Nine Heavens

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

According to the soul, there is now a Restrictions under the soul in He Ming’s soul sea. Because of the existence of this Restrictions, He Ming has to obey his own command.

Even with the existence of these Restrictions, Mo Ye didn’t think He Ming would obey him wholeheartedly. Because not long ago, He Ming was still thinking about taking his body away.

Precisely because of this incident, Mo Ye didn’t have a good impression of He Ming, and some of them were just killing intent. But his current strength is still very low, with such a strong fighter, many things will be much easier to do. Therefore, Mo Ye also pressed down the killing intent in his heart.

It is not too late to resolve the grievances with He Ming when own strength can stand alone in front of the spirit opening realm.

“Your soul power has been absorbed by He Ming a lot, and I have extracted all of them from him for you. Now you quickly re-refining these soul powers to repair your previous soul damage.” The soul said, a The white ball of light immediately appeared in front of Mo Ye.

Mo Ye looked at the white ball of light in front of him, and a feeling of kindness emerged spontaneously. Although He Ming had swallowed and refined these soul powers before, these soul powers still had a trace of contact with him. Before He Ming had completely refined them, he could still retrieve them and absorb them.

Mo Ye grabbed the ball of light and began to meditate and refine in the world of good fortune. A trace of white air flow radiated from the inside of the light ball, and headed towards Mo Ye’s Tianling Gai, where it was re-absorbed and refined by him.

The soul watched as Mo Ye gradually absorbed the ball of light, and whispered a few times, a black light flew out of his body, and entered Mo Ye’s mind along with the white air currents. After doing this, the soul’s body has dimmed a lot.

Mo Ye only felt that an incomparably pure soul power suddenly appeared in his mind, quickly making up for his previous damage.

The damage that Mo Ye’s soul had suffered was restored in just a few breaths. But at this time, 70% to 80% of that pure soul power remained in Mo Ye’s body, waiting for him to refine it.

How could Mo Ye still not understand that the power of the soul is the handwriting of the soul? He immediately ran the Divine Profound Sutra to refine the power of these unowned souls for his own use, and his soul power was also rapidly increasing at this moment.

With the passage of time, Mo Ye has almost refined the power of that soul. At this time, the power of the soul that existed in his mind had reached an unprecedentedly powerful level.

Under the influence of the powerful soul power, Mo Ye also instantly discovered a dark dot hidden deep in his mind.

After the entrance to Mo Ye’s Soul Sea was forcibly opened by He Ming, it did not disappear again.

“That’s… the entrance of the soul sea!” Mo Ye was taken aback for a moment, and then a burst of ecstasy emerged in his heart.

Since He Ming wanted to take him away, he would definitely open his soul sea with brute force. Now He Ming has failed to win the house, but the entrance to the soul sea has not disappeared. This is really a blessing in disguise!

After seeing the entrance to the Soul Sea, a crazy idea grew in Mo Ye’s heart.

Open the soul sea!

Opening the soul sea can only be done after the cultivator reaches the spirit opening realm. If he opens the Soul Sea now, he may be the only person who opens the Soul Sea in the Spiritual Realm, and the benefits of this are unimaginable.

By opening the Soul Sea, he will be able to display the abilities that a few spirit-opening cultivators possess in advance. In this way, when he uses these methods when facing the enemy, it will definitely have an unexpected effect.

Thinking of this, Mo Ye immediately wanted to open the Soul Sea according to the method of the previous life. But as soon as this idea appeared, he forced it down.

There are still a lot of the power of the Unlord Soul in his mind now, and he must refining all these soul powers before he can try to unlock the Soul Sea. Otherwise, when the soul sea is opened, the power of these masterless souls is likely to become a huge obstacle for him to open the soul sea.

In addition, he had to consult with the soul before opening the sea of ​​soul. The soul strength Bufan is far beyond his imagination, and his knowledge will not be so bad. With the experience of the soul, his chances of opening the soul sea will also be greatly increased.

There is also a chance of failure when opening the soul sea. Once the opening fails, the soul of the cultivator will be greatly damaged, and it will take a long time to recover before it can recover. After the recovery, you can no longer try to open the soul sea, because at that time, it is impossible to succeed in opening the soul sea.

Therefore, the cultivator can only try to unlock the soul sea again after the power of the soul has grown tremendously. If Mo Ye fails to open the Soul Sea this time, when he tries again next time, he will probably have reached the Spirit Opening Realm. In that case, what is the difference between him and other Spirit Opening cultivators?

To kill Wang Yishan, he must have a strength far surpassing Wang Yishan. And according to his current cultivation speed, when the catastrophe arrived, Cultivation Base would definitely not be able to surpass Wang Yishan. Then if he wants to kill Wang Yishan, he can only let himself have the strength of a higher rank against the enemy.

