying here to see how Lin Mufeng will be punished.”

In an instant, more than half of the scene left, and only ten people were left, including Ye Xiu and Xiaohu, as well as Xiong Lie, who was sitting not far away and constantly dozing off.

In other words, after Duan Qingfeng said this sentence, there were only seven of the more than 30 people left.

“Yes, yes, you are the most courageous people I have ever met. Don’t worry, this time is the same as before. I will never let you go back empty-handed.”

Duan Qingfeng laughed loudly.

“Well, Brother Duan, I just had a numb leg and I couldn’t walk. I didn’t want to stay. Could you please send me out?”

“And me, I don’t want to go, can you also send me a ride.”

“Ah, I’m dizzy.”

After listening to Duan Qingfeng’s words, the remaining seven people all had their calves trembling, wishing to turn around and leave.

But they don’t even have the courage to go now.

Xiong Lie is actually okay, the most terrifying thing is this section of Qingfeng.

Despite his bookish name and looks, he is actually a total lunatic, he likes to take risks when he does everything.

Although he can save him every time, the process is quite thrilling.

Every time he brought the team back, although no one was injured or died, those people had to rest for at least a few months before they could fully recover.

So their talent is not as good as Mu Tianye, but their reputation is not bad at all.


Duan Qingfeng’s expression was full, and it was finally his turn to be a genius adventurer. Wouldn’t it be too boring if there were no audience.

With that, he took out a whistle and blew it gently in his mouth.


A loud eagle sounded, and then a ten-foot-long wind-controlling eagle descended from the sky and landed firmly beside Duan Qingfeng.

“Go up all, besides, you also know my temper. I never say the same thing a second time.”

Duan Qingfeng patted the wings of Yufeng Shenying, who bends down obediently, and then Duan Qingfeng glanced at everyone again, with a threatening expression in his eyes.

Everyone had no choice but to bite the bullet and jump on the body of the Wind Controlling Condor.

“Let’s go there too.”

At this time, Ye Xiu and Xiaohu also came forward, preparing to jump up, but they were stopped by Duan Qingfeng.

“Little Junior Brother, younger brother and sister, don’t squeeze with them. This is your eagle flute. The Patriarch asked me to give it to you.”

After Duan Qingfeng finished speaking, he took out a palm-sized gray clarinet and handed it to Ye Xiu.

“For me?”

Ye Xiu was a little surprised. The Wind Controlling Condor was a great demon in the Ning Yuan realm, and the Lingwu family’s handwriting was too generous.

“This is the standard configuration of the core disciple, but the Wind Controlling Condor is domesticated by the headquarters, and it takes time to send it over, which only took some time. Also, the Wind Controlling Condor is just the standard configuration of the core disciple of our branch. In the future, if you When you go to the headquarters of the deserted state, you will know that these mounts are just the most inferior, so there is no need to be so surprised.”

Duan Qingfeng saw Ye Xiu’s surprise, so he explained casually.

“Thank you brother for reminding.”

Ye Xiu took the clarinet and blew it on the side of his mouth. Then a huge wind-controlling eagle came to him.

“Little Junior Brother, you are a pill refining teacher. It is very simple to control the Wind-Controlling Condor. You only need to release the power of the soul and convey the meaning of own to it. Unlike us, you need to use the eagle flute to control it.”

Duan Qingfeng said again.

“Let me try.”

Ye Xiu was also interested, this was the Great Demon of Ning Yuan Realm, and it should be very exciting to control.

“Okay, then we’ll go one step ahead.”

Saying that this breeze didn’t wait for Ye Xiu to speak, he jumped on the neck of Yufeng Condor, and Xiong Lie was lying beside him.

“This guy is going to be lazy again.”

Duan Qingfeng glanced at Xiong Lie, did not bother him anymore, and blew the eagle whistle again.

The wind-controlling eagle rose up from the ground, almost in the blink of an eye, their effort disappeared from Ye Xiu’s eyes.

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