Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2895 The secret of the Lord of Poisons!

"You must promise that after I tell this secret, you will let me go!"

The young man in black robe gritted his teeth and said with trembling.

"Let you go? It's impossible. I can give you a pleasure. Do you want to say it happily, or do you want to suffer some torture?"

Su Chen sneered.

"Then kill me. I won't tell you this secret even if I die!"

The young man in black robe was worried and closed his eyes.

"It's a pity that you're dead, but the secret can't be kept! Do you really think there's nothing you can do if you don't open your mouth?"

The flying pig sneered, and then took a big gulp. A terrifying aura that swallowed the sky and the earth came, and it swallowed the black-robed young man into its belly.

Flying Pig is a Tianxin Dao beast that can directly melt the soul and extract memories, so it makes no difference whether the young man in black robe talks about it or not.

After a moment, Feizhu's eyes showed a hint of surprise: "Su Chen, this guy really didn't lie!"

"Oh? What's the secret of the Lord of Poisons?"

Su Chen asked curiously.

"This guy's sister is a protector of Wandu Ancient City. She

I also heard from the protector that this time the true form of the Lord of Poisons seemed to have entered the secret realm of chaos! "

"The true form of the Lord of Poisons?"

Su Chen was shocked.

How can this be?

It is impossible for the Lord of Rules to enter the Secret Realm of Chaos. The suppression of the Chaos Rules here is extremely terrifying. Even the Lord of Beasts only sent an incarnation into the Secret Realm.

In other ancient cities and Taoist courts, although there are elder-level figures, they are at most half-step rules masters, and they are suppressed with secret methods at a great price. In the Chaos Secret Realm, at most they are only half-step masters. Able to display the peak strength of the Seventh Realm.

How did the Lord of All Poisons do it?

"Don't look at me, I don't know how the Lord of Poisons does it! However, it's just that he has some treasure or secret method that can suppress cultivation, hide the aura of rules, and prevent Chaos from sensing it!

This is not the point. The most important thing is that the reason why the Lord of Poisons entered the Chaos Secret Realm in person is because he seems to have reached some kind of deal with the Taoist Court. In the Chaos Secret Realm, it seems to be true.

Some amazing creations! "

Flying Pig said.

This was the news he got from the memory of the young man in black robe. Unfortunately, the young man in black robe had a low status and could not get any useful clues.

However, the real body of the Lord of Poisons entered the secret realm of chaos, which gave Su Chen some more thoughts.

"If I can kill this Lord of Poisons, will the Ten Thousand Poisons Divine Pearl in Senior Black Emperor's body automatically dissipate?"

Su Chen's eyes flickered, and he thought secretly in his heart.

After all, in this Chaos Secret Realm, there is the suppression of the Supreme Chaos Rules. Even if the Lord of Poisons has a treasure to protect him, he can only exert his strength at the peak of the Seventh Realm.

This gave Su Chen a great opportunity.

Also from the universe, Su Chen will not be stingy if he can help. Moreover, after helping the Black Emperor, it will also be beneficial to Su Chen's next plan.

However, he will not force it, and if he cannot kill the Lord of Poisons, he will not take risks.

The collusion between the Lord of Poisons and Tao Ting was beyond Su Chen's expectation.

In this way,

He was waiting for an opportunity to contact the Taoist court, looking for a big shot in the Taoist court, and his plan to kill the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons together might come to nothing.

"The Lord of Poison must have paid a huge price if he dared to enter the secret realm of chaos, and there must be enough reasons for him to go crazy and take risks. Could it be that there really is a Chaos God Emperor in this secret realm of chaos? Inherited?”

Su Chen secretly guessed in his heart.

If this is the case, then I am afraid that everyone in Daoting and the Eight Ancient Cities will go crazy.

For the Rulers, the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor is definitely a temptation enough to drive them crazy.

However, Su Chen couldn't find the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons at this moment. He could only keep this news in mind to see if there was a chance to find the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons, and then wait for an opportunity to see if he could get some benefits for himself.

If it was really the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor, Su Chen would have to get involved in everything.

"Let's go first!"

Su Chen thought for a moment and said slowly.


But at this moment, Su Chen's Tao seed buzzed and trembled, and a strange wave trembled.

The voice of the Lord of Beasts came from among them.

"Su Chen, go to the Black Dragon Pond quickly, there is a creation left by the Chaos God Emperor here!"

The incomparably majestic voice of the Lord of Beasts sounded in Su Chen's mind.

At the same time, Su Chen also sensed the abnormal movement of the regular soul mark in his body.

This is the Lord of Beasts, transmitting messages to Su Chen through the regular soul seal, and also leaving the coordinates of the Black Dragon Pond.

"The creation left behind by the Chaos God Emperor?"

Su Chen's heart moved. The Lord of Beasts discovered such a treasure?

Of course, he does not believe in the Lord of Beasts. The Lord of Beasts may have called him because he needs to use him, so he would not be so kind and want to share his creation with him.

"Just in time, if you don't look for me, I will look for you too! I'll kill this incarnation of you first, and then I can fight for the creation of the Chaos God Emperor without any worries, and find a way to erase the regular soul mark in my body!"

Su Chen sneered in his heart, his eyes filled with cold murderous intent.

He turned around and moved towards the Black Dragon Pond according to the coordinates left by the Lord of Beasts!

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