Chapter 1019

“Who else!”

The sound was rolling, floating above Yuecheng like thunder.

Ye Xiu’s gaze swept across the stands and the disciples of the various sects, and all of them lowered their arrogant heads, including the Seventh-Rank Human Immortal master of the Chiyang Sect.

The strength of this person is comparable to Zhao Changming, and since Ye Xiu has the strength to kill him on the spot, it is enough to kill himself.

He finally soared up and had a great future. Of course, he didn’t want to be like Zhao Changming and died here because of a competition.

If Sect Leader does not care about his life and death and insists on letting him come to power and fight Ye Xiu desperately, then he will also choose to betray the sect without hesitation.

Although betraying the sect will make his situation very dangerous, there is still a chance for him.

“This kid is too arrogant.”

The major Sect Leaders were flushed with anger, but Xiao Wuyun’s face was pale and sicker, and he was also angry.

Since the beginning of cultivation, she has rarely been angry. In her opinion, nothing is worth her anger, but this time she was really angry.

She hasn’t been in the position of Sect Leader for too long, and it can even be said that Xuantian Sect’s thousands of years of accumulation has been swept away by this kid, and she has not even left her root hair.

Not long ago, the major Elders jointly demanded that they severely punish Ye Xiu. Although they didn’t say it clearly, she could see that those old guys didn’t accept her as a Sect Leader at all, and were ready to take the opportunity to fight against Tian Juemen.

But I wasn’t stupid. How could I get involved with them properly, so I found an excuse to stop him.

And Ye Xiu’s move directly gave them a chance, without thinking about what kind of situation he would face after he returned.

All this was caused by the kid Ye Xiu, and she naturally wanted to put this account on this kid.

“Wood Sect Leader, let Wuming go. Now this kid consumes a lot of money. As long as we use middle-grade fairy tools, I don’t believe he can win.”

Xiang Tian looked towards Mulongfeidao, Mulongfei, also known as the Sect Leader of the Chiyang Sect, was also a master of Celestial Immortals third rank Realm.

Because the Chiyang Sect’s status in Yuecheng is not high, and the number of Celestial Immortals in the gate is pitiful compared to their faction, he can only listen to him this time. No comments have been mentioned, and there is no way. carry.

There is no Celestial Immortals at home, and there is no confidence to speak.

Hearing Xiang Tian’s words, Mu Longfei frowned, and glanced at Qin Wuming, who was the only disciple of the Seventh Grade immortal under his sect, who shivered directly.

Seeing this, Mu Longfei sighed and said, “Sorry, my Chiyang Sect is not as strong as your Iron Sword Sect. I think that’s it.”

In fact, Mu Longfei also wanted to perform in this competition to prove that his Chiyang Sect was still alive.

However, Qin Wuming, the only one in the school who can tell, has been frightened, and if he is forced to take action at this time, isn’t it forcing him to die.

What’s more, Ye Xiu could not only rely on the middle-rank immortal weapon, but also the powerful mantra. Besides, even if the middle-rank immortal weapon was given to him, he would not be able to maximize the power of the immortal weapon.

You know, it takes a long time to cultivate and establish contact with the immortal artifact to be able to exert its due power, improvise, and what role it is to get started.

After all, not all fairy artifacts can possess such a high level of spirituality like the one in Ye Xiu’s hands.

Hearing this, Qin Wuming breathed a sigh of relief immediately, he didn’t want to go up and touch Ye Xiu’s mildew.


Xiang Tian was a little annoyed. In this competition, two people died from his Iron Sword Sect, as well as a genius who had never met in a century.

Although Ye Xiu’s strength was very strong and he killed Zhao Changming, he must have consumed a lot of strength in the process. At this time, sending a disciple of the Seventh Stage of Human Immortal to him would definitely win.

But this guy actually retreated, then their previous efforts were in vain.

“Forget it, it doesn’t make any sense to fight anymore.”

Qin Tiankai also spoke. He could see that this Qin Wuming had been frightened by the previous battle, and even if he shot it, he couldn’t beat Ye Xiu. It was completely useless.

Instead of looking for ugliness, it’s better to give Tian Juemen a Face to ease the atmosphere between the two sides, at least not to forge a feud.

Even if the people above questioned them, they were easy to talk. After all, in order to fulfill their requirements, it directly led to the tragic death of two disciples.

This price is enough.

“If no one comes to challenge me yet, then I will win.”

Ye Xiu was a little disappointed. Originally, he wanted to kill one or two people to enjoy himself, but he didn’t expect these guys to be so scared and gave up directly.

This is really anticlimactic.

“I declare that this competition is over, and the winner is Lincheng.”

What can Xiang Tian say, the only Chiyang Sect that can be relied on has given up, even if the other sects are angry, they can’t help it.

After all, only new disciples are required to participate in this competition, but apart from Zhao Changming and Qin Wuming, among these newly promoted disciples, the highest in Cultivation Base is also the sixth rank.

A person of this kind of strength, even if he was given a middle-grade immortal weapon, he would just go up to die.

So he can only announce that the competition is over.

“Fuck, this is over, don’t you guys get together to cheat people!”

Those who took the handicap directly yelled at them. They were sent by several chambers of commerce in the two cities. They originally wanted to take the opportunity to make a lot of money, but they didn’t expect to lose out.

Although not many people bought Ye Xiu to win this time, they paid a lot of money one by one, and one of them also received a bet of 50 million lower-grade immortal stones, and Ye Xiu won.

If one loses five, that would be 250 million lower-grade immortal stones, plus the people who bet scattered, and they lost nearly 100 million in one competition.

Although they limited the amount of bets after the second game, after three games, several chambers of commerce still lost a full 500 million.

This is a low-grade immortal stone worth 500 million yuan, and it is the sum of the profits of several of their chambers of commerce over several years.

Originally, they wanted to come back later, but the competition ended.

They have to suspect that this is a combination of various big sects, in order to cheat them.

Too special is not a thing anymore.

“Are you questioning us?”

Xiang Tian was so angry, these guys actually sent the door to him to scold him, how could he give them a good face.

If it’s a large chamber of commerce like Qingfeng Chamber of Commerce, it’s fine, and several small chambers of commerce dare to question them, believe it or not, daddy will kill you directly.

Besides, it was not Daddy who asked you to come over. Who can blame it if you lose it?

“Ahem, no, dare not, dare not.”

The few people immediately died down, joking, how dare they challenge these sects, they can only recognize it.

In fact, the main reason why they were angry was that they had just exchanged the Immortal Stones for those who won, and it was over here, leaving them no time to prepare.

If they knew this was the case, they would not redeem them, they would directly pay back the bet of these people, and then ran away.

What, credibility? This thing is worth a few quick celestial stones.

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