Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 46 Shenwu Academy!

The dean of Shenwu Academy is Yuan Haoran.

Speaking of Yuan Haoran, Su Chen had lots of dealings with Yuan Haoran in his previous life.

The reason why his master came to Dali Kingdom and Shenwu Academy, apart from being in the secret realm of Wolong Mountain, was because of Yuan Haoran.

Yuan Haoran is a kind person!

He has extraordinary cultivation, a kind heart, and powerful strength. He is a true king of martial arts and a figure like the sea-fixing needle of the Great Li Kingdom.

The more important reason why Su Chen wanted to enter Shenwu Academy was Su Ling'er.

He wanted Yuan Haoran to accept Su Ling'er as his disciple.

With Yuan Haoran's character, Su Chen was naturally extremely relieved to accept Su Ling'er as his disciple.

The second day.

Lin Qingqing came to Liu Mansion, looking for Su Chen.

"Liu Gucheng, what are you doing here?"

Lin Qingqing's eyes were full of doubts.

"I...I'm waiting for Su Chen!"

Liu Gucheng was a little speechless and said awkwardly.

He had been waiting outside Cuizhuxuan for four days, but Su Chen didn't seem to want to teach him swordsmanship at all.

But Liu Gucheng is

A very stubborn person who was determined to wait for Su Chen here.

"All right!"

Lin Qingqing was an eccentric person, and she could tell at a glance that Liu Gucheng didn't mean what he said.

However, she didn't expose it. After all, she and Liu Gucheng were brothers and sisters, both practicing in Shenwu Academy.

Lin Qingqing entered Cuizhuxuan and soon came out with Su Chen and Su Ling'er.

Liu Gucheng naturally followed closely.

"Su Chen, your cousin treats you well, isn't he? He even escorts you into the Shenwu Academy. You know, this guy is famous for keeping away from strangers. How did you do that?"

Lin Qingqing asked curiously.

"Your Highness, cousin Liu Gucheng wants my brother to teach him swordsmanship, so he is here..."

Su Ling'er explained in a low voice and recounted what happened in the past few days.


Lin Qingqing's eyes were full of shock, as if she was getting to know Su Chen again, and she looked him over.

Liu Gucheng is one of the four great geniuses in the capital, a famous swordsman. He has extraordinary attainments in the way of swordsmanship. Even the older generation admires him.

He marveled.

And Su Chen was able to defeat Liu Gucheng, and Liu Gucheng was so impressed by Su Chen's swordsmanship that he shamelessly asked Su Chen to teach him swordsmanship?

Is Su Chen's talent so terrifying?

Lin Qingqing originally thought that Su Chen's talent in alchemy was unparalleled and that he was already a master in alchemy at such a young age. However, he did not expect that his talent in martial arts was even more terrifying.

"Could it be that, as my aunt said, there is an Alchemy Saint behind him?"

Lin Qingqing was extremely shocked.

Soon, Shenwu Academy arrived.

Shenwu Academy is located in the north of the royal capital, occupying a beautiful mountain range. It has built various palaces, attics, and monasteries. It is hidden among the clouds and mist, and looks ethereal and out of the dust, like the residence of gods.

"Stop whoever comes!"

In front of a simple stone tablet, two young disciples wearing white robes and carrying long swords said lightly.

They are all disciples of the Shenwu Academy, and they are on duty here. They all have Yuan Dan realm cultivation and have powerful auras.

However, when they saw Lin Qingqing and Liu Gucheng, they couldn't help but

His face changed and his expression became respectful.

"Greetings to Her Royal Highness the Princess, and respecting Senior Brother Liu!"

The two of them saluted quickly.

"No need to be polite! This is Su Chen. He has the Divine Martial Order. He wants to see the dean. Go and pass the news!"

Lin Qingqing waved her hand and said.

The rules of the Shenwu Academy are strict, and people who are not from the Shenwu Academy are not allowed to enter.

Therefore, Lin Qingqing did not dare to bring Su Chen and Su Ling'er in, and just asked the two disciples to inform the dean.

"Shenwu Ling?! Yes!"

The two disciples were shocked, looked at Su Chen carefully, and then quickly turned away.

The Divine Martial Order appears again!

The Shenwu Order was left behind by the founder of the Shenwu Academy. The number is very rare. Anyone who obtains the Shenwu Order can ask the Shenwu Academy to do something within its capabilities.

Of course, most people who have the Shenwu Order hope to enter the Shenwu Academy to practice.

They didn't expect that the legendary Shenwu Ling would appear again!




Soon, nine melodious sounds rang out from the Shenwu Academy.

The bells resounded in all directions.

"Nine rings of the Shenwu Bell? Hiss... How long has it been since I heard the nine rings of the Shenwu Bell? This is the arrival of a distinguished guest. Who is here?"

"Even if the king comes in person, the Shenwu Bell can only ring eight times. Could it be that a martial arts king or an alchemy master comes in person?"

"Have you forgotten that there is another possibility? The Shenwu Order has appeared. If a person holding the Shenwu Order enters the Shenwu Academy, it may cause the Shenwu Bell to ring nine times!"


In the Shenwu Academy, many disciples, teachers, deacons and elders involuntarily raised their heads, with extremely shocked looks in their eyes.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the Shenwu Academy, figures one after another moved towards the mountain gate, wanting to see who had come to the Shenwu Academy.

"The dean is here!"

Someone exclaimed.

An old man wearing a white robe, with white beard and hair, who looked like an immortal, came from the sky.

As soon as they saw the old man, everyone's eyes suddenly showed a look of great reverence.

He is the dean of Shenwu Academy, Yuan Haoran!

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