Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 659: Feizang Temple, Master Yuanjue!

Chuhe was completely disappointed.

It was as if he had fallen into the water and was trying desperately to grab the last straw, wanting to gamble again and make a comeback.

"Master Chuhe, you have gone too far! No one is allowed to gamble with their lives in Hunyuan Star Palace. If you want to gamble, wait until you leave the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Stars!"

Shangguan Wan'er's eyes flashed coldly and she said slowly.

There was a hint of threat in her voice.

The Shangguan family is kind to people, but it does not mean that the Shangguan family is easy to bully.

The Shangguan family, like the Lin family in the Xuanyin domain, is one of the top ancient families in the Xuantian world. Even if they face the Shenxiao sect, they will not be inferior by half.

"Duanmu Ci, Tuoba Ye, take Chu He away immediately! If not, don't blame me for being rude!"

Shangguan Wan'er stared at Duanmu Ci and Tuoba Ye and said coldly.

Duanmu Ci and Tuoba Ye couldn't help but feel excited.

They had rarely seen Shangguan Wan'er like this.

However, the Shangguan family is not someone they can offend at all. If Shangguan Wan'er insists on protecting Su Chen, they have no chance at all.


And bet your life?

The two of them were also frightened!

If Chu He loses again and drags them both with him, doesn't it mean that they will also lose their lives?

That is simply too unfair!

"Senior Brother Chuhe, let's go!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Chuhe, a gentleman's revenge is never too late in ten years. I don't believe that Su Chen won't leave the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Stars. I will deal with him then!"

Duanmu Ci and Tuoba Ye quickly persuaded him, holding Chu He on the left and right, and took him out of the Taiyang Courtyard.

"Let me go! There's no way I'm going to lose. It's just his bad luck. I'm going to bet my life with him. I will definitely be able to beat him this time!"

Chu He struggled hard, his eyes filled with crazy anger.

"Amitabha! Two donors, please let Junior Brother Chu He go!"

At this moment, a deep voice sounded.

There seemed to be an extremely strange Buddhist sound contained in that voice. It was so majestic that Duanmu Ci and Tuoba Ye could not help but tremble.

At this moment, a man wearing cassocks and bare chest walked in from outside the Taiyang Courtyard.

Breast, a very fat monk, his whole body is shrouded in a layer of Buddha's light, and he looks solemn.

Behind him were two women wearing gauze, with snow-white skin and very hot figures. They both covered their faces with gauze, their brows were like water, and they were full of charm.

"Senior Brother Yuanjue!"

When Chu He saw the fat monk, his eyes lit up and he quickly stepped forward to salute.

"Junior brother Chuhe, long time no see! I saw you were arguing with someone. Did something happen?"

Yuanjue smiled slightly and looked very kind.

He clasped his hands together, and behind his head, there seemed to be a circle of bright Buddha light, like a blazing sun, which was daunting.

"Damn bald donkey!"

Shangguan Wan'er whispered, frowning, her eyes full of disgust.

However, her words were heard by Su Chen.

"Miss Shangguan, is this Yuanjue a monk from Feizang Temple?"

There was a strange look in Su Chen's eyes.

"That's right! Mr. Su Chen, this Yuanjue is the current abbot of Feizang Temple and a direct disciple of Master Zongba.

Having reached the eighth level of the Martial Saint, he is only one step away from the Invincible Saint King! "

Shangguan Wan'er explained.

"The dead bald donkey in Feizang Temple? No wonder!"

Su Chen understood clearly and understood why Shangguan Wan'er was disgusted.

Because there are three major temples in the western desert, they are Lanke Temple, Jingang Temple and Feizang Temple. Among them, Feizang Temple is the most notorious. Many people in Zhongzhou don't like the monks of Feizang Temple.

Because the monks at the Feizang Temple practice Joyful Zen and are extremely good at the method of salvation.

The women they fancy, those with no background, are forcibly converted by them and used for sexual pleasure. Although those with background dare not provoke them, they will stalk them.

Hundreds of years ago, a monk from the Feizang Temple seduced a saint from a martial arts holy place in Zhongzhou, causing the saint to betray the sect and enter the Feizang Temple to practice Joy Zen.

The holy land of martial arts was so angry that it felt so humiliated and humiliated that it sent countless strong men to start a battle with the Feizang Temple. In the end, both sides were seriously injured.

But since then, Feizang Temple has restrained itself a lot.

Su Chen didn't

I thought that the monks from the Feizang Temple actually appeared in the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Stars.

"Master Su Chen, this Yuanjue bald donkey, has fallen in love with Miss Wan'er! He has been stalking and trying to get Miss Wan'er to practice Happy Zen with him, but he has never done anything to go beyond the limits, and the Shangguan family also It’s not good to forcefully evict!”

Zhuge Yu explained.

This Yuanjue has been in the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Stars for a while. Ever since he met Shangguan Wan'er, he said that Shangguan Wan'er has wisdom and hopes that Shangguan Wan'er will join him in the Happy Zen and ascend to the Western Paradise. .

That's why Shangguan Wan'er was so disgusted when she saw Yuan Jue, and even wanted to smash his bald head.

"The Fei Zang Temple is a place that hides filth and evil! Miss Shangguan, you are still too kind to him!"

Su Chen sneered.

He didn't have any good impression of Feizang Temple. This group of dead bald donkeys had harmed countless women in the name of practicing Happy Zen.

"Master Su Chen, you seem to have a misunderstanding about our Feizang Temple?"

At this moment, Yuan Jue's eyes flashed and he looked at Su Chen, smiling slightly.

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