Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2874 The Secret Realm of Chaos!


The huge teleportation barrier enveloped Su Chen and a thousand other people.

Su Chen's eyes flashed with sharpness as he looked at the void barrier above the nine heavens. He could vaguely feel that the vast secret world like a giant cauldron exuded a vast coercion, and its aura was terrifying and boundless, as if Able to suppress everything.

That is the rule of chaos. The power of the supreme rule of chaos is like the power of heaven. Its aura is terrifying and boundless, making the master of the rule feel the tremor in his heart.

Su Chen secretly guessed in his heart, wondering if the power of the rules of this chaotic secret realm could distinguish those who have hidden their cultivation?

It would be best if we could distinguish them and drive them all out.

Especially the avatar of the Lord of Beasts in Su Chen's body is a huge hidden danger to Su Chen. If it can be identified or even eliminated, Su Chen can be completely safe.

But Su Chen also understood that this was just wishful thinking on his part.


As the secret realm of chaos gradually opened, a beam of teleportation light emerged that penetrated the heaven and earth, covering Su Chen and a thousand other people.

An unparalleled power of teleportation erupted, and Su Chen and others

They all instantly rose into the sky and flew towards the vast secret realm of chaos.

During this process, Su Chen could feel that the supreme chaotic rules enveloped everyone in all directions, as if they were identifying and exploring.

That kind of terrifying power made the master of all beasts in Su Chen's Taoism tremble. Although he was somewhat sure that relying on Su Chen's chaos principles, he could withstand the pressure of the supreme chaos rules, but this was Theoretically, the Lord of Beasts is not sure either.

Once identified, all previous efforts are wasted.

The grand chaotic rules bloomed with the divine light of rules, illuminating every corner of Su Chen's body. His meridians, flesh and blood, bones and even the sea of ​​consciousness were all illuminated by the divine light of rules.

In the end, even his three-color Tao Seed was illuminated by the regular divine light, and there were even wisps of regular divine light that wanted to enter Su Chen's Tao Seed.


There is a strange light blooming in Su Chen's three-color Tao seeds, while Su Chen's chaotic Tao is perfect, even tainted with a trace of the supreme chaotic rules. The misty chaotic light is intertwined with the divine light of the rules, just like Common origins.


The divine light seemed to sense that Su Chen's three-color Taoism was also a power of chaos, so it did not continue to penetrate deeper, but dispersed like a tide.


The incarnation of the Lord of Beasts in the Tao Seed was filled with ecstasy.

Su Chen was a little disappointed, but he had already expected such a result, so it didn't matter. But next, he had to figure out how to deal with the Lord of Beasts.

"Look for the divine fruit of rules, and before erasing the soul seal of rules, try to make peace with the Lord of Beasts!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

He thought about how to deal with it next.

Moreover, what shocked Su Chen was that not only the incarnation of the Lord of Beasts, but also many powerful people such as the Netherworld Dharma King, seemed to have the misty power of chaos rising in their bodies, merging with the divine light of the rules, thus deceiving Exploration of rules and divine light.

As the vast power of teleportation exploded, the scene in front of Su Chen and others was blurred and the void was distorted. Soon they disappeared above the Yin-Yang battleship and entered the secret realm of chaos.


When the scene in front of Su Chen became clear, he had already appeared in a strange and ancient world.


This is a wild mountain range.

The ancient trees are towering into the sky, exuding majestic vitality, and the breath of life is incomparably majestic.

The mountains are rolling up and down, like ancient sacred mountains, exuding the aura of chaos. In the distance, there are roars of giant beasts and the screams of divine birds, shaking the heaven and earth.

Vaguely, Su Chen seemed to think that he had arrived in the ancient mythological era.

But the difference was that everyone around Su Chen had disappeared, leaving him alone.

"Is this the Secret Realm of Chaos?"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart, his eyes filled with an extremely vigilant look.


At the same time, the three-color Tao seeds in his body bloomed with brilliant light, automatically turned on, and a mysterious shadow flew out from it.

He is the Lord of all beasts!

The Lord of Beasts exuded extremely powerful aura fluctuations, swallowing the essence of heaven and earth, and his body quickly solidified, and soon his cultivation level continued to skyrocket.

One realm!

Second realm!

Three realms!

At first glance, the Lord of Beasts didn't seem to have any cultivation, but soon his cultivation skyrocketed to the peak of the Sixth Realm, and it continued to skyrocket.

Seven Realms!

Ten thousand

The Lord of Beasts' cultivation had reached the peak of the Seventh Realm. Suddenly, there seemed to be a vast barrier of chaos oppressing the world, making the Lord of Beasts tremble all over.

"The peak of the Seventh Realm, is this the limit of cultivation in the Secret Realm of Chaos?"

The Lord of Beasts said to himself, looking at the Chaos Barrier in the void, his eyes full of fear.

I originally thought that the Chaos Rules only suppressed those who were strong at level seven or above from entering the Chaos Secret Realm. Once they entered, there should be no restrictions. But now it seems that even if they enter the Chaos Secret Realm, the strongest strength they can exert is only seven. It's just the pinnacle of the realm.

Although it has increased significantly, it is still far behind the expectations of the Lord of Beasts.

Then, the Lord of Beasts' eyes fell on Su Chen, with a hint of scrutiny, he smiled lightly and said: "Su Chen, you did a good job! I have entered the secret realm of chaos, and you have made great achievements. What reward do you want?”

Although he looked quite gentle, Su Chen felt powerful in his heart. He felt that the originally silent rule soul mark seemed to be showing signs of recovery.

Does the Lord of all beasts have to attack him at this time?

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