Chapter 1007 Don’t mess with me

“If I win, how much benefit can we get?”

Ye Xiu said, since this matter can’t be changed, then think about the benefits. He doesn’t want to spend so much effort to win, because he won’t get any benefits.

“Half of the ore mined from the Celestial Vein will belong to us. Of course, I don’t care about this. With the things you gave before, we can stick to it even without this half of the Celestial Stone. What I care about is the absolute best. Fame, so we must fight and we must win.”

Chu ruthlessly said, originally he didn’t want to participate in this competition, but he couldn’t say no to the invitations sent by the gates.

In the fairy world, the reputation of a sect is particularly important. Once your reputation is bad and your aura is weak, it will affect your attractiveness to others. Who will join you at that time.

You know, none of the people who can fly up are ordinary people, but their own future. If a school can’t even provide the future, then who will play with you.

Without fresh blood, no matter how strong the sect is, there will be dead bones in the mound. Not only will there be problems internally, but also the external forces will fall into trouble at this time and plunder their original resources.

Even a force such as Heaven Court attaches great importance to this point, so they dare not mess around with certain things and can only do it behind the scenes. On the bright side, they must try their best to protect their reputation.

The reason why Tian Juemen can still live and moisturize despite openly challenging the Heaven Court is because of its own name and momentum.

This kind of sect will let the disciples under the sect and those who are preparing to join the Heavenly Jue sect see the rush and hope, and will follow you with all their heart.

It can even be said that Heaven’s Juemen can have its current status, and it has a certain relationship with Heaven Court’s open challenge.


Ye Xiu nodded, knowing what to do.

“What do you need me to do?”

Chu Ruqing didn’t ask Ye Xiu how sure he was, and he didn’t need to know, he believed Ye Xiu could do it.

“A quiet room and come forward to support me when necessary. I guess it is likely that people will die in the next competition.”

Ye Xiu squinted his eyes and said, since they have already bullied himself, if he doesn’t show it, wouldn’t it be weak for his own name?

And it’s not his style to fight back. Since you want to play, then I will have fun with you.

“You kid don’t mess with me.”

When Chu Ruqing heard Ye Xiu’s murderous words, he was taken aback.

This is a competition. Although these people’s starting point is wrong, they can’t kill them. This is a matter of anger.

Moreover, the three of them become tigers, if this is spread out, after being induced by various major sects, he will be absolutely unreasonable.

“Then what if they want to kill me?”

Ye Xiu smiled.

“You kid!”

Chu Ruqing was so shrewd that he immediately understood what Ye Xiu meant, and said, “As long as it’s not justified by you, then even if the sky falls, I’ll stand it up for you.”

He was originally a person who was not afraid of heaven and earth, but after serving as the master of the heavenly sect, he needed to consider the interests of the whole sect, so he had more worries when he did things and looked forward and backward.

He was only thinking about how to deal with this matter before, and he didn’t care about other things, but Ye Xiu’s words reminded him.

Everyone has hit the door, if you don’t fight back, wouldn’t it be a weakening of the reputation of Tianjuemen?

“With your words, I know what to do.”

A satisfied smile appeared on Ye Xiu’s face.

After that, Chu Ruqing randomly arranged a quiet room for him. Originally, there were not many people who came, and the whole restaurant was already covered by him.

He didn’t dare to spend money indiscriminately before, but now it is different. Now that he has money, he can be willful.

Inside the room.

“Is your kid sure? If you’re sure, this king will make some extra money. On the way here, this king saw that someone had already opened the handicap.”

Tuntian Jin Miao asked, what way to get money quickly, of course, is to grab and gamble, but grabbing can’t be done anytime and anywhere.

Gambling is different. It can be done anytime, anywhere. The barriers to handicap in this way are extremely low, and no technology is needed. Win or lose depends on luck. Moreover, it also found that the handicap against Ye Xiu has a huge difference in the ratio of wins and losses. Even to the level of five to one.

In other words, if he wins by buying a share, he can get five times the income, which is faster than grabbing the money in this case.

“By the way, buy some for me, just buy me and win.”

Ye Xiu has absolute confidence. In this battle, he not only has to win, but also wins beautifully, letting the four main sects suffer the consequences.

The previous lessons didn’t make them remember, and I didn’t mind deepening their impression.

After speaking, he took out an Interspatial Ring and gave it to Swallow Sky Golden Sable. Among them, all his belongings, a total of 30 million low-grade immortal stones.

“The king is going to pay for it. If your kid loses, it will be up to him how to deal with you.”

After Swallowing Golden Sable finished speaking, he took Ye Xiu’s Interspatial Ring and rushed out, leaving only Ye Xiu in the room.

At this time, he began to use the Dayan swordsmanship to use the swordsmanship he obtained from the four major sects to start deducing his own swordsmanship.

At the same time, in another restaurant, the main gatekeepers gathered together.

“Everyone, Ye Xiu has arrived, let’s sum up how to deal with this kid.”

The iron sword gate master Xiang Tian asked, speaking of Ye Xiu, he was itching his teeth with hatred. This kid emptied the iron sword gate’s treasure house, which was their accumulation for several generations and nearly a thousand years.

Not only that, because of the amber bloodstone, they also paid a large amount of immortal stone to the Qingfeng Merchant Guild, and now they can say that they are almost unable to unravel the pot.

Therefore, the four sects of them united to deal with Ye Xiu. Of course, they were mainly dealing with Tian Jue. This was the meaning of the above.

Dealing with Ye Xiu was only made by them in private. Dealing with Ye Xiu was to deal with Tian Juemen anyway, and it would not affect the final result.

“That’s why you called us over?”

Dugu Peak frowned, Ye Xiu was just a little person who had just entered the fairyland, and the people he was doing were all Sect Leaders of various factions, and strong people of Celestial Immortals Realm.

Uniting himself to deal with Ye Xiu had already made him an exception, and now Xiang Tian had summoned everyone over because of this incident.

This is too trivial.

“Dugu Sect Master knows something. This kid is very strong. Feng Yun Wuji under my sect has played against him. He has a high evaluation of this person. If you don’t make all-out preparations in advance, you are likely to be given to him by this kid. If we turn over, then we will be very passive.”

Xiang Tian glanced at everyone and said, “I think, you don’t want to be considered incompetent by the people above.”

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