Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 500 Donghuang Ancestral Vein, Dragon Vein Spirit!

The depths of Wu Shi Sect.

The mountains are rolling and lush, the clouds are steaming and the clouds are rising, and the auspicious atmosphere is rising.

The fairy mist is like clouds, the waterfalls and springs are like rainbows, auspicious animals and birds are flying in the mountains, and ancient vines and precious medicines can be seen everywhere.

The deeper you go, the richer the spiritual energy becomes, liquefying into spiritual mist, which is ethereal and unpredictable.

There are many pavilions and pavilions here, hidden among the ancient trees in the sky, and there are also formations and runes inscribed on them, which contain a strange Taoist charm.

The simple war only broke out in front of the Wushi Sect and did not spread here.

Su Chen looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, no wonder the Wushi Sect was so powerful and the only Martial Emperor in the Eastern Wasteland still existed.

It is worthy of being the ancestral lineage of the Eastern Wilderness.

"Does the dragon vein here have anything to do with my Nine Dragons Fighting Heaven Art?"

There was a hint of curiosity in Su Chen's eyes.

The deeper he went, the more powerful he felt the power of the dragon, which contained some kind of summoning power, causing Su Chen's Nine Dragons Battle Technique to start to operate automatically.


Su Chen's body was surrounded by bright golden clouds blooming, and the spiritual mist filled the air. The Nine Dragons War Heaven Art was activated and began to refine wisps of strange rays of light into the air.


Su Chen's whole person looked more and more gorgeous and dazzling.

Finally, he came to the deepest point, in front of a cliff.

The cliff in front of you is as smooth as a mirror, intertwined with bright rays of light, and filled with chaotic mist. It seems to be imprinted with some kind of mysterious truth of heaven and earth.

And that powerful dragon power came from the cliff in front of him.

"Could this be where the dragon veins are?"

There was a hint of curiosity in Su Chen's eyes.

He activated the Nine Dragons Fighting Technique, and the ancient dragon power was exuding all over his body. There were golden shadows of real dragons surrounding him, making him look mysterious and unpredictable.


The cliff in front of me seemed to be shaking.

Then, under Su Chen's gaze, ripples appeared on the cliff, the divine light was dazzling, and a mysterious dragon-shaped shadow emerged.


The surrounding void trembled, and thick and majestic spiritual mist gathered. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth seemed to rise into the sky at this moment, turning into the shadow of a giant dragon.

"Master, this is really where the ancestral veins of the Eastern Wasteland are located, and the dragon veins here already have a trace of spirituality, giving birth to the spirit of the dragon veins.

! "

Demonic Dragon said extremely excitedly.

"Is it really the spirit of dragon vein?"

Su Chen's eyes were intertwined with golden clouds, and he activated his Divine Eyes of Deception.

In his eyes, the void in front of him was changing, ripples were rising, and a dragon-shaped shadow that was hundreds of millions of miles long seemed to be entrenched in the depths of the earth, exuding majestic fluctuations of spiritual energy.

However, what Su Chen was extremely shocked was that the billions of miles long dragon-shaped shadow seemed to have only one dragon head left, while the dragon's body seemed to have been cut off directly by some powerful force.

The majestic river of spiritual energy gathered all around, which was filled with densely packed top-grade spiritual stones. There were dense clouds of chaotic spiritual mist, which looked mysterious and unpredictable.

The location of the dragon head is just behind the cliff in front of you.

"Eastern Wasteland Ancestral Vein, Dragon Vein Spirit?"

Su Chen was shocked in his heart.

The ancestral veins of the Eastern Barren are the source of hundreds of millions of dragon veins in the Eastern Barren. They contain the destiny and original power of the Eastern Barren, which is mysterious and mysterious.

Even a Martial Saint would find it difficult to understand.

Only when you reach the realm of Emperor Wu, become one with heaven and earth, and understand the laws of heaven and earth, can you understand the power of dragon veins and luck.

The dragon vein spirit is extremely precious.

The dragon vein is the bell of heaven and earth, created

It is extremely difficult to give birth to spirituality. It takes hundreds of millions of years, and it also requires incredible fortune and opportunity.

If spirituality is born, the spirit of the dragon vein has transformed into a living being, which can be cultivated, even grow against the will of heaven, and finally break through the void and ascend.

More importantly, the spirit of dragon veins is a supreme treasure. When integrated into weapons, it can be refined into supreme divine weapons. When refined into elixirs, it can be made into supreme divine elixirs.

If you integrate it into your own body, you will have the opportunity to reach the peak and become the immortal and supreme god!

Su Chen never thought that there would be such a treasure in Wushi Sect.

"The news about this dragon vein spirit must not be spread out, otherwise, even the powerful Martial Emperor will snatch it away without shame!"

Su Chen's heart was shaken and he thought to himself.

The dragon vein spirit behind the cliff is still very weak and has not yet been completely condensed and formed.

Su Chen was able to sense the spirit of the dragon's veins because he had practiced the Nine Dragons Fighting Heaven Art and could establish a strange connection with the spirit of the dragon's veins.

"Master, if you let me swallow this dragon vein spirit, I will definitely be able to possess the Martial Emperor's war spirit.

Let me help you conquer the world! "

The demon dragon said with salivation, his saliva was about to flow out.

The dragon vein spirit is also an unbearable temptation for it.

"This dragon vein spirit is of great use to me! You'd better refine the flesh and blood core of the Dark Demon Emperor. I don't want me to sacrifice the Qiankun Cauldron to the enemy next time. You should know the news about the Qiankun Cauldron." If it is leaked, what will happen to us?"

Su Chen said angrily.

"Hehe, don't worry, Master. When I completely refine the Dark Demon Emperor's core, when the time comes, the gods will kill the gods, and the demons will kill the demons!"

The demon dragon was a little disappointed, but he still smiled and returned to the chaotic space to practice.

"This will be the forbidden area of ​​Tiandao Sect from now on!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

He sat down cross-legged and started practicing here.

With the existence of the Dragon Vein Spirit, Su Chen can run the Nine Dragons War Heaven Technique here, which can be said to be twice the result with half the effort. The true energy in his body is like Wang Yang, constantly gathering, and the energy is becoming more and more powerful!

What Su Chen didn't know was that the destruction of the Wushi Sect had shocked the entire Eastern Wasteland!

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