Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 35 Taiyin Transformation Pill!

Taiyin Transformation Pill is a sixth-level elixir.

Only the top alchemy masters can successfully refine it.

If it were before, Su Chen would naturally not be able to refine it.

But after he took the five-color divine liquid and his mental power broke through to the sixth level of mental power, he had already returned to the level of an alchemy master.

Although Taiyin Transformation Pill is an ancient pill, it is not difficult for Su Chen.

Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, alchemy room.

Master Gu Yan once again witnessed Su Chen's superb level of alchemy, especially when Su Chen deliberately evolved the two dragons playing with beads to control fire for Master Gu Yan, which made Master Gu Yan intoxicated, with extremely excited and fanatical eyes. The color of worship.

Every time he watched Su Chen make alchemy, it was a legendary realm that Master Gu Yan could not reach. It was like an enlightenment for him, and many of his previous confusions were suddenly enlightened.

A few hours later.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three faint blue elixirs flew out from the alchemy cauldron. They looked round and bright, like moonlight, flowing with a strange fragrance.


The refining of the God Transformation Pill was successful!

"Thank you Master for your great kindness in preaching. Gu Yan will never forget it in this life! Master, I feel that I have touched the threshold of an Alchemy Grandmaster. When I come out of seclusion, I will definitely become an Alchemy Grandmaster!"

Master Gu Yan took a deep breath, and then bowed respectfully to Su Chen, his eyes filled with gratitude.

He never thought that one day he would actually break through to become a master of alchemy in this life!

His mental power has already broken through the fifth level, but his understanding of alchemy has never been able to go any further.

And today, he had an epiphany.

He has the confidence to break through to the realm of Alchemy Master!

"Very good! It's not in vain for me to teach you the principles of alchemy. You can go into seclusion!"

Su Chen smiled slightly.

"Master, you must not be impulsive this month, and don't offend the Zhang family and Venerable Moro again. I will definitely come out of the Alchemy Conference in one month!

When the time comes, I will be the alchemy master, and even Lord Moro will not dare to be disrespectful to me, let alone have any thoughts towards the master! "

Master Gu Yan

Said seriously.

He knew that Su Chen's talent was unparalleled, whether it was martial arts talent or alchemy talent, it was the only one he had ever seen in his life.

But Su Chen was still young after all. He was afraid that Su Chen's youthful spirit would offend the Zhang family and Venerable Moro again, which would make Venerable Moro angry and angry, and he would do something cruel!

Therefore, he persuaded Su Chen to be patient for the time being.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine!"

Su Chen smiled calmly.

Master Gu Yan went to retreat in a secret room, while Su Chen returned to the hall.

Lin Qingqing is waiting very anxiously.

"How's it going?"

Seeing Su Chen appear, Lin Qingqing's eyes were filled with anticipation and nervousness.

"Fortunately, I live up to my fate!"

Su Chen smiled calmly.

Then, a jade bottle appeared and was handed to Lin Qingqing.

Lin Qingqing's face flushed with excitement, and she nervously took the jade bottle. After opening it, she saw three elixirs in it that were as crystal clear and dazzling as the moon.

Although she didn't recognize the Taiyin Transformation Pill, she believed it instantly.

Su Chen really refined the Taiyin Transformation Pill!

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

Lin Qingqing was extremely excited, then took a deep breath and bowed deeply to Su Chen.

Others may not know it, but Lin Qingqing knows how crucial this Taiyin Transformation Pill is to the Dali Kingdom.

This is related to whether her little aunt Lin Ruowei can take a step further and break through to the realm of King Wu.

It is even more related to the life and death of the Dali royal family!

"You're welcome! You and I are just cooperating. These are some elixirs I need. You can find them for me, and we'll treat it as if we're settled!"

Su Chen smiled calmly and handed Lin Qingqing a piece of paper.

"Jiaolong's Heart Blood, Seven-leaf Purple Ginseng, Xuanhuang Ancient Stone, Five Elements Spiritual Wood..."

Lin Qingqing took it and couldn't help but gasped when she saw some of the elixirs and natural treasures recorded on it.

These elixirs and treasures are all extremely rare and precious, and their value is inestimable.

Of course, compared with Taiyin Transformation Pill, it is nothing.


"Su Chen, these elixirs and heavenly and earthly treasures are extremely rare, and I may not be able to collect them all in the treasure house of the Dali royal family... Of course, don't worry, I will try my best to collect them for you!"

Lin Qingqing smiled bitterly and said seriously.

"It doesn't matter, just collect as much as you can!"

Su Chen smiled slightly.

He also gave a copy of this page to Master Gu Yan and asked the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce to collect it on his behalf. He naturally knew how precious these elixirs and treasures of heaven and earth were.

These were all resources used by Su Chen to practice the Nine Dragons War Technique. He did not expect to be able to collect them all at once.


Lin Qingqing nodded.

However, she seemed to have thought of something and said to Su Chen: "Su Chen, there is one thing you must know! The dean of the Shenwu Academy is not in the academy now. The current Shenwu Academy is Moro His Holiness takes charge on your behalf!

Therefore, I advise you not to go to Shenwu Academy for the time being, and wait until the dean comes back before you go! Therefore, you need to wait patiently for a few more days! "

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