Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 474 You all deserve to die!

"He is... Su Chen?! How is that possible? There is no way Su Chen can come back alive!"

After seeing Su Chen, Zong Lin and Bai Xiaoshan were also shocked.

Seeing that Tiandao Sect was about to be destroyed, they never thought that Su Chen would come back at this time.

According to the news from Wu Shi Sect, Zhou Qian, the ancestor of Wu Shi Sect, has already gone to the Ancient God Heavenly Palace to intercept and kill Su Chen and seize the Ancient God's inheritance.

Logically speaking, Su Chen should have died in Zhou Qian's hands.

Why did Su Chen appear here?

Is it possible that ancestor Zhou Qian didn't find the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace?

"Su Chen, you are looking for death! Do you really think you are invincible? When ancestor Zhou Qian of the Wu Shi Sect arrives, you will definitely die!"

Zong Lin's eyes flashed and he shouted loudly at Su Chen.

"That's right! Su Chen, we have destroyed the Tiandao Sect today. Even if you come back, it will not help! If you dare to be an enemy of the Wushi Sect, this will be your fate!"

Bai Xiaoshan also sneered.

"Up to now, I still rely on that old dog Zhou Qian.

? He has been killed by me. Next, I will not let go of the Jiuyang Divine Sect, the Beast Control Sect, and the Wushi Sect. You...all must die! "

Su Chen's eyes were filled with murderous intent and extremely blood red.


Hearing Su Chen's words, Zong Lin and Bai Xiaoshan were shocked.

Su Chen actually said that Zhou Qian died in his hands?

How can this be?

You know, Zhou Qian is the only powerful Martial Emperor in the Eastern Wasteland. He is extremely powerful and can even suppress the Demon Emperor. No matter how powerful Su Chen is, how can he be Zhou Qian's opponent?

"Don't listen to his nonsense. Ancestor Zhou Qian is currently in our Wushi Sect. Su Chen, you are dead today!"

Wang Teng's eyes flashed with murderous intent, he stared at Su Chen and shouted loudly.

Although Ancestor Zhou Qian was extremely shocked when his life card was shattered, he knew that he could not mess up his position at this time.

No matter what, let’s destroy Tiandao Sect first and then kill Su Chen!

"You are really deceiving yourself! Is Zhou Qian's life card broken?

Broken, you, the Wushi Sect, know better than anyone else that it is your blessing to die under the Haotian Mirror today! "

There was a trace of ridicule on the corner of Su Chen's mouth.


The light in his palm was bright, the ancient aura was intertwined, and an ancient mirror emerged. It looked gorgeous and dazzling. It was the Haotian Mirror.

The Haotian Mirror seemed to absorb the power of heaven and earth and contained unpredictable power. After being activated by Su Chen, a beam of destruction instantly penetrated the void and shot toward Zong Lin and Baixiao Mountain.

"That's... Haotian Mirror?!"

"Hiss! How is it possible? The Haotian Mirror is the most precious treasure of ancestor Zhou Qian, how could it fall into Su Chen's hands? Is it true that ancestor Zhou Qian was killed by him as he said?"

Zong Lin and Bai Xiaoshan were both stunned, their eyes full of disbelief and extreme horror.

They naturally recognize Haotian Mirror.

The Haotian Mirror appeared in Su Chen's hand, which almost frightened them out of their wits.

This was Emperor Zhou Qian's self-defense weapon. They had seen it in the sea of ​​abyss.

Emperor Zhou Qianwu used the Haotian Mirror to suppress countless foreign evil spirits.

Now the Haotian Mirror fell into Su Chen's hands.

Could it be that, as Su Chen said, ancestor Zhou Qian died in his hands?


However, Zong Lin and Bai Xiaoshan had no time to think too much. The beam of destruction, which contained terrifying murderous intent, was in front of them in an instant.

Zong Lin and Bai Xiaoshan both used powerful martial arts to resist. Two torrents of true energy came across the sky and collided with the beam of destruction.

Finally, the void trembled and the light was annihilated.

Zong Lin and Bai Xiaoshan were both shaken by the huge earthquake, and couldn't help but fall back!


Su Chen's eyes were full of murderous intent, coming from across the sky, the bright golden clouds bloomed around him, the chaotic light lingered, and there was an immortal and mysterious aura fluctuation.

He hated Zong Lin and Bai Xiaoshan so much that he showed no mercy and suppressed the two of them with an unparalleled punch.

"not good!"

Zong Linhe

Bai Xiaoshan's face changed.

Su Chen's punch made their scalps numb, and they felt an unmatched divine power, but they were unable to dodge and could only resist it.


Behind Zong Lin, the phantom of Nine Suns emerged, and the Nine Suns' big handprint, which contained the divine power of the nine suns, came with a bang.

Behind Bai Xiaoshan, a giant white tiger emerged, letting out a roaring roar, extremely fierce.


However, Su Chen's punch was like an ancient sacred mountain, containing the supreme power to suppress everything, suppressing it instantly.

The nine bright shadows of the sun shattered instantly, and the giant white tiger was also suppressed and turned into a bright rain of light, shattering.

A clear and crisp sound was heard. Both Zong Lin and Bai Xiaoshan were shocked, their arms were suddenly broken, and they were dripping with blood.

A mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from their mouths, their faces were as pale as paper, and they flew out as if they were swept by a strong wind!

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