Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2870 Su Chen comes out of seclusion!

Looking at the cold eyes of the Lord of Yin and Yang and the various expressions of the many Rule Lords around him, Qi Yuan, although he still looked lazy on the surface and kept drinking with a big red gourd, was sneering in his heart.

The Hongmeng Chaos Body was the reason why he came in person this time!

For this reason, he even brought the Chaos Heaven Sect. For the Hongmeng Chaos Body and the hope of the Chaos Dao Sect, he would do anything at all costs.

Even the master of yin and yang can't stop him.

While the many masters of rules in the Daoting were busy arranging large formations, setting up prohibitions, suppressing the void passages, and fixing the rivers of time and space, the eight ancient cities were also busy on their own.

Each ancient city has twenty places.

Every quota is extremely precious, and they are all carefully selected by the city lords of major ancient cities. Almost all of them have reached the peak of the Sixth Realm Dao King, and have condensed a powerful Dao Domain.

Not only do they have to compete with the strong men of other ancient cities, but they also have to contend with the powerful Taoist court.


Therefore, the eight city lords did not dare to be careless at all. If they were not careful, they would make wedding clothes for the Taoist court.

Su Chen also left seclusion.

In a few months, he not only successfully practiced the third sword of the Dao-Zhan technique, the Conferring God Style, but also the combination of the Heaven-Destroying Style and the Conferring God Style was able to unleash extremely terrifying combat power.

He even succeeded in practicing the Xuantian Forbidden Divine Sword and the Wuliang Mountain and Sea Art.

Condensing the flawless Tao seeds and controlling the three principles of Tianxin, reincarnation and chaos, Su Chen made rapid progress with great help when practicing Taoism.

Su Chen stepped forward step by step, the sword light roaring all over his body, and countless sword energies were arranged around him, forming a vast sword field.

As he pointed out in the air, the magnificent sword light gathered together and turned into a shocking sword light, which suddenly slashed forward.


The heaven and earth collapsed, and the void was destroyed.

With one blow, everything ceased to exist!

This is the combination of the Conferring God Style and the Heaven-Destroying Style. It has given Su Chen some powerful power comparable to that of the Dao realm. The power is unparalleled. The sword light can

It can also kill enemies when they are trapped, and its power is unparalleled.

There was a hint of satisfaction in Su Chen's eyes.

Although his cultivation level is still at the peak of the Fourth Realm of Breaking the Way, he believes that once the God Conferring Style and the Heaven-Destroying Style are used, even the strongest men at the peak of the Sixth Realm will be killed by him and will not survive.


In Su Chen's palm, another blazing divine light bloomed, and in an instant it gathered into an unparalleled sword light that penetrated the heaven and earth, making the void all around seem to condense. The sword light dispersed around, suppressing everything, combining the virtual and the real, allowing It is impossible to defend against people.

Xuantian Forbidden Divine Sword!

He took a step forward, and the sword light roared and surged, like a turbulent mountain and sea. The endless sword light fell forward, one after another, with unparalleled power, as if it was going to destroy everything, and it was extremely terrifying.

The secret of boundless mountains and seas!

These two seventh-grade Taoist arts also bloomed with extremely powerful power in his hands.

"It's time to get out of seclusion!"

There was a hint of satisfaction in Su Chen's eyes.

He left the ancient world of chaos.

However, just before he came out of seclusion,

Not long after, I felt the sky above the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, the sky and the earth collapsing, the void surging, and a huge ancient ship shuttled through Wangyang.

It is the Yin Yang Battleship.

Next, there is a scene where the eight masters of rules take action at the same time, using the power of the Chaos Sea Eye to penetrate the long river of time and space and open the door to the secret realm.

Su Chen's eyes flickered, and he had a hunch that the Lord of Beasts was about to summon him.

Sure enough, not long after, he felt the regular soul mark in his body tremble slightly, and a vast force rolled him up and disappeared into the small courtyard.

The next moment, Su Chen appeared in front of the Lord of Beasts.

"The Secret Realm of Chaos has been opened. In three days, people from the eight ancient cities and the Taoist Court will enter the Secret Realm of Chaos!

Su Chen, I will integrate a ray of my incarnation into your Tao seed. Are you ready? "

The Lord of Beasts said slowly.

Facing the dazzling gaze of the Lord of Beasts, Su Chen had no room to refuse.

He has no doubt that if

If he dares to refuse or hesitates, the Lord of Beasts will definitely attack him directly and use thunderous means.

Su Chen's face showed a look of extreme surprise and excitement. He bowed respectfully to the Lord of Beasts and said, "Su Chen is willing to die for the Lord of the City!"

"Hahaha... Okay! Su Chen, as long as you bring a ray of my incarnation into the secret realm of chaos safely, I will not treat you badly! Now, sacrifice your Tao seed!"

The Lord of Beasts laughed loudly.


Su Chen said with great respect.

He didn't hesitate at all, the bright light intertwined around him, the chaotic mist rose, and a Tao seed filled with three-color luster slowly floated out.

And when he saw Su Chen's Tao Seed, even the Lord of Beasts couldn't help but shrink his eyes suddenly, showing an extremely shocked look.

"Three great ways, you actually used the three great principles to condense the legendary flawless way?!"

There was a hint of vibration in his voice.

This surprised him so much!

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