Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 695: Refining the Tao Embryo Divine Pill!


I saw Pill Emperor Fenji wave his sleeves, and a purple-black flame suddenly emerged, containing a terrifying aura that seemed to be able to burn everything.

The purple-black flame enveloped the Dragon and Tiger Cauldron, and then began to be tempered.

"It's actually the True Fire of Nirvana?"

Su Chen's eyes flashed, and he recognized the purple-black flame. It was the True Fire of Nirvana, ranked sixth among the true fires of heaven and earth, and its power was terrifying.

Presumably, the name Fenji Pill Emperor comes from this True Fire of Jiji.

Not only can the True Fire of Nirvana be used to refine elixirs, it also contains the power of Nirvana, which can burn out the soul and shatter vitality. It is extremely powerful.

The True Fire of Nirvana was activated by Pill Emperor Fenji, and burned blazingly in the Dragon and Tiger Cauldron.


The runes on the Dragon and Tiger Cauldron became dazzling, as if they came alive, and the pattern of one dragon and one tiger on it also began to bloom with dazzling brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Fenji Dan waved his sleeves, and hundreds of precious elixirs fell into the Dragon and Tiger Cauldron at the same time.

hold head high!


In the dragon and tiger cauldron, flames rose, and the sound of dragons and tigers roaring was heard. The true fire of annihilation turned into a true flame in the dragon and tiger cauldron.

dragon, and a giant flaming tiger.

The power of dragon and tiger intertwined, just like the power of yin and yang rising, covering hundreds of elixirs. Under the influence of the power of yin and yang, hundreds of elixirs were refined at the same time.


The blazing light bloomed, just like the creation of the world, the pure air rose, the turbid air fell, the yin and yang separated, the dragon and the tiger ascended, and hundreds of elixirs were directly refined and completed during this process.

All impurities were burned to ashes by the fire of annihilation.

"As expected of Emperor Fenji! This should be his special skill, the dragon-tiger yin-yang fire control method, right?"

Su Chen was filled with admiration in his heart.

Emperor Fenji's alchemy attainments have reached the state of transformation.

Su Chen watched Dan Emperor Fenji refining the elixir. Every move of Emperor Fenji seemed to contain a strange rhythm, causing the void in all directions to buzz and tremble.

Full of a different kind of beauty.

Su Chen couldn't help but think of his peak period in his previous life. As the Nine Dragons Martial Emperor, he also had earth-shattering attainments in alchemy.

However, even at the peak of his previous life, his alchemy attainments were only on par with those of Fenji Alchemy Emperor.

This shows how powerful Fenji Pill Emperor is!

"With the talent of Fenji Pill Emperor, if he ascends to the God Realm, he may also be able to become a God Realm

The most powerful alchemist! "

Su Chen was filled with admiration in his heart.

"Watch it! Next, I will temper the Sky Mulberry Divine Flower and Taiyin Stone Marrow at the same time. These two heavenly materials and earthly treasures contain the power of Yang and Yin. However, Yin and Yang coexist and can also be separated. If you are not careful, , that’s what happens when the pill is destroyed!”

The voice of Emperor Fenji rang in Su Chen's ears.

He was intentionally mentioning Su Chen.

I'm afraid it was for the sake of the jade slip. Otherwise, with the arrogant temper of Emperor Fenji, he probably wouldn't have told Su Chen in such detail.


As soon as Emperor Fenji finished speaking, he stretched out his hands, grabbed the Sky Mulberry Flower in his left hand, and grabbed the Taiyin Stone Marrow in his right hand. There was a blazing flame rising in the palm of his hand.

Under the shroud of the True Fire of Annihilation, the Sky Mulberry Divine Flower and the Taiyin Stone Marrow were intertwined by the flames and turned into two light groups, one white and one black, emitting the pure power of yin and yang.

From the Kongmulberry Divine Flower and Taiyin Stone Marrow, the pure power of yin and yang continuously flows out and merges into the previous elixir essence.

In the dragon-tiger cauldron, as the power of yin and yang gathers, the elixir essence rises and falls in the flames, forming a mysterious scene like a Tai Chi diagram, which looks mysterious and unpredictable.

Burning Silence Pill Emperor Shuang

The hands are constantly forming seals.

boom! boom! boom!

Ancient runes flew out from the hands of Fenji Pill Emperor, and were continuously integrated into the elixir essence, allowing the medicinal power of the elixir essence to be exerted to the extreme.

At the same time, in the void in all directions, the mysterious and vast power of heaven and earth gathered and merged into the essence of the elixir.

The patterns of Tai Chi diagram become more and more clear.

This is the process of accumulating spirit!

This process lasted for a full day and night, but Fenji Pill Emperor was still able to do it with ease, and continued to cultivate his spirituality with a calm look.

The Nine-Aperture Taoist Fetus still has not entered the Dragon-Tiger Cauldron.

The refining of Tao Feiyun Divine Pill is very special.

Unlike refining other elixirs, the Tao Fei Yun Shen Dan requires refining an elixir that nourishes divinity, so the Nine Apertures Dao Fei needs to be at the final moment of the elixir before it can enter the elixir cauldron.

A little too early or even a little too late will lead to failure of alchemy!

Su Chen saw that in the dragon and tiger cauldron, the Tai Chi diagram transformed from the essence of the elixir became clearer and brighter. He knew in his heart that the Tao Fei Yun Shen Dan had reached the most critical moment.

Next, it needs to be integrated into the nine-aperture Taoist body, and then it finally becomes a pill!

"Next, I will merge into the nine-aperture Taoist body and condense the pill! This is the most critical step, so you have to watch it carefully!"

Emperor Fenji said slowly.

The divine light in his eyes revealed a blazing and dazzling light.


Emperor Fenji reached out to grab it, and the nine-aperture Taoist body was like a bright stream of light, falling into the dragon-tiger cauldron in an instant.

In the endless true fire of annihilation, the Nine Apertures Dao Fetus instantly merged into the Tai Chi Diagram, and slowly merged with the Tai Chi Diagram!


The flames burned blazingly, and the True Fire of Nirvana was pushed to the extreme by Dan Emperor Fenji, trying to completely fuse the Nine Apertures Dao Fetus in an instant.

"not good!"

Suddenly, Emperor Fenji's expression suddenly changed.

He suddenly discovered that although the True Nirvana Fire was ferocious and violent, it was still a little short of being able to completely melt the Nine Orifices Dao Fetus in an instant, which meant that the temperature of the True Nirvana Fire was simply not enough.

Although the difference is only a little, it is enough to make the refining of the Tao Feiyun Divine Pill directly fail!


But at this moment, divine light bloomed in Su Chen's eyes, and a four-color flame rose up instantly, bursting out with a terrifying aura, and instantly flew into the Dragon and Tiger Cauldron, and the True Fire of Nirvana Integrated into one!

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