Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 431 The inheritance of the ancient gods!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Figures with extremely powerful auras came across the sky and appeared in front of the Ancient God Tiangong.

The powerful men from all the major holy places have arrived!

Before they saw the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace, Gu Yuan was opening the door of the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace, and couldn't help but feel a gleam in his eyes.

"Gu Yuan, what is going on? Shouldn't you give us an explanation?"

Chen Miedao's eyes flashed with sharpness, he stared at Gu Yuan and said slowly.

Although Zhou Qian, the Martial Emperor's ancestor of Wu Shi Sect, did not speak, a terrifying Martial Emperor's pressure spread and locked Gu Yuan.

The six holy places are all fighting to the death in the sea of ​​​​abyss, fighting against evil spirits from outside the territory, but the Ancient God Religion is making small moves here.

This makes everyone have to doubt.

Gu Yuan seemed to have expected that everyone would come. He was not in a hurry and said with a slight smile: "Don't be anxious, I will tell everyone when they arrive."

What is going on! "

Then, Gu Yuan told the whole story.

It turns out that the supreme classics of the Ancient God Religion recorded that in ancient times there was an ancient god who was so powerful that he founded the Ancient God Religion.

And that ancient god left behind a supreme inheritance heavenly palace, waiting for the destined person to open it.

The mission of the Ancient God Sect is to protect the Heavenly Palace of the Ancient God and find the successors of the Ancient God.

However, due to the invasion of evil spirits from outside the territory, the Ancient God Sect also suffered unimaginable heavy losses, so much so that even the Ancient God Tiangong disappeared.

Many powerful men from Gu Yuan and the Ancient God Sect also spent a lot of hard work and paid countless prices to find out that the Ancient God Tiangong was in the sea of ​​​​the abyss.

Therefore, they used the secret method left by the Ancient God Religion to open the Ancient God Heavenly Palace and let the Ancient God Heavenly Palace reappear in the world!

"Everyone, this ancient god's heavenly palace contains the supreme inheritance of the ancient god.

! I know that as soon as the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace appears, you will all come, so after I open the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace, anyone can enter the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace and try to obtain the Ancient God's inheritance! "

Gu Yuan smiled slightly.

"Is the Ancient God Religion so kind?"

Chen Medao's eyes flashed with sharpness and he sneered.

However, there was also a blazing look in his eyes. That is the inheritance of the ancient gods. If the Wushi Sect can obtain the inheritance of the ancient gods, not to mention breaking through the Martial Emperor, even if one day he breaks the void and becomes a god and ascends to the divine world, I am afraid that It's not impossible.

Moreover, Chen Miedao didn't have much doubt about Gu Yuan's words.

Chen Miedao knew very well that the origin of the Ancient God Religion was extremely ancient, and could even be compared with the Tiandao Sect. More importantly, the Ancient God Religion had a profound foundation, far exceeding the Tiandao Sect.

Don’t look at the Ancient God Sect in the Eastern Wasteland.

Although it shows off its appearance, its true strength is probably not much weaker than that of the Wu Shi Sect.

More importantly, Chen Miedao knew that the Ancient God Sect in the Eastern Wasteland was just one of them, and the real headquarters of the Ancient God Sect was in Zhongzhou Continent.

The Ancient God Sect there is the real behemoth!

"Leader Chen, the ancient god inheritance is not owned by our Ancient God Sect. Our mission is to protect the Ancient God Heavenly Palace, but as for who can get the ancient god inheritance, it depends on their own opportunities!

Moreover, I have one more thing to tell you, no matter who you are, as long as you can obtain the inheritance of the ancient gods, you will be the divine son of our ancient god religion, and everyone in the ancient god religion will respect you! "

Gu Yuan smiled slightly.

"The Son of God of the Ancient God Religion? Everyone respects him?"

Everyone was shocked, and they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Doesn't it mean that as long as you get the inheritance of the ancient gods, you can become the true master of the ancient gods?

Even Gu Yuan, the leader of the cult, has to obey orders?

Upon hearing this, everyone was immediately shocked, and their eyes showed an extremely fiery light.

"Brother Gu Yuan, I wonder what kind of tests there are in the Ancient God's Heavenly Palace?"

Someone's eyes flashed and they couldn't help but ask aloud.

"This really stumps me! However, in the Heavenly Palace of the Ancient God, there are inheritance tests left by the ancient gods. Only those who pass the test can become the successors of the ancient gods. As for what is in them, I don't know!"

Gu Yuan smiled slightly.

"Is it inherited by the ancient gods?"

Su Chen also met up with Cang Yuan, Wu Qiankun and others, and came to the Ancient God Tiangong. After hearing Gu Yuan's words, he couldn't help but feel moved in his heart.

He remembered that he had received a pair of ancient god's eyes and the ancient god's finger bones.

Does it have anything to do with this inheritance heavenly palace?

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