Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 625 Kill Emperor Wu with one sword!

"Su Ling'er? Maybe she's dead!" The old man sneered, his eyes full of cruelty. He really hoped that Su Chen would attack him. Su Chen was extremely talented. He and Su Ling'er broke through the nine heavens in the Tao Tower and helped Su Ling'er become a Taoist. He had unparalleled talent and superb fighting power. For such a genius, it would be a wonderful thing if he could be completely killed. "What?! If you dare to touch Ling'er, I will let all of you be buried with Ling'er!" Su Chen's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and a thunderous roar broke out from his mouth. Boom! He instantly flew into the air and was about to fly away. He was anxious and wanted to find Su Ling'er's whereabouts immediately. "Boy, if you don't accept my toast, don't blame me for being rude!" The old man grinned and blocked Su Chen's way like a ghost. Then, a thin and sharp claw grabbed Su Chen's chest.

Nether Ghost Claw!

When this claw fell, the void seemed to be shattered, trying to

take Su Chen's heart out directly.

"Get out of here!" Su Chen shouted and punched out suddenly.

He had no mood to tangle with this old martial emperor. After realizing that Su Ling'er was in an extremely dangerous situation, Su Chen's biggest idea was to find Su Ling'er as soon as possible.


The unparalleled fist print burst out. This was Su Chen's angry blow, which was extremely fierce and collided with the old man's Nether Ghost Claw in an instant.

The void roared and trembled, sparks flew everywhere, Su Chen and the old martial emperor were both shocked and retreated at the same time.

"As expected of a peerless genius, he has cultivated his body to such a level?!"

The eyes of the old Martial Emperor were full of shock, and his arms were numb, as if he had lost consciousness.

Su Chen's punch contained a surging divine power that made him unable to resist.

"But you still have to die!"

The old Martial Emperor laughed grimly, and his figure flashed in an instant, like a ghost, blocking Su Chen again, and then a dark blue short knife emerged from his palm and slashed towards Su Chen's neck!

As fast as lightning!

"You are looking for death!!"

Su Chen's eyes were instantly filled with bloody murderous intent.

He originally didn't want to entangle with this old Martial Emperor, he just wanted to find Su Ling'er's whereabouts as soon as possible, but this old Martial Emperor was very difficult to deal with, like a sacrificial altar.

If he didn't deal with this old Martial Emperor, I'm afraid he would never be able to leave here.


From Su Chen's brow, there was a monstrous murderous aura, terrifying and boundless, containing the breath of death, desolation and annihilation, as if it was going to destroy the world.

The Sword of Desolation was instantly sacrificed by Su Chen.

His soul power was madly poured into it. Because of the protection of the history of civilization, Su Chen's martial arts soul was isolated from the terrifying murderous aura and was not affected.

The Sword of Desolation appeared in this world, and the terrifying power of desolation and annihilation was about to completely devour all life. The wind and clouds changed, and the void shook.

The flowers, plants and trees around withered instantly!

Su Chen used his soul to sacrifice the Sword of Desolation, and slashed it down towards the old martial emperor!


The old martial emperor trembled all over, and his eyes showed an extremely horrified look.

The moment the Sword of Desolation appeared, he felt a fatal crisis. Now that the Sword of Desolation was slashing down at him, he felt as if he was instantly in the midst of endless evil spirits and the sun of death, and his soul was trembling violently.

What kind of sword is that?

Why does it have such a terrifying aura?

However, he had no time to think about it, as the Sword of Desolation had already slashed down at him.

"Stop it!"

The old Emperor Wu roared, his eyes full of extreme fear, and instantly sacrificed an ancient square shield with runes interwoven on it, ancient and mysterious.

He was completely scared!

He only hoped to be able to block this sword.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the most powerful shield he got from an ancient relic.


The world shook violently, and the ancient sword of desolation fell down, instantly slashing on the square shield.

Only a crisp sound was heard.

The precious shield was like paper, and was directly cut in half by the Sword of Desolation.

The old Martial Emperor behind the shield was also cut in half by the Sword of Desolation with a look of horror and disbelief in his eyes!

The blood was everywhere, and the murderous aura was overwhelming.

The sword killed a Martial Emperor with one sword. The horror of the Sword of Desolation was beyond Su Chen's imagination!

"Master, leave it to me!"

At this moment, the black dragon suddenly shouted, stopping Su Chen's impulse to completely chop the old Martial Emperor into pieces, and then opened his bloody mouth and swallowed the flesh and soul of the Martial Emperor.

He wanted to use his magical powers to help Su Chen find Su Linger's whereabouts!

"Master, we found it! Miss Ling'er is in the underground secret room of Hongluan Palace. They...they...are actually going to use the secret art of mediating yin and yang to seize Miss Ling'er's innate body and gifted soul and graft them onto Qin Hongluan?!" After a moment, Black Dragon shouted.

The black dragon's voice contained shock, disbelief and angry killing intent.

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