Chapter 1000


Ye Xiu nodded, and immediately operated the Primordial Swallowing Art, and immediately felt that the pressure on his body was reduced a lot.

With the passage of time, the influence of this force on him became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared completely.

In other words, as soon as it appeared, it was “swallowed” by the Primordial Swallowing Sky Art.

“Really good!”

Ye Xiu was surprised and inexplicably surprised as if he had discovered a new world.

He originally thought that this Primordial Swallowing Sky Art could only absorb all kinds of energies between heaven and earth.

“This Primordial Swallowing Technique is born out of the natural ability of this king. This king can do it. You can basically do it after cultivating the Primordial Swallowing Technique. Of course, the premise is that you can find all the Cultivation Techniques. Now If it does, it’s still based on various energies, so don’t think about ore and the like, and be careful to kill you.”

Tian Swallowing Golden Sable explained that its natural ability can be regarded as nothing but swallowing in the true sense.

The Primordial Sky Swallowing Art almost perfectly simulates own ability, so the person who cultivates this kind of Cultivation Technique is basically equivalent to possessing the blood and ability of the Sky Swallowing Golden Sable.

But Ye Xiu only owns the former Fifth Stage of the Primordial Swallowing Sky Secret Art. To achieve his own level, it is the most basic to get a complete Primal Swallowing Heaven Secret Art.

So he still has a long way to go and can’t be anxious.

“All right.”

Ye Xiu nodded. He hadn’t thought about it so much, but he soon discovered that the energy transformed after absorbing the aura had disappeared, so he asked: “Gold, how did the power transformed by the aura disappear?”

“Nonsense, aura is not energy, what is transformed is only the integration of potential energy into your body.”

Swallowing Golden Sable then said: “When your potential energy has accumulated to a certain level, the own potential will be born. This is a more advanced power. Generally, only the existence of the fairy king or above can be born. Note that there is May be born.”

“It can even be said that the birth of a master and a master who has not been born are completely two concepts, but for you who have the Primordial Swallowing Technique, birth potential is only a matter of time.”

“So in the future, when you encounter similar masters, you must cherish the opportunity and absorb their potential to strengthen yourself. If you can raise the birth, then it will be of great benefit to you.”

“Aura can still be cultivated?”

Ye Xiu heard something in the cloud, but he didn’t quite understand it at all.

In his understanding, aura is a special temperament accumulated in a person. Aura is a psychological influence on a person. It is abstract.

But when it came to Tuntian Jin Sable, how could it become another thing?

“What the king is talking about is not momentum, but momentum. As for what momentum is, you don’t have enough Realm, and you don’t understand what the king said. When you condense your own momentum, then you will understand if you don’t say it, so you Just do what the king says, and this king can still harm you.”

Swallowing the golden mink has no good air.

“Not always……”


As soon as Ye Xiu’s words fell, he felt the mountain under his feet shook suddenly, and then an unprecedented sense of crisis came to his heart.

Before he could react, he felt like he was flying up. Looking down, he saw Tuntian Jin Diao rushing out with his own collar in his mouth.

In this gap, he looked at the valley where he was before, only to find that the entire valley was enveloped by a terrifying formation. Just looking at it, he could feel the terrible energy fluctuations and the breath of Death.

After a while, Tian Tian Jin Sable threw him aside, looked back in the direction of the valley, and secretly said: “This kid really… is this necessary?”

“What formation is this!”

Ye Xiu’s pupils shrank slightly, and he could feel the horror aura emanating from the formation just outside. If he went deep into it, he couldn’t imagine the situation he would face.

too frightening.

“Ten Fang Annihilation Array.”

Swallowing Golden Sable gave the answer: “This is one of the ten ancient killing formations. Once it is shrouded in formation, all the lives in it will be extinguished. It is difficult to survive even if the Heavenly Emperor comes in person.”

The ten-fang death array is one of the formations it taught Liu Qingkong. It really has the power to destroy the sky and the earth. It is also the most powerful and destructive formation among the ten major killing arrays.

Speaking of it, it has not been used since it got the formation. On the one hand, it takes a lot of time and resources to set up the formation, and on the other hand, it has no chance to use it at all.

The power of this formation is too great, it can destroy almost everything, anyway, it has encountered a master who can force it to use this formation.

Besides, it was only a heavenly king to deal with, but with such a big array, some fuss made a lot of fuss.

However, it can understand Liu Qingkong’s mood when he set up the battle. It is not so much a fuss, it is better to say that he is venting.

Vent the unwillingness and anger in my heart.

“So, the people inside are all dead ends?”

Ye Xiu didn’t ask why it knew so clearly, because this guy was too mysterious, and there was almost nothing it didn’t know. If he asked it himself, he wouldn’t tell the truth to himself, so it’s better not to ask.

It’s just that they are facing a heavenly king, that is beyond the existence of the immortal king, even if the Cultivation Base is suppressed, it is definitely not so easy to deal with.

“Of course, this king has already said that even if the Heavenly Emperor visits in person, it is difficult to get out of it alive.”

Tian Tian Jin Shou nodded.


As soon as the words of Swallowing Golden Sable fell, the ten-square extinguishment array shook, and then began to collapse.

“Those people are dead, the formation is about to stop, it’s up to us.”

Swallowing Golden Sable saw this, his eyes lit up suddenly.

“So fast!”

Ye Xiu was taken aback, how long had passed since then.

Was that a king who died like this? This is incredible.

“What do you think, this is the ten-fang nirvana formation, and it is a little overkill to deal with the king of heaven.”

Swallowing the sky Jin Shou said with a look of disdain, using the ten-fang nirvana array to deal with the king itself is a sledgehammer. If it takes some more time, it would be too sorry for the name of the ten-fang nirvana array.

“Will you know these ten directions of annihilation? I’m willing to exchange it with you with the three-performing mantra.”

Ye Xiu was full of expectation that the ten-fang nirvana array could solve a heavenly king so easily. If he mastered it, and met someone he couldn’t deal with in the future, wouldn’t it be solved as soon as the formation came out.

“Don’t think what you guys think is the king’s ignorance. These ten directions of annihilation are not something you can contact now. Let’s talk about it after your Cultivation Base reaches a level above the true immortal.”

Swallowing Golden Sable really wanted to get the truth, but it was impossible to exchange everything with Ye Xiu, because Ye Xiu didn’t use this thing at all.

Give it to him directly, but it may harm him.

The things he proposed to replace before were all things that Ye Xiu could use and could Ascension his strength, so that not only did he gain the mantra, Ye Xiu’s strength also grew, why not do it.

What’s more, it still counts on Ye Xiu to help him get revenge, how could it be helped.

That is not to help him, but to harm him.

“You actually refused.”

Ye Xiu didn’t expect it to be greedy for the truth, it would actually reject him.

“Okay, it’s time to go.”

Swallowing Golden Sable didn’t talk nonsense with him, because the formation has stopped and nothing will be obtained any later.

After speaking, he rushed to Ye Xiu’s side, struck out a pattern, and the two of them disappeared directly in place.

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