Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 462 Lin Chuan’s support!

Su Chen's heart was filled with anger and self-blame.

He was angry at the Wu Shi Sect's despicableness. After all, for the inheritance of the ancient gods, a martial emperor would go crazy, let alone the Wu Shi Sect, who actually sent people to kidnap Liu Hanyan.

He even blamed himself for why he didn't come back earlier and why he didn't connect Liu Hanyan to Tiandao Sect earlier, which would lead to today's big mistake!

Su Chen's heart was filled with fear. He was afraid that his mother would be harmed.

In this rebirth, his mother and little sister were the relatives he swore to protect for the rest of his life, and he would never allow them to be harmed in any way.

Su Chen was so anxious that he immediately went to Wushi Sect to rescue his mother.

"Master Su Chen, please come up and talk!"

At this moment, a voice sounded and entered the death row.


Su Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he immediately heard that it was Lin Chuan's voice.

He didn't notice Lin Chuan's aura just now, but now Lin Chuan appeared. Su Chen sneered in his heart, I'm afraid Lin Chuan has found reinforcements!

"It's that Dog King from Lin Chuan!"

"This ungrateful and shameless person still dares to come?"

"Let's go, let's see what this Lin Chuan can say!"

Liu Bin, Liu Zheng, Liu Yulong and Liu Gucheng were all extremely angry, with angry flames surging in their eyes.

They supported Liu Wenyan and left the death row with Su Chen.

Beyond death row.

Lin Chuan was wearing a golden horned dragon battle armor. He looked majestic and full of energy. He held an ancient sword in his hand and stepped into the air. His aura was extremely powerful.

On his left and right sides, there was an old man in black robes and an old man in white robes. Both had white beard and hair. They looked like immortals and had extremely powerful auras.

Although they look very old, there is a bright light shining in their cloudy eyes, and their whole bodies exude an aura that is naturally integrated with the heaven and earth.

Surrounding the death row, there are tens of thousands of imperial guards, all of whom are extremely powerful warriors, wearing armor and holding weapons, filled with evil spirits.

Their eyes looking at Lin Chuan were full of fanatical admiration.

This is their Dali Emperor, His Majesty Lin Chuan!

It was under the leadership of His Majesty Lin Chuan that the Dali Kingdom became the current Dali Dynasty, sweeping across

Donglin Territory occupies thousands of miles of territory and is extremely powerful.

Therefore, they all have extremely fanatical admiration for Lin Chuan.

"Linchuan, do you still dare to come to see me?!"

Su Chen walked out of the death row and stared at Lin Chuan above the void, with a hint of cold murderous intention in his eyes.

The Wushi Sect is naturally guilty of death.

But Lin Chuan also deserves to be killed!

The Wushi Sect was very powerful. If Lin Chuan was defeated and Liu Hanyan was captured by the Wushi Sect, Su Chen might not blame him.

However, his mistake was that he should not have taken refuge in the Wu Shi Sect, and he should not have caught Liu Hanyan with his own hands!

Such an ungrateful, ungrateful person.

Damn it!

"Master Su Chen, you are an unparalleled warrior of our Dali Dynasty. You have made great contributions to the rise of our Dali Dynasty! But why did you force your way into the palace and commit such a heinous crime?"

Lin Chuan stared at Su Chen and said loudly.

There was a hint of complexity in his eyes, and a hint of guilt flashed across his eyes, but he regained his composure in an instant.

Facing Su Chen, he did feel guilty.

But when I think of these two powerful martial saints around me,

, thinking of Wu Shizong behind him, he felt calm again.

He told himself that this was also a helpless move.

The Wushi Sect was so powerful that the Dali Dynasty could not compete, so submission was the only way to understand the current situation.

As for feeling sorry for Su Chen, that was a helpless move!

"Linchuan, you still dare to make high-sounding excuses here? If I hadn't destroyed the Dalin Dynasty, what qualifications do you think you have to become the so-called Emperor of Dalin?

I don’t ask you to repay me, I just ask you to protect my mother! However, you shouldn't have caught her with your own hands and given her to the Wu Shi Sect! Just for this reason, you deserve death! "

Su Chen's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he stared at Lin Chuan and said coldly.

He knew where Lin Chuan's confidence came from.

Next to Lin Chuan, the two old men in black robes and white robes were all martial saints, and they were both peak martial saints. They were extremely powerful. It was impossible for the Dali Dynasty to have such a strong person.

Then their origins are self-evident.

Wu Shi Sect!

These two peak martial saints came from the Wu Shi Sect, and their purpose was for him!

"Su Chen, those who understand current affairs are heroes, and the Wushi Sect is the overlord of the Eastern Wasteland.

Absolute master, with Emperor Wu sitting in charge, who dares to compete? Even the Tiandao Sect behind you can only bow and obey orders! Su Chen, Wu Shi Sect also said that as long as you hand over your inheritance, not only will they not kill your mother, but they may also be able to spare your life. I hope you will think clearly about your choice! "

Lin Chuan sighed softly and said slowly.

As an emperor, he told himself that he must consider for his own people and the entire Dali Kingdom.

Therefore, even if I feel sorry for Su Chen, there is nothing I can do about it.

I would rather ask him to betray the world than teach the world to betray him!

"Hahaha... Wu Shi Sect? Emperor Wu? Do you really think that the so-called Wu Shi Sect can protect you, and that your choice is right?"

Su Chen laughed loudly, his eyes full of mockery.

"Emperor Wu? Are you talking about Emperor Wu Shizong of Zhou Qian? He is dead now!"

Su Chen's voice was like a thunderous explosion.


Next to Lin Chuan, the two old men who were originally calm and calm couldn't help but trembled, showing expressions of shock and anger.

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