Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2904: The Realm of Ten Thousand Beasts, the God-Slaying Sword!


It was like the roar of thousands of beasts, shaking the heaven and earth, and the magnificent aura spread in all directions, causing the void in all directions to tremble at the same time.

The surging chaotic light was dispersed, and it was a vast expanse of white.

There were surging fist marks everywhere, as if covering a world, and it was like billions of meteorites falling, hitting the ground, making a violent roar.

It must be said that the fighting power of the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts is extremely terrifying!

Even if it is just an incarnation, it gives Su Chen the feeling that it is stronger than the three elders of the Xuanhuang Dao Sect.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Killing Fist is the ultimate killing fist, breaking all laws with force.

No matter how many magical powers you have, how many magics you have, I will break them with one punch!


Su Chen's fighting spirit also completely exploded, his eyes were sharp and unmatched. He used the Junlin Sword to perform the Wuliang Shanhai Jue and Xuantian Forbidden God Sword. The sharp sword light illuminated the void and kept slashing down at the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Especially the Xuantian Forbidden God Sword, which turned into a surging sword field, and with the blessing of the power of chaos, each sword light had the power comparable to the full-strength attack of the Seventh Realm Dao Emperor, which was extremely terrifying.

In addition, the Junlin Sword was a treasure of rules. Under Su Chen's urging, it seemed to be completely revived and sharp.

The fierce fist print of the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts was enough to suppress everything, but it was always torn apart by the Junlin Sword.

The two of them collided dozens of moves in an instant like lightning, and they fought evenly!

"This boy has such a monstrous fighting power and such a strong understanding! He can actually use the power of the Chaos Array to bless himself? It seems that it is not so easy for fellow Daoist Wanshou to take him down!"

The Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons exclaimed.

"His sword is extraordinary! It's a treasure of rules!" The cold voice of the Lord of Destruction sounded. "A treasure of rules? There is the suppression of the rules of chaos here. Even the treasure of rules can hardly exert its full power. However, the sword of this boy seems to be a little different. It can actually devour the power of chaos. Could it be a sword of chaos rules?" The Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons pondered for a moment and guessed slowly. "Kill!" The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts had murderous intent in his eyes, but he was extremely shocked in his heart. Su Chen in front of him was too strong, far beyond his expectations. In fact, with the strength of the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts, even if a Seventh Realm Dao Emperor stood in front of him, he was sure to kill him with one punch. But although Su Chen was only a Sixth Realm Dao King, his real combat power was not inferior to that of the Seventh Realm Dao Emperor, especially with the blessing of the power of chaos, and the Junlin Sword in Su Chen's hand, it was even more sharp and powerful, enough to tear everything apart. Even the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts was caught off guard and suffered some injuries, with several sword marks on his arms. This made the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts look very embarrassed. "Ten Thousand Beasts Dao Domain, suppress!" The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts suddenly shouted, with murderous intent boiling in his eyes. Around him, the Great Dao of Ten Thousand Beasts surged, revealing a vast Dao Domain, covering Su Chen. In the Dao Domain of Ten Thousand Beasts, the fierce beasts roared, shaking the earth, and dozens of fierce beasts with terrible auras appeared in an instant, and pounced on Su Chen at the same time. The aura of those fierce beasts was extremely strong, and they had reached the peak of the Seventh Realm Dao Emperor. Dozens of fierce beasts besieged Su Chen at the same time, and the momentum was quite terrible. The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts burst out the Dao Domain of Ten Thousand Beasts, and it seemed that he wanted to kill Su Chen completely! "Kill!" Su Chen's eyes flashed with a sharp light. Facing the fierce beasts that were surging, he did not dodge or avoid. He suddenly shouted and killed them with the King's Sword in his hand. Boom! His whole body seemed to be burning, and brilliant rays of light burst out from his pores, and infinite sword lights rose up.

The vast Chaos Dao Realm also spread from Su Chen's body, competing and colliding with the Ten Thousand Beast Dao Realm, just like the two immortal universes constantly competing, making a roar of destroying the world.

The surging sword light gathered on the King's Sword, dazzling

so much that Su Chen seemed to be fused with the King's Sword.

Above the void, a terrifying sword light hundreds of thousands of feet long emerged, as if it was going to cut the world in half, and it was slashing towards the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts!

Slash Dao Jue!

Su Chen did not hesitate at all. Under the blessing of the power of chaos, he urged the King's Sword to the extreme and directly performed the most powerful Slash Dao Jue.

Slash the sky with one sword.

The dazzling sword light, indestructible, made the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts feel quite amazed, and an extremely solemn look appeared in his eyes.

He also didn't expect that Su Chen could actually practice the Dao-Zhan Jue to such an extent!


The surging sword light fell, and the dozens of phantoms of fierce beasts blocking Su Chen, although their auras were extremely terrifying, were like paper-made under the King's Sword, vulnerable to a single blow, and exploded one after another.

The King's Sword continued to move forward, and even went straight to the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts!


The Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts was furious, and used the Ten Thousand Beasts Killing Fist. The extremely terrifying fist print tore through the sky and destroyed everything. The extremely overbearing power made the faces of the people around him change drastically, and they couldn't help but retreat.


Su Chen slashed the fist of the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts with a sword, and there was a sound of metal clashing, and sparks flew everywhere.

The fist of the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts

was filled with an immortal Dao-principle divine light, grand and immortal, like a metal casting, blazing and dazzling.

"Cut again!"

Su Chen did not retreat, his eyes were extremely sharp, and the raging sword light bloomed from his body, turning into a raging sword formation above the head of the Lord of Beasts. Each sword light seemed to be between Between the virtual and the real, there is a terrifying power that can destroy the soul.

Thousands of sword lights formed an unrivaledly powerful sword array and fell, as if they were going to completely obliterate the soul of the Lord of Beasts.

God-conferring style!

This is the third form of Dao Killing Technique developed by Su Chen. The surging sword light seals the void and seals everything. It is unparalleled in power.

Even the Lord of Beasts changed his color at this moment, because the surging sword light was a complete god-killing sword, and it had extremely strong lethality against him.

In fact, although the Lord of Beasts is extremely powerful, he is only an incarnation after all. His greatest weakness is his soul. The soul of this incarnation is just a trace of the power of the soul from the Lord of Beasts. That’s all.

Although the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts can overwhelm everything with his powerful combat power and Taoist skills, if he encounters extremely terrifying soul attack methods, that will be his biggest weakness!


The turbulent sword light poured down, like the Milky Way pouring down, completely submerging the Lord of Beasts in an instant!

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