Chapter One Hundred and Seven

“The disciple wants to find a fire type combat technique, because the disciple’s flame is special, so the general fire type combat skills are not very useful.”

Ye Xiu said that he had already seen a lot of fire-type combat skills at this time, but each one had great limitations, and some even dragged down the golden flames.

I saw two good combat skills, but it was Saber Technique.

And he used a sword, so he could only deny it.

“Oh? Release your flames for the old man to see.”

This Elder was also curious, what kind of flames could not even support the high-grade combat skills of the Spirit Tier.


Ye Xiu nodded, and when he raised his hand, a cloud of golden flames appeared on the palm of his hand, and the temperature around him immediately became ascension.

“Okay, okay, put it away quickly, otherwise you will light up this Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.”

The old man was also taken aback and hurriedly said.


Ye Xiu nodded, and put it away with a wave of Da Ri Jin Yan.

“You have a very strong flame, and you can’t see the specific grade, but at least it is stronger than the general high-level flame. In this way, the old man will give you a suggestion. You can go to the fifth floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and the seventh bookshelf on the left. Go, find a palm technique called Xuanhuo Six Sun Palm, which should meet your requirements.”

The old man stroked his beard and thought a little.

“Thank you Elder, besides, the disciple still wants to find a Movement Technique, I don’t know if Elder can help recommend it.”

Ye Xiu knew that this old man was probably the guardian of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. His knowledge and experience were by no means comparable to him. With his guidance, he could save a lot of time.

So he stated the purpose of his trip.

“What are your requirements for Movement Technique?”

The old man nodded and asked.

“Movement Technique is naturally simple and direct, the sooner the better.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while and said, Movement Technique is used to chase down the enemy and save his life, other requirements are all imaginary.

“So, the old man recommends that you go to the sixth floor, the third bookshelf on the right, there is a Movement Technique called You Long Step.”

The old man paused and continued: “But the old man has to remind you that this dragon walks out like a dragon. It takes a long time of cultivation to make a difference. You have to be psychologically prepared.”

“Thank you Elder for reminding me, the disciple should keep it in mind.”

Ye Xiu bowed.

“Go, you can come here anytime to find the old man if you don’t understand.”

The old man turned his back and left.

“I haven’t asked Elder how to call it?”

Ye Xiu just remembered that he hadn’t asked his name yet.

As a result, they just waved their hands and quickly disappeared from Ye Xiu’s eyes.

Ye Xiu wasn’t a person who likes to be bullshit either. Anyway, there will be a chance to meet in the future, so he didn’t ask any more questions.

Following the instructions of the old man, he found Xuanhuo Liuyang Palm and You Longbu and looked at them roughly.

This Profound Fire Six Sun Palm is an extremely rigid and fierce palm. There are six styles in total at the top level of spiritual level. Every time one is cultivated, the power can be doubled on the original basis.

If the six forms come out together, it is as if the sky is in the air on six days, and it is extremely overbearing.

It did meet Ye Xiu’s requirements.

As for the Dragon Step, it is a very domineering Movement Technique.

According to the introduction on the Dragon Step, this Movement Technique has nine groups of footwork, but there are only the first six groups.

However, Ye Xiu was quite satisfied with this dragon step. It was simple and straightforward, in line with his wishes, and the speed was very fast.

After copying the two Cultivation Techniques, Ye Xiu left.

The quiet room of the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion.

“Big Elder, why did you come back so soon.”

Wu Santong looked at the old man, suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly asked: “Don’t tell me, did you recommend You Longbu to Ye Xiu again?”

“What do you mean by giving it again? Didn’t you ask the old man to recommend it to him.”

The old man glared at Wu Santong, angrily said.

“Big Elder, don’t joke with me all the time. You and I understand the difficulty of this dragon step cultivation, and no one has mastered it. Didn’t you cheat my apprentice?”

Wu Santong came here specially, just wanting Elder to give directions to Ye Xiu to choose Cultivation Technique.

Because in the entire Lingwu family, the person who is most familiar with the classics in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is undoubtedly the Elder.

As long as he showed up, he could definitely help Ye Xiu choose the most suitable combat technique, thus greatly Ascension his strength.

But he had told Elder again and again not to recommend You Longbu to Ye Xiu, and it turned out the whole thing. He had known this before, so he might as well do it himself.

As for this dragon step, it is indeed a powerful Movement Technique, which can be called the first Movement Technique in the Lingwu family, even Wu Santong has to admit this.

In addition, the Dragon Step is not an incomplete Movement Technique, but it has only these six sets of footwork, which is the basis of the Dragon Step.

Although these six sets of footwork are simple and straightforward, they are unusually fierce, but there is nothing special about them, and they are just as strong as the Movement Technique of the middle rank of the spirit stage.

Its real power lies in the following three sets of footwork.

It’s just that the following three sets of footwork need to be cultivated on the basis of these six sets of footwork, and this is the key to the entire dragon step.

Creating a Movement Technique is a very difficult thing in itself.

Even with the help of the first six sets of footwork, not everyone can do it.

Many people have chosen to cultivate this method before, but they all gave up in the end.

If you can’t create the following footwork, it’s better to transfer to a spiritual level high-grade Movement Technique.

This caused the Dragon Step to be in an extremely embarrassing situation, knowing that it is the strongest Movement Technique, but few people are willing to touch it.

Big Elder is a cultivator of walking dragon steps, and he has only performed the seventh set of steps in his entire life.

He didn’t want Ye Xiu to waste most of his time on this.

“What do you know, that kid has amazing talents, decisive and ruthless, simple and rude, very suitable for the number of dragon steps, even if he can’t master it at the end, he can change to other Movement Techniques at any time, it will not affect at all. But if he If the cultivation is completed, then he will make a profit.”

Elder said, no one knows the value of the dragon step better than him.

Although he only performed the seventh set of footwork, with his Ninth Stage Cultivation Base, even a master of the Profound Realm would never want to hurt him.

Therefore, he is not willing to let this Movement Technique be covered in dust.

As long as he has the opportunity, he will recommend others to cultivate Youlongbu.

What if the repair is completed.

Even if it doesn’t work, you can transfer to other Movement Techniques without any loss.

“No, I can’t let the dragon step waste Xiu’er’s talent, Elder, I will take this glimpse of light first.”

As Wu Santong spoke, he pulled out a Movement Technique from the bookshelf next to it, and chased it in the direction where Ye Xiu left.

He felt that instead of wasting time cultivating the Dragon Step, Ye Xiu might as well directly cultivate the light and glimpse of the shadows. This is a movement technique of the highest spirit level.

Even if he breaks through to the cave sky in the future, it will be enough.

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