Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 436 Breaking in by force!

Zhou Qian's eyes were filled with overwhelming anger and unwillingness.

Because he discovered that countless light groups flew out of the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace, but none of them flew towards him at all.

This shows that Ancient God Tiangong did not choose him at all.

What made him even more angry was that after countless genius disciples entered the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace, the two doors, filled with bright light and filled with golden clouds, began to slowly close.

"The inheritance of the ancient gods, I will decide!"

Zhou Qian's eyes were filled with overwhelming murderous intent. He suddenly flew in front of the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace, and then punched out!


The terrifying fist seal, capable of tearing everything apart, hit the gate of the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace. It suddenly roared and trembled, and the runes shattered.


But at this moment, some kind of terrifying and boundless power seemed to have revived in the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace.

The blazing divine light bloomed in an instant

The space turned into divine chains of order, which seemed to be able to penetrate everything, and were terrifying, and they were drawn towards Zhou Qian in an instant.

Zhou Qian's eyes were extremely sharp and full of madness. Even though the power resurrected in the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace was extremely terrifying, he still did not have the slightest fear.

boom! boom! boom!

He burst out with the strongest imperial power, and the aura around his body rose, constantly colliding with the divine chains of order, even though he was trembling all over and coughing up blood from his mouth.

"Senior Zhou, the Ancient God Tiangong is the place of inheritance left by the ancient gods, it cannot be desecrated!"

Gu Yuan said quickly, with an extremely anxious look in his eyes.

The aura erupting from the Ancient God Tiangong became more and more terrifying, as if it could shatter everything, making everyone tremble all over and their faces changed drastically.

If it was because Zhou Qian forcibly broke into the Ancient God's Tiangong and brought disaster to Chi Yu, causing them to be wiped out by the Ancient God's Tiangong,

That's really not worth the gain.

"Today, I have entered the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace!"

Zhou Qian roared angrily, the madness in his eyes getting stronger and stronger.

He didn't have long life left, and he was seriously injured in the battle with the Nine Nether Demon Emperor. If he left like this, he would have no choice but to die.

There is no possibility of making any progress in this life.

How could he be so willing?

So even if it offends the Ancient God and triggers a counterattack from the Ancient God's Tiangong, he will still force his way in!


In the palm of Zhou Qian's hand, a bright ancient mirror emerged. The Haotian Mirror's divine light was brilliant, and it shot out beams of light in an instant, colliding with the Order God Chains in the void, blocking all of them. .

Then, he leaned forward, his arms suddenly blasted out, and his unparalleled fist prints were imprinted on the golden door, blasting away runes one after another.

Then, in the Ancient God Heaven

The moment the gate of the palace was about to close, he forcibly tore the seals apart, coughing up blood, and then rushed into the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace!


Two ancient golden doors slammed shut.

Everyone's eyes showed extremely shocked looks.

Zhou Qian actually forced his way into the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace?

"Since my ancestor has entered the Heavenly Palace of the Ancient Gods, the inheritance of the Ancient Gods can only belong to him! Su Chen is dead!"

Chen Medao sneered, glanced at Cang Yuan and others.

"That's not necessarily the case! If the inheritance is based solely on strength, then why won't Zhou Qian be allowed in the Ancient God Tiangong?"

Cang Yuan sneered.

"That's right! The ancient god's inheritance will definitely fall into the hands of my Holy Son Su Chen!"

Wu Qiankun also sneered.

"Then let's wait and see! When Su Chen is buried in it, I'll see if you can still laugh!"

Zong Lin sneered.

This time, most of the people who entered the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace were the disciples of the Seven Great Martial Arts Holy Lands. Of course, there were also some elders who were young and extremely talented.

Just like Luo Xuan, she also entered the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace.

Only the Lords of the Seven Martial Arts Holy Lands and many elders were left outside, all with looks of great anticipation in their eyes.

They all hope that their disciples can obtain the inheritance of the ancient gods!

"Who will be the successor of the ancient gods? Although the Divine Tower is strong, I'm afraid it may not be able to compete with Su Chen! That Su Chen is too evil!"

Gu Yuan thought secretly in his heart, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Although the successor of the Ancient God is the leader of the Ancient God Religion, as the leader of the Ancient God Religion, he naturally hopes that his disciple Shenlou can obtain the inheritance of the Ancient God!

But Su Chen's power and monster made him unavoidably worried.

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