Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 54 Battle with Dragon Palm in the Wilderness!

What Su Chen practiced was the martial skill in the Nine Dragons Fighting Heaven Technique, the Great Wilderness Fighting Dragon Palm!

The Great Wilderness Dragon Palm has a total of nine moves. All nine moves have been practiced to the extreme and can unleash the power of supreme god-level martial arts.

The first move is to fight the dragon in the wild!

The power of dragon fighting in the wild is comparable to the best martial arts of Xuan level.

Su Chen did not say the name of the Great Wilderness Fighting Dragon Palm, but only said that the first move was Dragon Fighting in the Wild, because he did not want to expose the Nine Dragons Fighting Heaven Technique!

Jun Ziling possesses the sixth level of Wuzong cultivation, which is more than a dozen small realms higher than Su Chen, not to mention that Jun Ziling is also a Yuanling Holy Body.

Even though Su Chen had the experience and memories of his previous life, after all, his cultivation levels were too different, so he didn't hold back at all and directly unleashed the most powerful martial arts!

"Dragon Fighting in the Wild? What a name! Su Chen, your fighting power is very strong, your true energy is strong, and your talent is so strong that I have only seen it in my life! I will not hold back anymore!"

Jun Ziling said seriously.

"No need to hold back! Just use your most powerful combat power, and I won't hold back either!"

Su Chen said.


The energy and blood all over his body surged, and his feet stepped heavily

The ground was like a ferocious beast coming to life, emitting terrifying aura fluctuations.

Su Chen's eyes were sharp and bright, a blazing light burst out from his palm, and with another fierce palm print, he turned into a real dragon and pressed towards Jun Ziling!


Jun Ziling shouted loudly, and the true energy all over her body spurted out instantly, turning into streaks of fierce and unparalleled sword energy, surging towards Su Chen.

Spirit-Charging Sword Qi!

This is another powerful martial skill that Jun Ziling has practiced. It can condense one's own true energy into sharp sword energy, which bursts out from the body in an instant.

Hundreds of sword energy roared in, erupting with extremely terrifying power.

Even the martial arts master's body-protecting Qi can't resist it.

hold head high!

A fierce dragon roar sounded, and Su Chen's eyes were sharp. His palm prints suddenly surged, like a huge millstone suppressing them, and the dragon-shaped true energy was also condensed to the extreme.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sword energy that filled the sky fell, collided with the dragon-shaped true energy, and exploded, creating a raging wave of energy.

Su Chen's palm prints and Jun Ziling's palm prints collided fiercely.



The void shook, and both of them flashed and retreated at the same time.

"Hahaha, feel good! Su Chen, give me another burst of spiritual sword energy!"

Jun Ziling's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and she smiled happily, and then the sword energy around her surged out again.

Jun Ziling pointed her swords at the same time, and the sword energy all over the sky gathered in an instant, condensing into a bright sword energy more than ten feet long, like a substance, and slashed down towards Su Chen in the air.

Her understanding of the Chongling Sword Qi has reached the level of perfection, and she can turn hundreds of sword qi into one, burst out in an instant, and destroy everything.

Even a strong man at the peak of Wu Zong would not be able to take this sword, and he would most likely be killed directly!

"Well done!"

Su Chen's eyes were bright and dazzling, without the slightest fear, and the sharp sword energy spurted out from his fingertips. In an instant, it was like a long rainbow, piercing the void and heading towards Jun Ziling.

Taixu sword energy!

This is another powerful sword energy that Su Chen has cultivated. It is at the heaven level and is extremely powerful. With his cultivation level, he can only barely activate a trace of sword energy.

But even

It was just a trace of sword energy, but it was still extremely brilliant and unparalleled.


Although Jun Ziling's Spirit-Charging Sword Qi was dozens of feet long and looked extremely powerful, it was exploded by Su Chen's sword and exploded into pieces.


Su Chen's sword energy continued unabated and at an extremely fast speed, he was in front of Jun Ziling in the blink of an eye!

"What a domineering sword spirit!"

Jun Ziling was amazed in her heart.

The sword energy was condensed to the extreme, like a powerful divine sword, making her feel cold all over her body.


Jun Ziling didn't hesitate at all, and pointed like a sword. The ancient sword she was carrying behind her instantly unsheathed, flew to her feet, and then lifted her up into the sky!


Jun Ziling actually used the sword control technique and directly flew the sword into the air.

You must know that flying in the air is a characteristic of strong martial arts masters. Even martial arts masters can only fly in the air for a short period of time and cannot fly in the air.

Jun Ziling used her sword control skills and flew directly into the air, avoiding Su Chen's extremely domineering Taixu sword energy!


Su Chen's Taixu Sword Qi suddenly slashed at

On a huge boulder in the distance, the boulder weighing hundreds of thousands of kilograms was chopped into powder!

The entire Butterfly Valley was trembling slightly.

Seeing how terrifying Taixu's sword energy was, even Jun Ziling secretly smacked his lips.

"Su Chen, I didn't expect you to have cultivated such powerful martial arts. Is it possible that only earth-level martial arts can unleash such powerful combat power? I have to say that you do have a chance to defeat me!

However, now that I have sword control skills, you can't hit me at all, so when I exhaust your energy, you will be the loser! "

Jun Ziling said with a smile.

There was something strange in her beautiful eyes, and she became more and more interested in the Su Chen in front of her.


Su Chen smiled calmly.

Then, his powerful mental power spurted out, and a long sword flew out of the storage ring. Controlled by his mental power, it instantly landed at his feet and lifted him up.

Su Chen, also wielding a sword, appeared in front of Jun Ziling!


Jun Ziling exclaimed, her eyes full of disbelief and shock!

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