Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 58 Deng Zichen!

Boom, boom, boom!

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly heard a knock on the door.

His eyes flashed, and he calmed down his evil spirit, then walked out and opened the door of the small courtyard.

"I've met Mr. Su Chen!"

A sweet voice sounded.

In front of Su Chen, a girl appeared in front of Su Chen, wearing a long white dress, with a beautiful face, a calm and gentle look, and a delicate temperament.

It’s Deng Zichen!

"Miss Deng, why are you here?"

Su Chen was stunned for a moment and then laughed.

Previously, in Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, Deng Zichen was picked up by people from Shenwu Academy and became a student of Shenwu Academy. Su Chen did not expect that Deng Zichen would come to see him.

"Master Su Chen, just call me Zi Chen! I have already accepted the second elder as my teacher. I heard that brother Su Chen has also come to Shenwu Academy, so I came here to pay my respects. Please forgive me for my rudeness!"

Deng Zichen was a little shy, but still said seriously.

"Second Elder? Murong Jing? I see, congratulations on opening up the

He has reached the Dantian Qi sea and entered the Qi refining realm! "

Su Chen's eyes flashed, and he noticed the fluctuations of zhenqi on Deng Zichen's body, and smiled slightly.

A few days ago, Deng Zichen didn't have any cultivation.

In just a few days, she directly crossed the physical realm, opened up the Dantian Qi sea, and entered the Qi refining realm. Only Murong Jing could do this.

Moreover, Deng Zichen's physique is also very special. He is a quiet spiritual body. He is born with hundreds of meridians and is not stained by dust. He is like glass and has no flaw. It is a top-notch cultivation physique.

That's why she was able to directly open up the Dantian Qi Sea in just a few days.

"Do you recognize my master? I didn't expect that I would practice so fast, but I'm still far behind Master Su Chen!"

Deng Zichen was a little surprised, but still said modestly.

"Second Elder Murong Jing, it can be said that everyone in the Shenwu Academy knows about it, right? But being her disciple is also a blessing for you!"

Su Chen smiled slightly.

Second Elder Murong Jing, although her name

There is a word "jing" in it, but it has nothing to do with being quiet. It can even be said to be violent.

If we say who the disciples of Shenwu Academy are most afraid of, Jun Ziling can only be ranked second, but Murong Jing is ranked first!

Murong Jing was good at wielding a pair of purple gold giant hammers. She was gifted with supernatural powers and had a fiery temper. The elders and mentors of Shenwu Academy were often beaten by her.

Even students from Shenwu Academy, if she doesn't like them, will bring them out to have a spar with each other, regardless of bullying.

When the students of Shenwu Academy saw Murong Jing, they were like a mouse seeing a cat. It could be said that they were frightened wherever they went!

Murong Jing and the great elder, Venerable Moro, are both at the peak of martial arts. They are known as the dean and are the last people who hope to break through to the realm of martial king!

"Master treats me... really well!"

Deng Zichen said with a smile, and then asked a little shyly: "Master Su Chen, don't you plan to invite me in to sit down?"

"It's okay to go in and sit down, but don't be scared!"

Su Chen smiled calmly.


Deng Zichen's eyes were full of curiosity.

However, when she and Su Chen entered the courtyard and the house, they were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them.

Hearing Su Chen's story, Deng Zichen was even more angry: "Master Su Chen, Fengyu Tower is too arrogant! This is the Shenwu Academy, how dare those rats from Fengyu Tower act so arrogant in the Shenwu Academy? Don't worry, I'll tell Master when I get back. Lord, Master will not let them go!"

Fengyu Tower can be said to be notorious in the Dali Kingdom.

Although Fengyulou is the largest killer organization in the Dali Kingdom, it is still far behind compared to Shenwu Academy.

If it weren't for Fengyulou's headquarters being too secretive, Yuan Haoran would have wiped out Fengyulou long ago!

"Thank you, but let me handle this matter myself!"

Su Chen smiled calmly.

How could Deng Zichen know that the reason why Fengyulou's assassins came to visit them was entirely at the instigation of the Zhang family?

Su Chen has

It has been decided that Fengyu Tower will be uprooted, including the Zhang family!

Others don't know the headquarters of Fengyulou, but Su Chen knows.

Do these lingering guys really think that Su Chen is easy to provoke?

"All right!"

Seeing Su Chen's persistence, Deng Zichen had no choice but to agree.

After chatting with Su Chen for a while, Deng Zichen asked Su Chen to pay attention to safety, and then left.

Although Su Chen asked her not to interfere, if the assassins from Fengyu Tower dared to openly assassinate in the Shenwu Academy, they would definitely arouse the anger of the Shenwu Academy.

I'm afraid her extremely boring master will wander around carrying a pair of big hammers again!

"The mysterious building owner of Fengyu Tower should only be at the Wuzong realm. With my current level of cultivation, I am no match for him! After I break through to the Wuzong realm, I will go to Fengyu Tower and erase Fengyu Tower. !”

Su Chen's eyes were shining brightly, and he thought secretly in his heart.

After sending Deng Zichen away, he sat down again and continued to refine the spirit stones.

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