Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2911 Hongmeng Chaos Body, divided into nine grades!

The secret realm of chaos.

On the top of a mountain, there are misty clouds.

Su Chen looked at Qi Yuan in front of him, feeling quite wary.

Qi Yuan is not only the leader of the Chaos Dao Sect, with a high position and unfathomable strength, but more importantly, he seems to be practicing the Chaos Dao.

This made Su Chen a little unsure as to why Qi Yuan saved him.

After all, he had no connection with Qi Yuan, and he didn't believe that such an old monster, a majestic Taoist leader, would save a small person like him for no reason.

"Little guy, relax! If I have any plans for you, do you think you can escape?"

Seemingly sensing the vigilance and anxiety in Su Chen's heart, Qi Yuan turned around and smiled calmly at Su Chen.

"Junior Su Chen, thank you senior for saving your life! I'm just a little curious. After all, my cultivation is low. I don't know why my senior values ​​me so much!"

Su Chen bowed respectfully to Qi Yuan and asked.

He was indeed grateful for Qi Yuan's life-saving grace, but he was also wary of Qi Yuan's purpose.

"Don't worry, you have nothing worthy of my plot! If I have any should be practicing the Avenue of Chaos, right? After practicing the Avenue of Chaos,

You have condensed the Hongmeng Chaos Body again. Although I don’t know what kind of opportunity you got, you and my Chaos Dao Sect are destined! "

Qi Yuan said with a smile.

"Senior, do you want to accept me into the Chaos Dao Sect?"

Su Chen's eyes lit up.

Although he was still wary, the meaning behind Qi Yuan's words was that he hoped that he could become a disciple of the Chaos Dao Sect, which made Su Chen a little excited.

He had made an agreement with the Black Emperor before, and he wanted to take this opportunity to find the important figures in the Taoist court, and together they could kill the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons.

More importantly, Su Chen also hopes to join the Taoist court and become a Taoist disciple.

The Chaos Dao Sect is undoubtedly the most suitable for Su Chen!

However, although he was very moved, he did not agree immediately.

"That's right! You have practiced the Avenue of Chaos. Although your control of the Avenue of Chaos is a mess, you can condense the Hongmeng Chaos Body. This is your destiny and opportunity! Moreover, condensing the Hongmeng Chaos Body is only the first step. The Hongmeng Chaos Body If you want complete perfection, there is only hope in my Chaos Dao Sect!”

Qi Yuan said with a smile.

"Senior, isn't my Hongmeng Chaos Body yet perfect?"

Su Chen asked.

He could do it before

It was enough to feel that his Hongmeng Chaos Body was not as powerful as imagined. Although he was familiar with the Chaos Avenue, Su Chen did not feel the legendary magic of the Hongmeng Chaos Body.

He also heard from Feizhu that his Hongmeng Chaos Body seemed to be in an incomplete state, but how perfect it would be, Feizhu couldn't tell.

"That's right! Although I don't know how you condensed the Primordial Chaos Body, I can definitely say that your Primordial Chaos Body is not yet complete!

The Hongmeng Chaos Body can be divided into nine grades. Most of the condensed Hongmeng Chaos Bodies are only the first grade. They need to undergo nine transformations before they can be completely perfect!

There are also a very small number of people who have condensed the Hongmeng Chaos Body to the second or even third level, but that is extremely rare! It can be said that it is difficult to find in the ages. If it reaches the third level initially, the probability of reaching perfection in the future will be several times better than that of the first level!

As for you, you should be at least the first grade, and may even reach the second grade, but these all need to be tested! As long as you can pass the test, you can join the Chaos Dao Sect and become my true disciple of the Chaos Dao Sect. What do you think? "

Qi Yuan smiled slightly.

"Ninth grade? Dare I ask senior?

, how should this Hongmeng Chaos Body be tested? "

Su Chen's eyes lit up and he asked.

"It's very simple! Our Chaos Dao Sect has a treasure called the Chaos Heaven Sect. As long as you enter the Chaos Heaven Sect, you can naturally test what level your Hongmeng Chaos Body has reached!"

Qi Yuan said with a smile.

Light flickered in his palm, chaos and mist filled the air, and an ancient heavenly gate emerged. It looked simple and mysterious, flowing with bright divine light, as if there were infinite scenes of the birth and death of the universe emerging from the heavenly gate.

This is the most precious treasure of the Chaos Dao Sect, the Chaos Heaven Sect.

"Junior is willing to give it a try!"

Su Chen pondered for a moment and said seriously.

With Qi Yuan's terrifying strength, it would probably be easy to suppress Su Chen. There was no need to lie to him.

Su Chen somewhat believed that Qi Yuan valued his talent. After all, according to what he learned from Feizhu, the Hongmeng Chaos Body was extremely rare in the entire Hongmeng world.

With Su Chen's talent, he is probably one of the most evil geniuses in the Hongmeng world.

Su Chen was also curious as to what level his Hongmeng Chaos Body had reached!


Qi Yuan stretched out his hand and waved, chaos

Tianmen bloomed with bright light, soaring in the void, exuding a mysterious and vast aura.

Infinite chaotic divine light bloomed from the Chaos Heaven Gate, making the entire Chaos Secret Realm seem to tremble.

"Very good! You sit cross-legged in the Chaos Heavenly Gate, hold Yuan Shouyi, and your Yuan Shen will be pure and natural. Don't worry about anything else. I'll test it for you."

Qi Yuan said slowly.

Although he looked calm, his heart was extremely excited and full of expectations.

You must know that he entered this secret realm of chaos not for the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor, but for the Hongmeng Chaos Body.

If the Hongmeng Chaos Body enters the Chaos Dao Sect, that is the hope of the Chaos Dao Sect.

Even if he cannot cultivate a world-renowned supreme being like the Chaos God Emperor in the future, he will at least be a Chaos Lord, enough to establish the status of the Chaos Dao Sect so that other Dao sects will no longer dare to covet him.

Therefore, Qi Yuan came here for Su Chen.

Now, he is also looking forward to it, what level of Hongmeng Chaos Body is Su Chen?

First grade, or second grade?

He had even made up his mind a long time ago. Even if Su Chen was unwilling, he would abduct Su Chen into the Chaos Dao Sect and forcefully accept him as a disciple.

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