Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2907: One against two, dangers abound!

The murderous intention in Su Chen's heart was extremely strong, and he made no secret of his murderous intention towards the Lord of Poisons.

In Su Chen's eyes, the Lord of Poisons in front of him was like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark. He didn't care about his identity as the Lord of Rules, and even attacked a junior like him.

If Su Chen hadn't been alert enough and condensed the fire of chaos, which was enough to burn out all things and block the poison of the Lord of All Poisons, Su Chen would have died under the sneak attack of the Lord of All Poisons.

"It's just you? You're such an ant-like thing, how dare you betray our master. If you don't hand over what you got in the Black Dragon Palace today, I will make it impossible for you to live or die!"

The Lord of All Poisons sneered, his eyes filled with cold murderous intent.

"Snake, bite him to death!"

The Lord of All Poisons said in a cold voice.


The little black snake in his hand suddenly rushed toward Su Chen like lightning.

The black snake was extremely fast, as if teleporting, and was indestructible. It could release extremely terrifying poison. When it pounced, a colorful poisonous mist filled the air and enveloped Su Chen.


Su Chen

His eyes were extremely cold, and he could see how extraordinary this black snake was. Since it was the pet of the Lord of Poisons, it must be extremely powerful.

Because Black Snake's strength is also at the peak of the Seventh Realm, it means that it is not only the peak of the Seventh Realm, but its cultivation has been suppressed by the Chaos Secret Realm.

He slashed with his sword, and the Junlin Sword burst out with unparalleled light and unparalleled sharpness.


The Junlin sword struck the black snake's body, making a sound of gold and iron clashing. Sparks shot out, and the black snake was knocked away, but it suddenly rushed towards Su Chen again.

And Su Chen also felt a powerful counterattack on his arm, causing the Junlin Sword in his hand to almost fly away.


The fire of chaos around him surged, forming a flame barrier and burning out the colorful poisonous mist.

Su Chen was extremely vigilant. In his mind, the Lord of All Poisons was much more dangerous than the Lord of All Beasts. He had to face it with all his strength.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts and the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons came towards Su Chen at the same time, their eyes were extremely cold, and their whole bodies exuded cold murderous intent.

In progress

After discovering that Su Chen was powerful in combat and talented as a monster, they did not hesitate to choose to attack at the same time. They did not hesitate to use the big one to bully the small ones, but they wanted to completely kill Su Chen.

After all, they are all extremely vicious people in Hongmeng Realm. They are not good people at all. Bullying the small ones with the big ones is nothing.


Su Chen slashed out with his sword, and he used the Dao Killing Technique. The whole body and the Junlin Sword merged into one, and a dazzling sword light came across the sky, surging like a celestial river, and quickly joined the Lord of All Beasts and the Lord of All Poisons. Collision, and then violently retreat at the same time.

"Su Chen, leave this Black Flame King Snake to me. Hehe, this is a great tonic..."

At this moment, the flying pig's voice rang in Su Chen's ears, and it flashed forward and pounced directly on the black snake.


Su Chen's heart moved and he quickly spoke.

However, he is not too worried. After all, Feizhu is a Tianxin Dao beast, and he has restored the cultivation level of the Sixth Realm at this moment. Since he dares to take action against the black snake, it means that he has a lot of confidence.

However, the black snake is extremely ferocious and invulnerable. Even regular treasures such as the Junlin Sword are invulnerable.

Helpless, it is not easy for Flying Pig to deal with Black Snake.


The Lord of All Poisons sneered, and the snake-shaped staff suddenly fell down, blazing runes intertwined, and an ancient and mysterious regular divine light spurted out.

The snake-shaped staff in the hands of the Lord of All Poisons is called the King of All Poisons Snake Staff. It is also a treasure of rules tempered with his own blood.

At this moment, the Ten Thousand Poison King's Snake Staff fell down, and the raging Ten Thousand Poison Rules exploded, covering the entire area, forming a highly poisonous field.

Those surging poisonous lights rushed towards Su Chen crazily.

Even though Su Chen had the Dao of Chaos around him and was protected by the Fire of Chaos, he was still attacked by the fierce poisonous light at this moment, constantly compressing the Dao of Chaos.

The Ten Thousand Poison Dao Realm is extremely terrifying. Even if the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons is suppressed in cultivation, the Ten Thousand Poison King Snake Staff still bursts out with extremely terrifying power, as if he has completely revived.

"Old Monster of Ten Thousand Poisons, you actually brought the Ten Thousand Poison King Snake Staff? It seems that you are really confident!"

The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts was also quite surprised. He didn’t know that the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons in front of him was the true form of the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons. He would naturally use the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons to

Keep the king snake staff with you.

He only felt that the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons was very courageous. After all, if this incarnation fell and the Ten Thousand Poison King Snake Staff was left in the secret realm of chaos, it would definitely be an unbearable loss for the Lord of Rules.

The Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons' attacks were extremely ferocious, especially the Ten Thousand Poisons Avenue, which was pervasive and hard to guard against. As soon as he made a move, Su Chen was surrounded by dangers.

"No nonsense! This guy's ambitions are wolfish. If we don't suppress him as soon as possible, he will definitely become a big trouble for you and me!"

The Lord of All Poisons said in a cold voice, with murderous intent in his eyes.

He usually activates the Ten Thousand Poison Dao Domain, releases the ferocious Ten Thousand Poison Rule Divine Light, suppresses Su Chen's Chaos Dao Domain, and rushes towards Su Chen, while using the Ten Thousand Poison King Snake Staff to hit the Junlin Sword hard, trying to use the ultimate With great speed, Su Chen was suppressed.

"That's right. There may be a big secret in this kid's body. Kill him. I'm willing to share this secret with you!"

The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts nodded and said with the same sneer, and rushed towards Su Chen from across the sky.

With the cooperation of the two masters of rules, Su Chen quickly fell into a disadvantage and became increasingly dangerous!

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