Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 90 Luo Xuan!

"It is not impossible to accept you as a disciple! However, it is not easy to enter our Tiandao Sect. You still need to pass the test!"

Luo Xuan's eyes flashed and she smiled slightly.

She felt a little excited.

The reason why she came to this small Dali Kingdom was because of the secret realm of Wolong Mountain that was about to open, but she never thought that she would meet such a talented person like Su Chen.

Of course, Luo Xuan doesn't place much importance on talent. What she values ​​most is character, quality and understanding.

Su Chen's talent is naturally up to par, but if he wants to become her disciple, his character, character, and understanding still need to be tested.

"Senior, no matter what the test is, I will definitely be able to pass it!"

Su Chen said with a smile.

"Very good! Since you are a disciple of Shenwu Academy, you should know about the secret realm of Wolong Mountain, right? The secret realm of Wolong Mountain is opened, and I will take you into it. If your trial satisfies me, I will accept you as my disciple! "

Luo Xuan's eyes moved and she said with a smile.


Su Chen nodded without hesitation.


"Little guy, practice hard! The secret realm of Wolong Mountain is very dangerous. It is not as safe as you think. When the secret realm opens, I will find you!"

Luo Xuan looked at Su Chen, smiled slightly, then rose into the sky and flew towards the Shenwu Academy.

Looking at Luo Xuan's leaving figure, Su Chen's eyes were full of excitement.

"Master, I will definitely protect you and the Tiandao Sect in this life, and I will never let anyone hurt you!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart, with a trace of determination in his eyes.

In his previous life, Luo Xuan accepted him as his disciple and took him to Tiandao Sect.

The Nine Dragons Fighting Technique was also taught to him by Luo Xuan.

Tiandao Sect is one of the seven holy places in the Eastern Wasteland. Although its strength is not top-notch, it is not weak either. Moreover, there are few disciples from each peak in the sect, so the relationship is very close, and there is no intrigue like other holy places.

Su Chen spent his happiest years in Tiandao Sect.

It was also in the Tiandao Sect that he gradually showed his prominence and mastered the Nine Dragons Fighting Technique. His cultivation and strength were both outstanding.

He advanced by leaps and bounds and became a well-known genius among the Tiandao Sect, a junior brother who was loved and cherished by everyone.

But the good times didn't last long.

Tiandao Sect suffered a catastrophe. Extremely terrifying enemies entered the Tiandao Sect, massacred the entire Tiandao Sect, killed so many people, and burned the entire Tiandao Sect to the ground.

Su Chen saw with his own eyes that the brothers and sisters who had cared for him very much in the past were buried in the sea of ​​fire, and died tragically in front of him one by one.

He only hated that he was not strong enough.

Even in order to save Su Chen, Luo Xuan did not hesitate to die with a powerful enemy before sending Su Chen out of Tiandao Sect.

Today, Su Chen saw Luo Xuan, which reminded him of the destruction of Tiandao Sect in his previous life.

"In this life, as long as I, Su Chen, are here, the Tiandao Sect will not be destroyed, the master will live well, and those so-called enemies will all die!"

There was a trace of cold and overwhelming murderous intent in Su Chen's eyes.

Apart from his parents Ling'er, Luo Xuan was the most important person to him.

Tiandaozong is his home.

He would never let the tragedy of his previous life happen again.

In this life, he has more powerful power. He must obtain the unparalleled fighting power to determine the world before the crisis comes and reverse everything!

Su Chen suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his heart, turned around and rushed towards Shenwu Academy.

Shenwu Academy, in a separate courtyard.

Su Chen took out the middle-aged scribe's storage ring. The spiritual imprint on it had disappeared. He found a trace of spiritual power and imprinted it on the storage ring.

There were some elixirs and elixirs in the storage ring. Although most of them were fourth- and fifth-level elixirs, which were of great use to the Martial Sect and the Martial Master, they were not taken seriously by Su Chen.

There are also several martial arts books, the most powerful of which is the Sky Frost Divine Eagle Claw practiced by the middle-aged scribe, which is ranked among the low-grade martial arts of the earth level!

In addition, there are thousands of low-grade spiritual stones.

"Another pauper! Thousands of spirit stones should barely allow me to advance to one or two small realms. It seems that if I want to get enough spirit stones, I can only go to Tiandao Sect!"

Su Chen smiled bitterly.

He has the Nine Dragons Fighting Technique, as well as the skills from his previous life

Memory, of course, does not lack powerful martial arts.

The only thing missing is training resources.

That is, the spiritual stone.

Unfortunately, the Donglin Territory is too barren. Among the thirty-six territories of the Eastern Wasteland, it is ranked at the bottom, with only some low-grade spiritual stones.

Therefore, even middle-aged scribes and powerful warriors have only accumulated a few thousand spiritual stones.

And Su Chen practiced the Nine Dragons Fighting Heaven Technique, which was an extremely powerful god-level martial arts. The level of true energy at the same level was nine times that of others.

Naturally, the resources required for cultivation are far greater than those of other warriors!

These thousands of spirit stones may allow other martial arts masters to practice for a long time, but for Su Chen, they can only improve one or two small realms at most.

"The secret realm of Wolong Mountain was opened by the Yanlong Martial Saint. Although I did not enter it in my previous life, I heard from my master that it contains not only the inheritance of the Yanlong Martial Saint, but also the various treasures accumulated by the Yanlong Martial Saint. There should be enough resources to grow treasures, so we must not let them go!”

Su Chen's eyes were bright and dazzling, and he said to himself.

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