Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 426 Survival from desperate situation!

"Su Chen, the Nine Nether Demon Emperor blew himself up. It's such a waste! This Dark Demon Emperor must not be allowed to blow up, otherwise we will really suffer a big loss!"

Ye Wanwan sent a message to Su Chen.

"Don't worry! I have already agreed with Elder Wu not to push the Dark Demon Emperor into a panic, but to injure him as hard as possible. When he becomes extremely weak, let him rush out of the formation. However, are you sure you Can you trace his whereabouts? Don’t let him escape!”

Su Chen said in a message.

At this moment, Ye Wanwan was located on the side of the wasteland, in a barren mountain outside the formation.

"Hahaha, don't worry! I will never let her run away. I will leave him a complete corpse when the time comes. The corpse of a demon emperor is of inestimable value!"

Ye Wanwan said extremely excitedly.

Seeing that Ye Wanwan was indeed confident, Su Chen felt relieved.

"Master, please protect the headmaster and Elder Wu later to prevent Wu Shi Sect, Jiu Yang Shen Sect and Yu Beast Sect from becoming angry and killing people!"

Su Chen said to Luo Xuan.

The strong men from Tiandao Sect, Wanbao Pavilion and Wuliang Sword Sect arrived, it was Su Chen

I'm afraid that Wu Shi Zong's dog will jump over the wall in a hurry.

After all, Wu Shi Sect was badly tricked this time.

In order to obtain the godhead of the Nine Nether Demon Emperor, the nine great saint kings and elders died, as well as many talented disciples. Now if even the Dark Demon Emperor has run away.

Then they might go crazy!

However, regardless of whether they would be mad or not, Su Chen had already decided that he wanted the Nine Nether Demon Emperor and he also wanted the Dark Demon Emperor!

Ahead is the area covered by the small Zhoutian star formation.


Looking from a distance, big stars intertwined, and the bright starlight fell down, turning into thunder and flames, constantly pouring towards the Dark Demon Emperor.

Except for the Ancient God Sect, which is not here, the owners of the other six holy places are leading the strong men of their respective sects to continuously besiege the Dark Demon Emperor.

The Dark Demon Emperor roared again and again, but at this moment he was extremely miserable.

The pair of wings behind him had just been born, but now they were all broken, revealing black bone spurs and bloody flesh.

There were countless dense scars on his body, the demonic power was surging, and the black scales were almost completely broken.


His breath also became extremely weak, and his eyes were filled with extremely angry looks.

"Humble human race, if this emperor were in his heyday, I would kill you like butchering dogs! In the words of your human race, if a tiger falls and is bullied by a dog, I will not accept it!!"

The Dark Demon Emperor let out a roar that shook the earth and kept roaring.

All the extraterrestrial evil spirits in the Little Zhoutian Star Formation have been slaughtered, but outside the formation, there are many extraterrestrial evil spirits that are frantically attacking the formation.

They want to rescue the Dark Demon Emperor.

An extremely fierce battle began between the six martial arts holy places and the evil spirits outside the territory.


The formation barrier was constantly trembling, especially the several powerful demon saints within it, which were constantly bombarding the formation barrier, causing the barrier to tremble violently and the runes to continuously shatter.

It was as if the formation barrier was about to break at any time.


The Dark Demon Emperor had a few more scars on his body.

Especially the masters of the six holy places had powerful imperial weapons in their hands. They mobilized the power of the imperial soldiers and caused immeasurable damage to the Dark Demon Emperor.

In the eyes of the Dark Demon Emperor

The surging anger and unwillingness finally turned into a look of despair.


His whole body exuded extremely terrifying aura fluctuations, black magic flames rose up, and the aura instantly increased several times and dozens of times!

"Not good! The Dark Demon Emperor is going to blow himself up!"

Someone exclaimed.

Obviously, the Dark Demon Emperor was also forced into a desperate situation and planned to explode himself just like the Nine Nether Demon Emperor.

At this moment, Wu Qiankun's eyes flashed, and he quietly formed a seal in his hand, and a mysterious rune was quietly shot into the formation barrier.


At this moment, those demon saints burst out with terrifying demonic secrets, blasting crazily on the formation barrier.

Only a crisp sound was heard.

Cracks appeared in the formation barrier, and a formation barrier behind the Dark Demon Emperor suddenly shattered, leaving a gap.

"Lord Demon Emperor, leave quickly!"

Those demon saints let out roars that shook the earth.

The Dark Demon Emperor, who was already in a desperate situation, saw that there was a gap in the formation barrier. In his originally desperate eyes,

An astonishing burst of vitality and brilliance instantly occurred.


He forcibly suppressed the urge to self-destruct and withstood the combined attacks of several martial saints. Then without any hesitation, he turned around and got through the gap in the formation barrier.


The Dark Demon Emperor ran away frantically into the distance!

He was furious in his heart and hated these despicable and shameless human beings. He vowed to kill all these human beings after he recovered from his injuries.

"Cut off the queen for Lord Demon Emperor! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Countless extraterrestrial demons, with eyes filled with fanatical worship, were all frantically attacking the powerful men of the six holy lands.

They wanted to create an escape opportunity for the Dark Demon Emperor.

"Chase, chase me, don't let the Dark Demon Emperor escape!"

"Damn it! Just a little bit, just a little bit, the Dark Demon Emperor died!"

"Wu Qiankun, you broke the formation, why did you let the Dark Demon Emperor escape?"

Chen Miedao, Zong Lin and Bai Xiaoshan were almost driven crazy and roared crazily.

It took so much effort.

The Dark Demon Emperor ran away?

They suffered a huge loss!

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