Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2916: Coveted, cultivation skyrocketed!

Western Desert.

The yellow sand here is everywhere, dyed pure gold by the bright golden clouds. If you look closely, you can see that the yellow sand is not ordinary yellow sand, but golden sand. It is hundreds of millions of miles in radius, extremely bright, and all of it is fine gold sand. .

Under the setting sun, the Western Desert is extremely bright, as if it is dyed with a bright Buddha's light.

Amidst the endless wind and sand, in a dilapidated temple, there was a crisp sound of wooden fish. Even the roaring wind and sand could not completely cover it up.

Inside the temple, there was a skinny old monk with his eyes slightly closed, tapping the wooden fish and chanting sutras.

It could be vaguely seen that as his chanting sound sounded, illusory figures emerged from the surrounding yellow sand desert. The evil spirits on their bodies seemed to be purified, becoming pure and transparent, and then they saluted the old monk. , turned around and walked into the depths of the yellow sand.

However, there are too many figures emerging from the yellow sand, and even though the old monk has been enlightened for countless years, he has never been able to fully enlighten them.

At this moment, the sound of wooden fish suddenly stopped.

The old monk seemed to feel something and opened his eyes. There seemed to be a mysterious swastika in his eyes.

Characters flash by.

He looked far away, his eyes bursting with blazing light, as if he sensed something, and his whole body became a little excited.

"The Hongmeng Origin Sea is rioting. Is this the manifestation of Hongmeng Chaos? The destined person that the old monk has been waiting for for countless years has finally appeared!"

The old monk whispered to himself.

He stood up, patted the dust on his body, put away the wooden fish, left the dilapidated temple, and walked directly into the yellow sand.

The dilapidated temple behind him was soon completely buried by the yellow sand as the old monk left, and disappeared without a trace.

Magic Court.

This is the ancestral court of the devil, and it is also the holy land of countless demon sects. It gathers countless big demons in Hongmeng Realm.

At this moment, deep in the Demon Court, on a piece of land shrouded in black demonic flames, a figure in black robe slowly opened his eyes.

"Has Hongmeng Chaos manifested itself? It's interesting!"

The black-robed figure whispered to himself.

He looked like a young man with a delicate and handsome face, but his eyes contained endless vicissitudes of life, giving him a deep and profound look.

Measurable breath fluctuations.

"It seems that after countless years, the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor is really coming to the world! Is this Hongmeng Chaos Body the successor you selected? However, the Hongmeng Chaos Body can also become the Hongmeng Heavenly Demon Body. This person It’s destined to be with my Demon Court!”

The black-robed figure said softly.

"Somebody come!"

With a faint drink from him.

Two figures came across the sky from a distance.

"Greetings to the Emperor!"

They were two old men in black robes. They were shrouded in black robes and their faces could not be seen clearly. They could only vaguely see two will-o'-the-wisps dancing in the black robes. They looked extremely strange.

"Go and check the source of the vision, pay attention to the Sea of ​​Chaos, the Hongmeng Chaos Body is born, bring it back!"

Emperor Zun said calmly.

"As you command!"

The two old men in black robes bowed respectfully, then turned and left.

If the people of the Demon Court saw this scene, they would probably be horrified. Although the faces of the two black-robed old men could not be seen clearly, one of them had a golden sun on his black robe, and the other had a silver sun on his black robe. Crescent moon, these two people are the two famous demon lords in the demon court.

Demon Lord and Moon Demon Lord.

Not only are they two powerful masters, but they are both inferior to one person and superior to tens of thousands of people in the Demon Court.

And that black-robed figure is the real controller of the Demon Court now, the master of billions of demon cultivators, known as the Heavenly Demon Emperor!

In the secret realm of chaos.

Qi Yuan didn't know that because of Hongmeng Chaos Body, strange phenomena appeared in the sky of Hongmeng Realm, which alarmed many old monsters.

He felt a little regretful in his heart. Although he used the Chaos Heaven Gate to cover up Su Chen's aura, it was inevitable that Su Chen's aura must still be leaked out.

"This kid really posed a problem for me!"

Qi Yuan smiled bitterly in his heart.

Although he knew that Su Chen's talent was not bad, he did not expect that Su Chen's talent was so monster, even surpassing the Chaos God Emperor.

The same sky for seven days, what kind of state is this?

He could not imagine how Su Chen's Hongmeng Chaos Body could be so perfect. After all, Su Chen had not yet come into contact with the Nine Transformations of Chaos Scripture.

If Su Chen really practiced the Nine Revolutions of Chaos Sutra, would that be enough?

Ordinary Hongmeng Chaos Body, Qi Yiyuan can still protect

Hold on, but once a monster like Su Chen is exposed, it may be impossible for the Chaos Taoist Sect and even the Taoist Court to protect him.

This made Qi Yuan both excited and uncomfortable.

"We must find a way to cover up this child's talent! Otherwise, once this child leaves the Sea of ​​Chaos, he will immediately become the target of public criticism!"

Qi Yuan thought secretly in his heart.

While he was carefully activating the Heavenly Gate of Chaos to cover up Su Chen's aura and protect Su Chen, he was thinking of a way to do it.

Su Chen didn't know what happened at all. He only felt that his cultivation level had improved by leaps and bounds. In the Chaos Tianmen, it was as if he had been baptized by the origin of Hongmeng, which caused his cultivation level to skyrocket and directly reach six levels. Peak state.

Even if Su Chen hadn't deliberately suppressed it, it wouldn't be difficult for his cultivation to directly break through to the Seventh Realm Dao Emperor with the help of the baptism of the Hongmeng Origin.

A few days later, Su Chen finally ended his retreat from the Chaos Heaven Gate.

He opened his eyes, and a mysterious purple light shone in his eyes, like a divine sword, sharp and mysterious, making his whole body exude an inexplicable majesty and dignity!

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