Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 70 Yunzhuan Tian

The Zhang family was littered with corpses.

Led by Zhang Hong, many elders of the Zhang family, and many bodyguards, all died in Su Chen's hands.

Their eyes were full of regret and unwillingness, regretting why they wanted to be enemies with the evil star Su Chen.

As a result, the entire Zhang family was destroyed!

At the same time, they were also filled with doubts as to why Su Chen was so powerful.

To destroy the Zhang family, even a strong Martial Master would have to pay a huge price, but Su Chen was only at the Yuan Dan realm and managed to destroy the Zhang family without any damage.

Such terrifying strength is simply unprecedented.

"The Zhang family is destroyed, Fengyu Tower will be next!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed with cold light.

If the Zhang family hadn't forced him again and again, and even finally invited assassins from Fengyu Tower, they wouldn't have aroused the murderous intention in Su Chen's heart, and he wouldn't have killed him ruthlessly.

However, Su Chen did not regret it.

Those who kill will always be killed.

The Zhang family wanted to kill him, so he destroyed the Zhang family to protect himself.

As for Fengyulou, it is even more hateful than the Zhang family.

Fengyu Tower is notorious, and like the tarsal bones, once

Once you accept the mission, you will not stop until the mission is completed.

So Fengyu Tower targeted Su Chen, either Fengyu Tower killed Su Chen, or Su Chen destroyed Fengyu Tower!

There is no third possibility.


Su Chen struck out with an unmatched force of his palm, shattering the wall in front of him, revealing a metal door.

This is the treasure house of the Zhang family.

An elder of the Zhang family cried bitterly before he died and did not hesitate to tell the location of the Zhang family's treasure house in order to survive.

And the key to the treasure house lies with Zhang Hong!

Su Chen took out a dark gold key, opened the door to the treasure house, and entered the treasure house.

What comes into view is the mountains of silver and gold.

In total, it was no less than tens of millions of taels, and the light was so bright that it was dazzling.

But for Su Chen, silver and gold are of no use at all. All he cares about are various heavenly materials, earthly treasures and spiritual stones.

There are several huge sandalwood boxes against the wall, and a faint spiritual light escapes from them.

After Su Chen opened the box, spiritual stones like pebbles suddenly came into view.


"It is indeed a spiritual stone! But the so-called four major families in the capital are too poor. They only have a few thousand low-grade spiritual stones!"

Su Chen's eyes brightened slightly, but he still said to himself a little disappointed.

In his previous life, he was the Nine Dragons Martial Emperor, and he used at least the best spiritual stones for his cultivation. He had even seen the legendary divine stones.

The spiritual energy contained in low-grade spiritual stones is very mixed and rare, and ordinary disciples of major sects and great holy lands do not even bother to use it.

However, considering the incomparable barrenness of the Donglin Territory and the sparse spiritual energy, low-grade spiritual stones are extremely rare, let alone mid-grade, high-grade or even top-grade spiritual stones.

Of these thousands of low-grade spiritual stones, probably only family Zhang Hong is qualified to use them for cultivation.

For Su Chen, it was better than nothing.

He put all these low-grade spiritual stones into the storage ring.

Then, he checked the things on the bookshelves. Most of them were elixirs, elixirs, ordinary exercises and martial arts. The highest-level ones were only top-grade Xuan-level ones, and were not taken seriously by Su Chen.

However, there was something on the bookshelf that caused

Su Chen's attention.

"This is……"

Su Chen's eyes flashed, and he picked up a piece of rusty copper. It was a little heavy in his hand, and it was covered with green patina. He didn't know what it was.

But Su Chen thought of some kind of legendary treasure.

"Could this be... Yunzhuan Tianshu?!"

Su Chen was shocked, and his eyes showed an extremely shocked look.

He ran the Nine Dragons Fighting Heaven Art, and the true energy in his body surged, and the golden clouds shone brightly, instantly rushing towards the copper piece in his hand.


The copper piece in his hand buzzed and trembled, as if driven by some ancient and mysterious power. The patina on it continued to fall off, and began to bloom with a dazzling brilliance.

Then, the silver divine light bloomed, and the copper sheet turned into a page of silver sheets covered with strange words, flowing with strange light, looking mysterious and unpredictable.

"It turns out... it's really the Yunzhuan Book of Heaven?!"

Su Chen's whole body was shaken, filled with uncontrollable excitement.

The so-called Yun Seal Script is said to have been passed down by a great figure in the divine world who participated in creation. There are thirty-six gold seal scripts, seventy-two

The silver seal script records all kinds of magical skills, martial arts, and supernatural powers that defy the heavens. It contains the principles of heaven and earth, which is mysterious and powerful.

The Nine Dragons Fighting Technique obtained by Su Chen is actually a golden seal script. It is said that among the cloud seal scripts, it can be ranked among the top ten heaven-defying techniques!

It was precisely by relying on the Nine Dragons Battle Technique that he became the Nine Dragons Martial Emperor. He was invincible, dominated the world, and became the number one person in the world!

He did not expect that the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book would be discovered in the treasure house of the Zhang family in the small Donglin Territory Dali Kingdom today!

If this silver seal script is spread, I am afraid that even the invincible enemies in the Martial Emperor realm will rush into the Dali Kingdom and rob it at the cost of laying down millions of corpses!

This is a supreme magical power that points directly to the great road. Who can not be tempted?

"O God! I didn't expect that the Cloud Seal Script could be found here. I want to see what kind of magical power is in this Silver Seal Script?"

Su Chen's eyes were full of expectation.

As he circulated his true energy, the page of silver seal script instantly turned into a bright stream of light and merged into the sea of ​​consciousness between his eyebrows!

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