Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2878 Chaos Dragon Blood!

Chaos Dragon Blood, this is a treasure that Su Chen heard about from Feizhu. According to Feizhu, Chaos Dragon Blood is a treasure that can be reborn to Su Chen.

Chaos dragon blood was born from the chaos dragon veins.

However, the Chaos Dragon Vein is extremely rare. Even in Hongmeng Realm, the Chaos Dragon Vein is one of the top dragon veins. It is either occupied by those immortal forces or exists in various secret realms and forbidden areas.

The Chaos Sea is also the forbidden land where the Chaos Dragon Vein may finally be born.

After the chaotic dragon veins have been gestated for hundreds of millions of years, the dragon veins transform into spirits and will breed the chaotic dragon blood. Not only can a person be reborn and cultivate into a supreme Taoist body, but it can also make a person's cultivation skyrocket.

More importantly, the Chaos Dragon Blood contains a trace of the power of the Supreme Chaos Rules. If one practices the Chaos Principles and refines the Chaos Dragon Blood, it is tantamount to paving a road to the sky. Before breaking through to the Rules Realm, one can almost There are no bottlenecks.

Originally, it might take hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years for Su Chen to break through to a big realm, but there are

With the blood of the Chaos Dragon, Su Chen's breakthrough time can be shortened a hundred times!

What a heaven-defying treasure is this?

The treasures in the Hongmeng world are divided into: ordinary spiritual objects, Dao treasures, regular divine objects and Hongmeng spiritual objects.

Chaos dragon blood is far more than a treasure of the Great Dao. Although it has not yet reached the category of Hongmeng spiritual objects, it is the top rule divine object.

The Lord of Rules will be greedy for the treasure when he sees it.

Must get it!

Su Chen immediately made up his mind to snatch the Chaos Dragon Blood from Xuanhuang Dao Sect.

Su Chen was surrounded by chaos and mist, blending into the void. He followed the disciples of the Xuanhuang Dao Sect quietly, not far or near, hoping to find out where the Chaos Dragon Blood was.

In the process of following, Su Chen finally understood the purpose of their arrest through conversations with Xuanhuang Daomen disciples.

It turned out that Chen Xuan, a talented disciple of Xuanhuang Dao Sect, accidentally discovered a broken Chaos Dragon Vein, which contained Chaos Dragon Blood.

But the broken chaotic dragon vein seemed to be infected by the evil spirit, giving birth to an extremely...

It is a terrifying evil spirit, capable of devouring flesh and blood, and is extremely terrifying.

Even the Dao King of the Sixth Realm cannot sustain it for long!

However, those evil spirits have no intelligence, only instinct. If a strong person takes action to lure the evil spirits out, others can wait for an opportunity to collect the blood of the Chaos Dragon.

So Xuanhuang Daomen came up with this idea, which is to capture ferocious beasts and strong men from other sects to attract evil spirits. Moreover, the higher the wisdom, the stronger the attraction to evil spirits. The Chaos Dragon Blood they collect There will be more.

This is also the reason why they arrested the people from Wandu Ancient City!

"What a vicious method, using human life to attract evil spirits, and then collecting the blood of the Chaos Dragon. Is this the so-called Taoism?"

Su Chen's eyes flickered with a hint of cold evil aura.

In this way, there seems to be no psychological burden on him to snatch the blood of the Chaos Dragon!

The disciples of the Xuanhuang Dao Sect, suppressing the two people from the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Poisons, flew over several huge mountains, and a chaotic mist appeared in front of them.

There seems to be a dragon in the chaotic mist

The sound of groaning sounded, and it seemed that the roar of a beast shook the world. Looking vaguely, it seemed that there were floating sacred mountains and mysterious shadows gathering in the heavenly palace.

This is an extremely mysterious area, and it seems that no ferocious beasts around it dare to approach here, making Su Chen feel that there is no scent of ferocious beasts within a radius of thousands of miles.

"Chaos Dragon Vein?"

Su Chen's heart moved. He felt that the chaotic principles in his body were operating at a faster speed. The chaotic mist around him seemed to be trembling slightly. There was a certain aura behind the mist that made Su Chen feel friendly and natural. A wave of desire naturally arises.


The leader, Senior Brother Wang, had a solemn look in his eyes. A light flashed in his palm, and a gray shield flew out and floated above their heads, casting down wisps of chaotic light. They protected him.

Then, they stepped into the fog and disappeared without a trace.

"There is an aura of chaos rules, which blocks the detection of divine consciousness, and there is no practice of chaos.

It seems that the avenue will also be blocked and suppressed! "

Su Chen's eyes flashed brightly, and he did not follow immediately, but investigated carefully.

The chaotic fog in front of you is like a wall, which contains extremely mysterious and powerful aura of chaotic rules. Even if it is very weak, it is not something that ordinary people can break into.

The people from the Xuanhuang Dao Sect seem to have some ability to find this place.

Su Chen's eyes were full of vigilance. He remembered what he had sensed before, that there were many strong men hiding their auras in the Taoist court, so he did not dare to be careless at all and slowly walked into the mist of chaos.

Chaos Daoyun filled the air around him, blending into the mist. He was not affected at all. Instead, he felt the aura coming from the front, making the desire in his heart stronger and stronger.

Soon, the vague fog ahead gradually became thinner.

There are mountains and rocks all around, which seems to be a stone forest.

Su Chen's heart moved, and he did not leave the fog immediately. Instead, he activated his eyes of chaos and looked forward.

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