Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 484 Chen Miedao’s murderous intention!

As the leader of Tiandao Sect, Cang Yuan knew many secrets very well.

Although the Ancient God Sect is usually inconspicuous, it is extremely powerful, even compared to the Wu Shi Sect, it is not much weaker.

Even though the Ancient God Sect does not have the powerful Martial Emperor, it can still rank firmly in second place in terms of strength, far surpassing the Jiuyang Shen Sect and the Beast Control Sect.

But today, Gu Yuan, the dignified leader of the Ancient God Religion, actually knelt down to salute Su Chen, which still shocked him immensely.

"Everyone get up!"

Su Chen said calmly.

Those who have received the inheritance of the ancient gods are the descendants of the ancient gods and the sons of gods in the ancient god religion, possessing the supreme status.

That's why Gu Yuan led everyone to kneel down without hesitation and called him Son of God.

After hearing Su Chen's words, Gu Yuan led everyone to stand up.

However, he glanced at Su Chen cautiously, smiled bitterly and said: "Sir Son of God, the Tiandao Sect has been robbed, and our Ancient God Sect has also been warned by the Wushi Sect and cannot escape to come to the rescue. Please forgive me, Lord Son of God! "

"In the past, I

I won’t pursue it anymore! But from now on, no matter what happens to the Tiandao Sect, if the Ancient God Sect continues to stand by and watch, don't blame me for being rude! "

Su Chen gave Gu Yuan a warning look.

How could he not see through Gu Yuan's little thoughts?

After all, it had not been confirmed before that Su Chen had received the ancient god's inheritance. Gu Yuan probably also knew about Zhou Qian's pursuit of Su Chen and blocking the door outside the ancient god's heavenly palace.

Naturally, Gu Yuan did not dare to take action easily. Otherwise, if Zhou Qian killed Su Chen and finally obtained the ancient god's inheritance, the ancient god's religion would probably be destroyed.

Therefore, after Gu Yuan heard that Su Chen had returned, he did not see Zhou Qian return, so he rushed to Tiandao Sect without stopping.

Sure enough, as he guessed, Su Chen received the ancient god's inheritance and became the ancient god's successor!

Therefore, Gu Yuan surrendered very simply.

But knowing that Gui Gui knew that Su Chen was still a little unhappy, so he hit Gu Yuan with words.

"Yes! Don't worry, Lord Shenzi. From now on, our Ancient God Sect will be the most solid ally of Tiandao Sect. We will definitely

Watch and help Tiandaozong! "

Gu Yuan broke into a cold sweat on his back and said quickly and seriously.

The reason why he was so respectful to Su Chen was not only because of the ancestral precepts, but more importantly, Su Chen's own strength.

Zhou Qian, the mighty Emperor Wu, went to intercept and kill Su Chen, but Zhou Qian did not come back, but Su Chen did.

The meaning of this is very intriguing.

If Su Chen really has the strength to kill Zhou Qian, then even the destruction of the entire Ancient God Religion may not be difficult.

Su Chen's strength was so strong that the Ancient God's Religion actually had little effect on Su Chen. On the contrary, the Ancient God's Religion relied on Su Chen.

In this world, the strong must be respected!

After Su Chen knocked on Gu Yuan, he asked him and Master Cang Yuan to enter the Tiandao Palace to discuss the attack on Wushi Sect.

Not long after, Qin Songnian, the master of Wanbao Pavilion, and Leng Qianfeng, the master of Wuliang Sword Sect, also arrived.

They were determined to rescue the Tiandao Sect, but the powerful Saint King sent by the Wushi Sect blocked the mountain gate. This trip could be regarded as an alliance with the Tiandao Sect.

The Four Holy Lands, in the Way of Heaven

Zongzhong began to discuss how to fight back.

No beginning.

Chen Miedao's face was as gloomy as water, and his eyes were filled with extremely cold murderous intent.

Just now, someone came to report that the two Saint King Supreme Elders who accompanied Wang Teng to Tiandao Sect had their life cards broken.

Moreover, according to the news from the spies around Tiandao Sect, it was Su Chen who returned to Tiandao Sect and showed his invincible fighting power, killing Zong Lin and Bai Xiaoshan.

In the end, the plan to destroy Tiandao Sect fell through!

"What a Su Chen, what a Tiandao Sect! I didn't expect that I still underestimated you!"

Chen Miedao was extremely angry and laughed.

"Sect Master, although Wang Teng's life card has not been broken, I'm afraid it has fallen into Su Chen's hands. We must make plans early!"

"Yes, Sect Master, if Su Chen really has the inheritance of the ancient gods, once he grows up, he will definitely be the enemy of our Wushi Sect. The consequences will be disastrous. We must find a way to kill him to death!"

"The Jiuyang Divine Sect and the Beast Control Sect failed more than they succeeded. Zong Lin and Bai Xiaoshan died.

You deserve it! I think our Wu Shi Sect should go out in full force to kill the Tiandao Sect and destroy Su Chen! "

"That's right! With the sect master's unparalleled power, killing a Su Chen is simply a piece of cake!"


In the main hall, many elders were also frightened and angry, and discussed one after another.

It's Su Chen again!

How many good things has this Su Chen done to the Wu Shi Sect?

And his growth rate was so fast that it frightened everyone.


Chen Medao suddenly shouted loudly.

His eyes were as cold as iron, filled with murderous intent, and he said in a cold voice: "If you want to kill Su Chen, our Wushi Sect is the best place to do it! Su Chen's mother Liu Hanyan is in our hands, and we can't help but Come, send someone to summon Su Chen and let him come to Wushi Sect alone in three days, otherwise, I will chop Liu Hanyan alive!"


Everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts and quickly bowed to accept the order.

They all knew in their hearts that Chen Medao was completely angry.

However, after three days, will Su Chen really come to Wushi Sect alone for Liu Hanyan?

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