Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 433 I don’t want to!

Zhou Qian's violent shout not only contained the terrifying pressure of the Martial Emperor, but also secretly used a secret technique to directly suppress Cang Yuan's martial arts spirit.

He is establishing his power!

The majestic Emperor Wu controls the world and obeys the law. Who dares to disobey?

It's just a Tiandao Sect. In Zhou Qian's opinion, it can be easily destroyed. Now it dares to disobey him?

It’s simply a matter of life and death!

"This emperor asked you to take out the ancient god's finger bones as a gift to you. If you dare to refuse, is it possible that the Tiandao Sect wants to destroy the sect?"

Zhou Qian sneered and said, his voice roaring and trembling like thunder.

The terrifying pressure of Emperor Wu spread and spread towards all the elders and disciples of the Tiandao Sect, extremely domineering and arrogant.

Zong Lin, Chen Miedao and others all showed sneers.

They had long disliked Tiandao Sect and Su Chen. If Tiandao Sect hadn't been secretly obstructing them, Jiuyou Demon Emperor and Dark Demon Emperor might have

They had already captured it.

They had long suspected that Tiandao Sect did this on purpose.

Now that Emperor Wu's ancestor has come out in person, how dare Tiandao Sect dare to disobey?

Luo Xuan and others were also under great oppression, and their expressions could not help but change slightly. Many Tiandao Sect disciples were pale, and their eyes were full of shock and anger.

None of them expected that the mighty Emperor Martial could be so domineering, forcing a junior to demand a treasure.

Could it be that he really didn’t care about Emperor Wu’s dignity at all?

"That's enough! I'm Su Chen, if you need anything, come to me!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed with cold light, and extremely cold murderous intent surged in his heart. He suddenly shouted loudly and stepped forward.

Facing Zhou Qian's unparalleled pressure from Emperor Wu, the aura around him was extremely powerful, a faint light of chaos lingered, and his body was as straight as a sword, showing no trace of fear.

"The ancient god's finger bones are here with me!"

Su Chen stared at Zhou Qian, cold

said the voice.

"Hand it over!"

Zhou Qian said indifferently.

Seeing that Su Chen was only at the sixth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, he was not even interested in saying a word and was extremely indifferent.


Su Chen sneered, and the cold light in his eyes became more and more bone-chilling: "The ancient god's finger bone is mine, why should I give it to you? Don't say it, you are just a Martial Emperor, and your origin is weak, and you will not be able to make any progress in your life. Martial Emperor, so what if you are a titled Martial Emperor, or even a god? No one dares to force me to do anything I, Su Chen, don’t want to do!”

Su Chen's eyes were sharp and bright, looking directly at Zhou Qian, and his voice was extremely bright.

What? !

Everyone was shocked.

None of them expected that Su Chen would not be afraid at all when facing a Martial Emperor and directly rejected Zhou Qian.

He also said that Zhou Qian's origin was weak and he would be unable to make any progress in his life. There was no hint of respect in his words.

Where did he get the confidence?

This is a truly powerful Martial Emperor. He dominates the thirty-six regions of the Eastern Wasteland and dominates the world. No one can defeat him. Even the Saint King of Martial Arts has to bow his head when facing Zhou Qian.

Is Su Chen crazy?

"Su Chen, you are so bold! Senior Zhou has taken a fancy to your Ancient God Finger Bone, which is your blessing. How dare you refuse?"

Zong Lin sneered.

"Su Chen, although you are the Holy Son of Tiandao Sect, you dare to be disrespectful to my ancestor. Do you really think no one can kill you?"

Chen Medao also stared at Su Chen indifferently and said in a cold voice.

"You are willing to be dogs and grovel, what does it have to do with me, Su Chen? You are a bunch of boneless things. You are destined to miss the realm of the Martial Emperor for the rest of your life!"

Su Chen glanced at them disdainfully.

With one sentence, they suddenly became furious.

"Huh? Hahaha... Okay! Very good! It has been many years and no one has dared to talk to me like this! Su Chen, you are the first one, right?

! "

Zhou Qian was stunned for a moment, then laughed, but his eyes were filled with an extremely cold look.

A mere ant in the Martial Emperor realm dared to speak arrogant words to him. Do you really think that Martial Emperors are all good-tempered saints?

When the secular king is angry, he lays down millions of corpses and bleeds in the oars.

But when Emperor Wu was angry, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and everything returned to ruins!

Su Chen successfully aroused the murderous intention in his heart.

"Su Chen, I want to see if your bones are as hard as your mouth!"

Zhou Qian said indifferently.


Then, he violently suppressed Su Chen with a palm across the air, as if blocking out the sky and the sun, and wanted to smash Su Chen into powder with one palm.


Su Chen's eyes showed overwhelming fighting spirit and madness. Facing a Martial Emperor, he showed no fear at all. The terrifying energy and blood around him rose, and with a sudden roar, he rose directly into the sky!

Facing a Martial Emperor, he punched out boldly!

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