Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2863 The second fragment!

In the palm of the Black Emperor's hand, a dark golden fragment appeared. It seemed to be the remains of a certain treasure. It was flowing with chaotic light and looked extremely extraordinary.

On top of the dark golden fragments, there seemed to be a black giant beast, releasing extremely terrifying black thunder, and there was an aura of death flowing.

"This fragment contains the breath of chaos. It should be a fragment of a certain treasure. I found it in the secret realm where I found the Rule Fruit! This fragment can absorb the power of chaos and activate the divine thunder of chaos and annihilation. , unparalleled power!

However, what I practice is not the law of chaos. I can only swallow the power of chaos on my own. It will take hundreds of thousands of years to accumulate a divine thunder of chaos and annihilation, which can kill the powerful in the eighth realm and even severely damage the powerful in the ninth realm. By!

This fragment is of no use to me, but I think you practice the Tao of Chaos. Maybe if I put it in your hands, I can unlock the secrets and it can also become your protective object! "

Black Emperor smiled slightly.

"The Divine Thunder of Chaos and Nirvana? Thank you, Senior Black Emperor!"

Su Chen nodded and put away the fragment.

However, on the surface he appears

He remained calm, but there was a huge wave in his heart, and he was extremely excited.

Because he recognized at a glance that this fragment was from the same origin as the fragment he got from the Taoist Master of Beast Control.

They are all fragments of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron!

The Chaos Ten Thousand Life Cauldron is the supreme treasure of the Chaos God Emperor and one of the most powerful treasures in the Hongmeng world. It even ranks among the top ten on the Hongmeng Treasure List.

Countless people were crazy about it. After the death of the Chaos God Emperor, they even fought to snatch the Chaos Longevity Cauldron.

But the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron disappeared, and many people speculated that the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron should be in the Chaos Sea.

Su Chen did not expect that he would get the second fragment of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron so soon. If the Lord of Beasts and others knew that he had the fragments of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron in his hand, they would probably snatch it away without any regard for shame.

I'm afraid the Black Emperor doesn't know that this is a fragment of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron, otherwise he wouldn't have given it to Su Chen so easily.

Su Chen also became more and more curious about the secret realm discovered by Black Emperor. What kind of secret realm was it?

Fragments of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron?

Does that secret realm have anything to do with the secret realm of chaos mentioned by the Lord of Beasts?

"Senior Black Emperor, do you think there is a possibility that the secret realm you are going to is the secret realm of chaos mentioned by the Lord of Beasts?"

Su Chen asked somewhat speculatively.

"I thought it was possible before! But then I thought about it, it shouldn't be the same secret realm, because the Chaos Secret Realm was discovered by the Taoist Court, and there are restrictions on cultivation. The chaos rules in it limit only cultivation below the seventh realm. Only then can you enter it!

As for the secret realm I discovered, the Lord of Poisons can easily enter and exit. I didn't feel any suppression by the rules, so it shouldn't be a secret realm! "

Black Emperor explained.

"I see!"

Su Chen nodded.

Next, he talked with the Black Emperor for a while, and got a lot of useful information from the Black Emperor. He also learned that there were a total of twenty places in the Ancient City of Beasts.

But ten of the places were given by the Lord of Beasts to the ten most powerful people under him.

These ten people were selected by the Lord of Beasts from among the many Dharma Protectors and Dharma Kings. Many of them have surpassed the

Seventh realm, but suppressed it with secret methods, or self-cultivation, and finally the cultivation level stayed at the peak of the Sixth realm.

They want to break through again after entering the secret realm of chaos to seize the initiative.

According to the Black Emperor's guess, not only the Lord of Beasts is doing this, but also the other seven ancient cities, and even people from the Tao Court, may have such strong men enter them.

These people are undoubtedly the biggest threat.

Therefore, Black Emperor told Su Chen to be more careful.

"Senior Black Emperor, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to save you!"

Su Chen said seriously.

Also from the universe, Black Emperor can even be said to have opened up the way forward and is an ancestor worthy of admiration. Su Chen naturally does not want to see him fall.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you, little friend Su Chen, to show off your power. I wish you inheritance and good luck in the secret realm of chaos!"

Black Emperor said with a smile.

However, his smile was a little careless, and he obviously didn't think Su Chen could save him, but he was still very happy to see Su Chen express his stance like this.

Before leaving, Black Emperor gave Su Chen two jade slips.

Su Chen poked out a line of spiritual consciousness to search, and suddenly his eyes shrank, revealing

A look of extreme shock.

Because among those two jade slips were the Xuantian Forbidden Divine Sword and the Infinite Mountain and Sea Art!

Su Chen never expected that the Black Emperor would give him both of these seventh-grade Taoist techniques.

"Senior Black Emperor, if you give me these two Taoist techniques, will it alarm the Lord of Beasts?"

Su Chen asked worriedly.

"Don't worry! I have access to this level of Taoism, Director of Ten Thousand Beasts, and I also know these two Taoisms! You have a good eye. Xuantian Forbidden Divine Sword and Wuliang Mountain and Sea Art are both extremely powerful Taoisms. This technique is enough to allow you to practice to the seventh level!

If you take it and practice it carefully, you should be able to improve your combat power a lot! I see that you chose the Hunyuan Enlightenment Pill. I think you should not take it for the time being. When you enter the secret realm of chaos, choose a place where the principles of chaos are rich, and then take it again. It may allow you to condense more powerful Tao fruits. !

Before reaching the Seventh Realm, it can be said to be building the foundation. To build the foundation of the avenue, every step must be extremely solid! I hope you can break fate, carry the hope of the heavens and the universe, and open up a way for the heavens and the universe to survive! "

Heidi said with a smile, his eyes full of expectation.

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