Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2893 Tribulation!

"Su Chen, you finally released me, but you're suffocating me to death! Where is this? How come there is such a strong source of chaos? This place is not simple. Have we left the Sea of ​​Chaos?"

The flying pig flew out, its wings as thin as cicada wings, fluttering in the void for a moment, and landed on Su Chen's shoulders, looking around curiously.

The Chaos Yuan Eagle also flew out, seemingly very excited, flying around Su Chen, and then lay down at Su Chen's feet very docilely.

"This is the secret realm of Chaos, and it may contain the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor!"

Su Chen smiled slightly.

He introduced the situation of the Chaos Secret Realm.

What surprised Su Chen was that Feizhu's strength was not inferior to him at all, and he had also reached the Sixth Level of Dao King.

I didn't expect that Feizhu would break through so easily after sleeping for a while.

However, considering the identity of Feizhu Taomon, it is not difficult to understand why Feizhu broke through so quickly.

For Feizhu, only breaking through the four realms is a threshold. After breaking through this threshold,

, improving one’s realm is as simple as eating and drinking.

At least there is no bottleneck before breaking through to the rules realm.

"Secret Realm of Chaos?! Hiss... Tao Ting is really good at finding out the lair of the Chaos God Emperor? Little Yuanying, you should be able to feel where the origin of chaos is the strongest, right? Why don't you hurry up and find it? This But it’s your destiny!”

Feizhu took a breath of cold air, his eyes full of shock.

After saying that, he glanced at Chaos Yuan Ying and kicked Chaos Yuan Ying directly.

"Chaos Yuan Ying?"

Su Chen's eyes flashed.

"That's right! It's this guy. Although this guy is a ferocious beast in the Chaos Sea, he has extraordinary blood. He has given birth to the principles of chaos and can understand the origin of chaos. In this secret realm of chaos, this guy is just like the treasure-hunting beast. Same, you should have let him out a long time ago!"

Feizhu explained.

"I see!"

Su Chen nodded.

Chaos Yuan Ying also rubbed Su Chen's arm very affectionately with his beak, and the faint mental fluctuations that came from

, showing that Feizhu was right, he could indeed sense the origin of chaos.

"Then thank you for the hard work!"

Su Chen smiled slightly.

He rubbed Chaos Yuan Ying's head, then jumped onto Chaos Yuan Ying's back.


From the Chaos Yuan Eagle's mouth came a chirping sound that pierced through gold and cracked stone, and it happily soared into the sky and flew towards the distance.

Only now could Su Chen take a good look at this vast secret realm of chaos.

The mountains, rivers and land are vast and boundless.

The mountains are rolling up and down, like giant dragons dormant on the earth. The ancient trees are towering and full of vitality. There is chaos and mist between the sky and the earth, giving birth to the vitality of all things. It looks mysterious and peaceful.

Occasionally, a powerful beast roar comes from a distance, and the breath is terrifying.

Su Chen's perception was very powerful, so before he encountered those powerful beasts, he had already stayed away from them.

He allowed the Chaos Yuan Eagle to fly freely and flew towards the depths of the Chaos Secret Realm.


Su Chen could feel that there was a mysterious atmosphere around Chaos Yuan Ying.

The runes are intertwined, and it seems that you can sense the vast power of chaos around you, and follow the changes in the power of chaos, which is very magical.

As if aware of Su Chen's doubts, Feizhu explained: "Chaos Yuan Ying's bloodline is very special. He has this bloodline of Chaos Kunpeng! And according to rumors, the ancestor of Chaos Kunpeng is the mount of the Chaos God Emperor!

Therefore, the Chaos Yuan Eagle has a very strange bloodline magical power. Not only can it hide into chaos, but it can also sense the strength and weakness of the origin of chaos! If there really is a legacy of the Chaos God Emperor in this secret realm of chaos, it is definitely the place where the origin of chaos is strongest, and the Chaos Yuan Ying will definitely be able to find it! "

"Is it the bloodline of Chaos Kunpeng?"

Su Chen's heart was shocked, and his eyes showed an extremely surprised look.

If he remembered correctly, the Chaos Kunpeng was a natural beast that was more terrifying than the flying pig. It controlled the origin of chaos, could devour everything in the world, and was extremely powerful. It was a legendary existence in the Hongmeng world.

Chaos Yuan Ying actually still has this kind of thing


In this way, Su Chen can be regarded as a treasure.

"I hope Chaos Yuan Ying won't let me down!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart, his eyes full of expectation.


Just as the Chaos Yuan Eagle passed through a valley, a blazing bolt of lightning suddenly burst out from the valley at extremely fast speeds.


Su Chen's eyes flashed with cold light, and he clearly felt that the blazing lightning was an extremely powerful killing technique.

Is someone sneaking up on him?


He punched out, shattering the blazing lightning.

"Who are you, get out!"

Su Chen said in a cold voice with thunder in his tongue.

"Hahaha... You can actually break my Mysterious Fire Thunder? You are quite capable, but your mount is pretty good. Grandpa, I have taken a liking to it. Hand over the mount, and Grandpa will spare your life!"

A loud and arrogant laugh sounded.

Two figures flew out of the valley, like lightning, one after another, locking Su Chen in place, exuding an icy evil aura.

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