In order to achieve a higher level against the enemy, Mo Ye must use all the methods that can be used by Ascension’s strength, and opening the soul sea in the spiritual realm is one of the choices. So this time opening the soul sea, he can’t fail!

After another half an hour, Mo Ye finally refined the last trace of the power of the masterless soul in his mind. After refining this trace of the power of the masterless soul, he immediately opened his eyes and looked in the direction where the soul was before.

The soul is still there!

Looking at the illusory figure of the soul, Mo Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that the soul would choose Closed Door Training to recuperate when he refined the power of the soul. That powerful soul power was passed on to him by the soul, and this practice would definitely bring great damage to the soul of the soul, and now he could clearly understand the illusory figure of the soul.

“You have finished refining?” Soul Jian Mo Ye woke up and asked.

“Yeah.” Mo Ye replied, walking towards the soul, “Soul, I want to consult you about one thing!”

“It’s about opening the soul sea!” The soul said, breaking Mo Ye’s thoughts, “In my memory, although it is not common for the cultivator to start the soul sea, it has appeared so many times in history. .”

“I have appeared several times!” Mo Ye was a little surprised, it seemed that opening the Soul Sea in the Spiritual Realm was even more difficult than he had imagined!

Soul glanced at Mo Ye, and said: “The soul power you have now is not enough to support you to completely open the soul sea.”

“There are two ways to open the soul sea. The first method is to open the soul sea at once. Although this method is difficult, the opened soul sea is very stable and has great growth potential.”

“The second method divides the steps of opening the soul sea into several steps. Each step can open the soul sea some. After all the steps are completed, the soul sea will also be completely opened.”

“However, the soul sea opened by the second method is not as stable as the first one. Once the cultivator encounters some means that can attack the soul, it is extremely difficult for this kind of soul sea to resist these attacks. If you are a little careless, the soul sea Will be broken.”

“If you want to open the soul sea before opening the spirit realm, it is more than enough to use the second method now. But if you want to open a powerful soul sea, something is still missing.”

“Wish to hear the details!” Mo Ye said after hearing the detailed explanation from the soul.

Since he wants to become a strong under the same Realm, how can he use the second method to open a weak soul sea? To open the soul sea, the own soul sea must be strong enough. It is better not to open a weak soul sea!

After feeling Mo Ye’s determination, a smile appeared on Unreal’s face. Only those with great determination and perseverance can be cultivated by him. He cultivated Mo Ye because of this.

Soul raised his hand and lightly touched Mo Ye’s forehead.

A piece of information suddenly appeared in Mo Ye’s mind, it was a pill recipe. The names of the medicinal materials appeared in Mo Ye’s mind, and he quickly remembered them, and at the same time he remembered them in his heart, as well as the refining method of Medicine Pill.

“Nashendan?” Mo Ye whispered.

The method of refining the God Pill is extremely complicated, and the required medicinal materials are extremely rare. In this case, it will take him a lot of work to refine this Medicine Pill.

Based on the information in his mind, Mo Ye also understood how amazing the efficacy of this Nashen Pill was. It can be said that the medicinal effect of one Nashen Pill is equivalent to hundreds of Focusing Pills.

If this pill recipe of Nashendan is released, those pill refining masters will be extremely shocked, and even buy it from Mo Ye at a large price.

But Mo Ye has no plans to sell pill recipe now. If he sells this pill recipe now, it will be even more difficult for him to collect the medicinal materials for refining Nashen Pill. It is impossible for him to do things that benefit others and disadvantage oneself, and his selflessness will only be used on people who are important to him.

“The medicinal materials recorded on the Nashen Pill, I remember that there is a small part in my storage bag. However, I don’t have the three main medicinal materials for refining the Nashen Pill.” Mo Ye thought in his heart.

The three main medicinal materials for refining Nashen Pill are Nashen Grass, Yinling Flower and Blood Essence. The first two medicinal materials are okay. He once saw it in a book dedicated to pill refining medicinal materials, and he had such a slight impression. But the last medicinal material, he had never heard of it.

“Soul, what is the fog beast?” Mo Ye asked in doubt, he really couldn’t remember what spirit beast was called fog beast.

“The fog beast only appears in the place where the Yin Qi gathers. There is no exact location. You need to find it yourself. In addition, the cultivation of the Divine Profound Sutra cannot be dropped. When you open the Soul Sea, the Divine Profound Sutra will also It can help you a lot. In order to save you, my consumption is a bit high. Now I have to go to sleep. You can handle He Ming’s affairs yourself. I will give you something that can control the Restrictions in his soul, and you will Spirit Power can be injected into it!” After that, the soul sent a black light into Mo Ye’s body, and then disappeared in Mo Ye’s eyes.

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