Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 615 Conspiracy and murderous intent!

"Grandpa, my cultivation has been crippled and destroyed. Even if I kill Su Chen and Su Ling'er, my cultivation will never come back. What should I do? Grandpa, please save me." I!"

Qin Hongluan's eyes were full of unwillingness and fear.

She was originally a proud daughter of heaven. No one in the Xiantian Taoist Academy dared to provoke her. She had a peerless appearance and a red bird body. She was regarded as a goddess by countless disciples of the Xiantian Taoist Academy.

However, Su Chen crippled her cultivation and completely knocked her into the dust.

Qin Hongluan was unwilling to be reduced to a useless person.

She placed all her hopes on Qin Jingzhi. Maybe Qin Jingzhi had a way to restore her cultivation.

"Hong Luan, don't be anxious! Although your cultivation has been ruined, it is not hopeless to recover!"

Qin Jingzhi's face was uncertain, and finally showed a hint of ruthlessness, as if he had made some kind of decision, and said slowly.

"What?! Can I really recover my cultivation?"

Qin Hongluan was shocked, her eyes filled with excitement.


Qin Jingzhi waved his sleeves, and the void suddenly twisted and magic light rose.

A figure shrouded in black robes emerged.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, have you thought clearly?"

An old and hoarse voice sounded.

"I've thought it through! As long as you can help me kill Zhang Ruoxu and restore Hongluan's cultivation, when I completely take control of Xiantian Taoist Academy, I agree to all your conditions!"

Qin Jingzhi said in a deep voice.

"Fellow Daoist Qin is really happy. I agreed to both of your conditions! Zhang Ruoxu, who killed so many people in my holy clan, should have died long ago! As for your granddaughter Qin Hongluan, it is not difficult to restore her cultivation. ! Even, I can make her have more powerful talents!"

The man in black robe said slowly.


Qin Jingzhi's eyes lit up.

Qin Hongluan's injuries were extremely serious. Not only was the Dantian Qi Sea destroyed, but even the Yuanshen Heavenly Palace in the Yuanshen Consciousness Sea had cracks and was about to completely collapse at any time.

Even he was helpless with this method.

Unless he can find an ancient divine elixir, he may have a chance to let Qin Hongluan reshape the foundation of Taoism.

He didn't expect that the man in black robe actually agreed.

"That's right! I have a mediation skill

The secret technique of yin and yang can transfer the supreme physique and talent of one genius to another person! As long as you find someone with extraordinary talent and transfer their physique and talent to your granddaughter, she will not only have the supreme Dao foundation, but she may also become even more powerful! "

The man in black robe said.

"Mediating the secret technique of yin and yang?!"

Qin Jingzhi was shocked. He was indeed an alien demon, but he actually had such a powerful secret technique?

That's right, this man in black robe is an extraterrestrial evil demon.

He has always wanted to win over Qin Jingzhi and let him join the evil spirits outside the territory.

Although Qin Jingzhi was a little moved, he did not make a decision.

This time, Qin Jingzhi finally made his decision.

"Grandpa, I want Su Ling'er's innate Tao body, I want Su Ling'er's physique and talent, I want that bitch Su Ling'er to be completely reduced to a useless person, have a taste of me!"

Qin Hongluan said quickly, his eyes full of resentment.

"Su Ling'er's innate Taoist body?"

Qin Jingzhi's heart moved.

He knew very well that the innate Tao body Su Ling'er possessed was different from the defective innate Tao body inherited from the ancestors.

The body of Heavenly Dao is perfect, just like the first patriarch, it is one of the most powerful bodies created by heaven and earth.

Even the Suzaku divine body is not as good as the innate Tao body.

If Qin Hongluan can really obtain the perfect innate Taoist body, then the lineage of the ancestors will be in charge of the innate Taoist academy, and no one can stop it!

"Okay! As long as Hong Luan can get Su Ling'er's innate Taoist body and you solve Zhang Ruoxu for me, I will be in charge of the Innate Taoist Academy. No one can stop me. I will cooperate with you!"

Qin Jingzhi said decisively, with an extremely cruel look in his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, those who know the current affairs are heroes. You are indeed a smart person!"

The man in black robe smiled calmly, with a strange smile on his lips.

Xiantian Taoist Temple, deep inside.

The mist here is dense, the auspicious air is steaming, and the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth is extremely rich, a hundred times a thousand times that of the outside world, turning into a rich spiritual mist, or spiritual springs flowing in the mountains.

Asked the peak.

This is the residence of Daozi. Like the Xiantian Peak of the Academy Master, it is the most noble and mysterious place in the Xiantian Dao Academy.

On the top of Daodao Peak, there are towering ancient trees, filled with auspiciousness, and pavilions.

The terraces, pavilions and pavilions are hidden among the mountains and forests, and there are waterfalls and springs. The sky is full of sunshine and peaceful, just like the residence of gods.

After Su Ling'er was named a Taoist, Daofeng became her cave.

But now, Su Ling'er and Su Chen came to Dao Peak together, waiting to comprehend the Wordless Heavenly Book in three days.

"This Taoist Peak is very extraordinary. It receives the power of the stars in the sky and the energy of the dragon veins of the earth. It can be said that you can get twice the result with half the effort by understanding the laws of heaven and earth here!"

At the top of Wenwen Peak, Su Chen and Su Ling'er, with their clothes fluttering, looked at the magnificent sea of ​​clouds in front of them.

"If you like it, brother, just stay here and practice! We, brother and sister, will join the path together!"

Su Linger said with a smile.

She is getting stronger now. Although Su Chen is stronger, Su Ling'er is now a Taoist disciple of the Xiantian Taoist Academy. She has a distinguished status and has enough power to protect herself.

She didn't want to stand behind Su Chen all the time, she wanted to protect Su Chen.

"I will stay with you here for a while! However, I also plan to take a trip to Xuanyin Domain to see Ruowei. Do you have any news about Ruowei?"

Su Chen smiled lightly, then looked at Su Ling'er and asked.

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