Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 50 Guidance to Liu Gucheng!

"What?! Senior brother Liu Gucheng was defeated so quickly?"

"When they fought before, even if they wanted to decide the winner, it would take a hundred moves! Has Senior Brother Lin Hao broken through the Wuzong, and his combat power has become so terrifying?"

"Of course! A master of martial arts, not only has his true energy extremely strong and endless, but his understanding of martial arts is also extremely profound and comprehensive!"

"I think Senior Brother Lin Hao is about to realize the sword's intention! Tsk, tsk, sword's intention. If he realizes the sword's intention, I'm afraid the sword master will have to be replaced!"

Outside the Sutra Collection Hall, many disciples from the Shenwu Academy were attracted by the fight. Their eyes were filled with incomparable wonder and they were talking a lot.

Shenwu Academy does not prohibit fights between disciples. As long as there are no serious injuries or casualties, there will be no problem.

Therefore, they have often seen Lin Hao and Liu Gucheng fight against each other, so they naturally know the strength of both of them.

Now seeing that Liu Gucheng was hit by a sword in just a few moves and staggered back, everyone thought Liu Gucheng was doomed!


Liu Gucheng didn't seem to have any thoughts at all.

Paying attention to the sword wound on his chest, he yelled suddenly, and the Chixiao Sword in his hand spurted out sword light, sweeping towards Lin Hao like a strong wind.

"too slow!"

Lin Hao sneered.

Then, he came across the sky with a sword, and the sword light was dazzling and bright. He was a few minutes faster than Liu Gucheng, almost arriving first.


He stabbed Liu Gucheng's Chixiao Sword with one sword. It was as fast as lightning and contained surging dark power. It made Liu Gucheng's arms numb and the Chixiao Sword almost flew away from his hand.


There was a flash of blood, and Lin Hao left a blood mark on Liu Gucheng's arm.

As if he was deliberately teasing Liu Gucheng, he did not defeat him directly, but kept leaving scars on his body.

Soon, Liu Gucheng became extremely embarrassed.

"You have practiced the Willow Leaf Storm Sword Technique to such a complex level that you have lived twenty years in vain! If you don't want to lose, just do what I say..."

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Liu Gucheng's ears.

It's Su Chen!

Liu Gucheng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly


Su Chen finally agreed to teach him the Liuye Guangfeng Sword Technique!

"Willow Leaf Wild Wind Sword Technique, guard the element with your mind, hold the center with the element, the sword moves according to your heart, as slow as the willow leaves dancing with the wind, as fast as the violent wind and lightning speed..."

Su Chen's voice was not fast.

But hearing it in Liu Gucheng's ears was like an enlightenment, making his eyes brighter and brighter.

After hearing what Su Chen said, Liu Gucheng truly understood what Su Chen said.

His Willow Leaf Gale Sword Technique has indeed gone astray!

"What is he doing? Is he... trying to give Liu Gucheng some advice?"

"It's so funny! Liuye Guangfeng Swordsmanship is the clan martial arts of the Liu family. Liu Gucheng has already mastered it. It's not enough for Liu Wenyan to guide him. What does he know?"

"Even if Liu Wenyan comes, there is no way for Liu Gucheng to defeat Lin Hao. After all, the gap between them is too big!"

Everyone also heard Su Chen's voice, and they all sneered and said mockingly.


At the same time, Lin Hao had a sword energy coming from across the sky, reaching its peak, trying to hit Liu Gucheng's left arm.

A trace of blood was left on it.


I saw the Chixiao Sword in Liu Gucheng's hand slashing in the air, as if he had anticipated the trajectory of Lin Hao's sword energy and blocked Lin Hao's sword.


Lin Hao was slightly startled.

He didn't expect that Liu Gucheng actually blocked it.

Moreover, in his eyes, Liu Gucheng seemed to have become a little different.

"Lin Hao, next you will see the real Willow Leaf Wind Sword Technique!"

Liu Gucheng said lightly.


The true energy around him surged, sword light spread across the void, and the Red Sky Sword bloomed with dazzling brilliance, leaving strange tracks in the void.

The Chixiao Sword may be slow or fast. When it is slow, it is like willow leaves flying in the wind, and when it is fast, it is like a strong wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

Between fast and slow, a strange rhythm and rhythm was formed.

"Do you really think you can defeat me with just a few words of advice from that kid? In that case, let me show you my true combat power!"

Lin Hao's face was extremely ugly, and there was an extremely cold murderous intent in his eyes.


The energy around him was like thunder

With a roar, the long sword in the palm of his hand burst out with blazing sword light, carrying a vast momentum and slashing down towards Liu Gucheng.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that Liu Gucheng had become extremely difficult to deal with!

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng...

The sword energy intertwined and the light bloomed.

Liu Gucheng was still Liu Gucheng. His sword was neither faster nor slower, but the rhythm between speed and slowness seemed to dominate the battle, making Lin Hao extremely uncomfortable.

Lin Hao's quick sword seemed to be stuck in the mud, and unknowingly, it fell downwind.

"The willow leaves are rustling in the strong wind!"

Liu Gucheng spat out a few words, and the sword in his hand instantly erupted with hundreds of sword lights, covering the void.

A grand artistic conception surged out, instantly breaking through Lin Hao's heavy sword energy and shrouding Lin Hao.

"Is that... sword intention?!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

The voice was full of disbelief, with a hint of trembling!

Liu Gucheng actually understood the meaning of the sword?

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